Instruction Modes

About Instruction Modes

Instruction Modes identify the teaching method. The nine (9) instruction modes are mapped to CSU Learning Modes. A class note is assigned to clarify how the course is taught to students. 

Review the Instruction Mode Mapping

CSU Fully Online

The default Instruction Mode is In Person (P) when adding new sections in My91. Every state-supported, fully-online course (instruction modes 1, 2, and 10) is available through CSU Fully Online.


All classes area for any term are assigned Canvas shells regardless of mode of instruction. The Canvas shells are “unpublished” by default, which means students do not see it unless the instructor publishes it.

Find more on Canvas settings

Instruction Mode 01 (Online only – Asynchronous)

Class is offered completely online with no designated day/time meeting pattern (TBA).  Class is scheduled with a TBA meeting pattern and location of OnLine.  Meets the requirements for (see Appendix A).

Example: Class is scheduled with a TBA meeting pattern and OnLine location (e.g., ISE 200 sec 85 - OnLine location, Mtg Pat of TBA) and #109 class note [pdf].

Instruction Mode 02 (Online only – Synchronous)

Class is offered completely online with designated day/time meeting pattern.  Class has a location of OnLine. Meets the requirements for (See Appendix A).

Example: Class is scheduled with a meeting pattern and OnLine location (e.g., Location is OnLine, Sat 0800-0950) and #110 class note [pdf].

Instruction Mode 03 (Hybrid – Async & Cmps Mtgs)

Class is offered online with no designated day/time meeting pattern (TBA) with occasional (less than 8 total) on-campus meetings for events and/or exams – may request classrooms as Events or use department’s own rooms.

Example: Class is scheduled with a meeting pattern of TBA and has occasional on campus meetings (e.g. ISE 201 sec 08 – mtg pat is TBA) and #111 class note [pdf].

Instruction Mode 04 (Hybrid – Sync & Cmps Mtgs)

Class is offered online with designated day/time meeting pattern and with occasional (less than 8 total) on-campus meetings (may include TV broadcast) – may request classrooms as Events or use department’s own rooms.

Example: Class is scheduled with a meeting pattern and has on campus meetings (e.g., PH 200 sec 01- mtg pat of F 12-1250) and #112 class note [pdf].

Instruction Mode 05 (Hybrid – In-Person & Async)  

Class is offered with 2 meeting patterns; the first meeting pattern is in person with a designated day/time on-campus location. The second meeting pattern has no designated day/time (TBA) or location.

Example: Class is scheduled with 2 meeting patterns (e.g., SOCI 160 sec 01 - 1st mtg pat of M 0900-0950 in DMH 160 and 2nd mtg pat is TBA) and #113 class note [pdf].

Instruction Mode 06 (Hybrid – In-Person & Sync)

Class is offered with 2 meeting patterns; the first meeting pattern is in person with a designated day/time and on-campus location. The second meeting pattern is on-line with a designated day/time.

Example: Class is scheduled with 2 meeting patterns (e.g., HIST 150 sec 05 – 1st mtg pat of M 0900-1015 in HGH 120, 2nd mtg pat of W 9-1015) and #114 class note [pdf].

Instruction Mode 10 (Online Only – 2 OL Mtg Pat)

Class is offered completely online with 2 meeting patterns; the first meeting pattern has a designated day/time. Location is OnLine. The second meeting pattern is also online with no designated day/time (TBA) and OnLine Location. Meets the requirements for (see Appendix A).

Example: Class is scheduled with 2 online meeting patterns (e.g., INFO 200 sec 81 - 1st mtg pat of T 0800-0850 with OnLine location, 2nd mtg pat of TBA) and #116 class note [pdf].

Instruction Mode 11 (Hybrid – 2 OL Mtg Pat & Cmps Mtg)

Class is offered online with 2 meeting patterns; the first meeting pattern is online with designated day/time and the second meeting pattern is online with no designated day/time (TBA). Both meeting patterns have occasional (less than 8 total) on-campus meetings.

Example: Class is scheduled with 2 meeting patterns (e.g., JS 90 sec 01 - 1st mtg pat of F 0800-0850 and 2nd mtg pat of TBA) and #117 class note [pdf]. In addition, class will meet on campus for midterm and final exam (on-campus meetings may request classrooms as events or use dept. own rooms).

Instruction Mode P (In Person)

Class is offered in person with designated day/time and location. This may include additional online material.

Example: Class is scheduled in person with a day/time Mtg Pat and Location (e.g., SOCI 100W sec 02 - MW 0900-1015 in DMH 226B).