ࡱ> ?A>_ 6bjbj:: K8X{9\X{9\bb8&<b<fyyy!######$ GyyyyyG\YYYyF!Yy!YY:,Y :  B.A. - Behavioral Science Major Requirements in the Major 48 Core Requirements 15 ANTH 011 Cultural Anthropology (3); PSYC 001 General Psychology (3); SOCI 001 Introduction to Sociology (3); ANTH/PSYC/ SOCI 193 Behavioral Science in Practice (3); and STAT 095 Elementary Statistics, SOCI/SOCS 015 Statistical Applications in the Social Sciences, or SOCI 102 Introduction to Statistics (3). Anthropology 9 Three courses in anthropology (at least 2 upper division), which may include ANTH 149 or ANTH 165. Psychology 9 Three courses in Psychology (at least 2 upper division), which may include PSYC 018 or PSYC 120. Sociology 9 SOCI 101 (3); two additional upper division sociology courses, which may include SOCI 104. Emphasis 6 Two additional upper division anthropology, psychology, or sociology courses that reflect your interests and that are approved by a Behavioral Science advisor. May include one 91 Studies Course. A 3-unit maximum of individual studies may be used to meet the degree requirements. Three units of 91 Studies Area R, S, or V coursework may be used to meet the Emphasis requirement in the Behavioral Science major. In addition to the above major requirements, students must complete university general requirements (including general education) and complete a total of 120 units. Elective units may be used to complete a minor; they may be selected in consultation with an advisor; or they may simply reflect your interests. We recommend that you complete your 91 Studies Area Z requirement by taking either ANTH, PSYC, or SOCI 100W, although the course does not count as one of your upper division major courses. Only 3 units of Area R, S, or V coursework may be used in your major. Total Units Required for the Degree 120 units Advising Advising for all the Behavioral Science Program is performed by the Department of Anthropology. Please see the Advising Schedule outside of the department office (CH 469) or call 924-5710 for more information. B.A. - Behavioral Science Major Progress-to-Degree Tracker Semester Core Requirements (15 units) Taken Grade ANTH 011 ________ _____ PSYC 001 ________ _____ SOCI 001 ________ _____ ANTH/ PSYC/ SOCI 193 ________ _____ STAT 095, SOCI/SOCS 015, or SOCI 102 (circle one) ________ _____ Research Methods List ANTH 149 or ANTH 165 or PSYC 18 or PSYC 120 or SOCI 104 under the appropriate department below, along with the grade and semester. List all courses by department, number, and name. Anthropology (one course may be lower division) (9 units) _______________________________________ ________ _____ _______________________________________ ________ _____ _______________________________________ ________ _____ Psychology (one course may be lower division) (9 units) _______________________________________ ________ _____ _______________________________________ ________ _____ _______________________________________ ________ _____ Sociology (all courses must be upper division) (9 units) SOCI 101 ________ _____ _______________________________________ ________ _____ _______________________________________ ________ _____ Emphasis (6 units) _______________________________________ ________ _____ _______________________________________ ________ _____ If necessary, additional lower or upper division courses in Anthropology, Psychology or Sociology to reach 48 units. _______________________________________ ________ _____ _______________________________________ ________ _____ 100W (in support of major) ________ _____ Please use this form to keep track of your progress in the major and bring it with you whenever you see an advisor.     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