Class Schedule Session Types
State-Support Classes
Regular Session
Terms / Session Code: Fall, Spring, Summer / 1
Regular Session, or state-support, classes funded by the 91ÁÔÆæ Operating Fund and student registration fees (primarily tuition and non-resident fees), are scheduled in all terms (Fall and Spring). Summer terms for regular session only apply to state-supported programs with year-round curriculum schedules that includes required offerings in the summer term. At 91ÁÔÆæ, this includes all the doctoral programs, the MBA, and some Education programs.
Self-Support Classes
Self-Support classes, funded by Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) funds, are scheduled in all terms (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer). There are three types of sessions funded by PaCE: Intersession, Special Session, and Professional Development Courses (PDC). Teaching credential program courses may not be taught on a self-supporting basis.
As funding is available, the CSU-system supports the Early Start Program (Term: Summer / Session Code: AUD).
Terms / Session Codes: Winter / 3W1 & Summer / 6W1, 6W2
Winter and Summer Intersession are compacted sessions that offer academic credit courses between the Fall and Spring semesters to current and former 91ÁÔÆæ students, current students from another university, or community members for college credit without being formally accepted to a degree program through Open University or to gain more knowledge. For summer, the 6W1 session code is used for the first 5-week session and the 10-week session. 6W2 is used for the second 5-week session.
Special Session
Terms / Session Codes: Fall, Spring, Summer / 10W, ONL
Special Session classes, which includes @ 2024 91ÁÔÆæ are offered as a part of a variety of degree, certificate and credential programs to advance the careers of our students through flexible offering models.
Professional Development Courses (PDC)
Terms / Session Code: Fall, Spring, Summer / 12W
These courses are part of professional development programs, which are designed to prepare students to maintain credentialing, advance an existing career, or transition to a new one. For more information, visit their website or contact