Curriculum and Course Descriptions

The MS in Data Analytics degree requires 30-semester units consisting of 

  • 5 core courses (15 units)
  • 3 elective (9 units)
  • 2 culminating experience courses (6 units)

Each course consists of 3-semester units. 

Remedial Courses

DATA 200 (Computational Programming for Data Analytics), DATA 201 (Database Technologies for Data Analytics) and DATA 202 (Mathematics for Applied Data Science) are remedial courses. They are designed to improve your chances of success in taking degree-required courses. These courses do not count towards your degree requirements and are graded on a Credit/Non-Credit basis, meaning they will not impact your overall grade point average. All conditional and degree-required courses share the same tuition structure.

You must pass DATA 200 before enrolling in DATA 230, DATA 201 before enrolling in DATA 226, and DATA 202 before enrolling in DATA 220. Successfully passing a waiver test for each course will meet this requirement. Your student status will be updated from Conditionally Classified to Classified once you have passed all three conditional courses or their accompanying waiver test.

Waivers for Remedial Courses

Core Courses (5 courses, 15 units)

The program's core courses, totaling 15 units, lay a strong foundation in essential areas such as mathematical methods, big data technologies, business intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. The following courses are required of any student pursuing the MS in Data Analytics. 

Elective Courses by Specialization (3 courses, 9 units)

The MS in Data Analytics offers two specializations, each requiring three courses in addition to the core courses and the culminating experience: the Analytics Technologies Specialization and the Data Engineering Specialization. For a full list of electives, see the All Elective Courses below.

Analytics Technologies Specialization

The Analytics Technologies Specialization offers a focused curriculum that equips students with cutting-edge skills in database systems, data mining and the application of large language models. By mastering these advanced technologies, graduates are well-prepared to tackle complex data challenges and drive innovation in a variety of professional settings.

Data Engineering Specialization

The Data Engineering Specialization was developed to meet the growing demand for data engineering expertise among local companies; more than 150 Silicon Valley companies having hired our graduates. This specialization equips students with the advanced skills needed to design, build and manage sophisticated data systems that drive modern businesses. 

Culminating Experience Courses (2 courses, 6 units)

Complete either Plan A (Thesis) or Plan B (Project).

Plan A (Thesis)

Students who choose to complete a master’s thesis must enroll in DATA 299A and DATA 299B as part of a two-course sequence. It is the student’s responsibility to find a full-time tenured, or tenure-track, faculty member willing to serve as the chair of their thesis committee. Additionally, the student must secure the participation of at least two other university faculty members for the committee, one of whom must be a full-time, tenured professor. The student must write a thesis proposal and have it approved by the thesis committee and pass the DATA 299A course before enrolling in DATA 299B. The thesis must meet university requirements as stipulated in the 91ÁÔÆæ catalog and in the . It will be written under the guidance of the candidate’s thesis committee chair with the assistance of the thesis committee.

Plan B (Project)

The graduate project is a research or development effort performed by a team of students on a topic chosen by mutual agreement between an advisor and the team. Both DATA 298A and DATA 298B are required. The choice of project topic must also be approved by the instructor of DATA 298.

Optional: Data Analytics Internship (1 course, 1 unit)

DATA 297 Data Analytics Internship

Fieldwork for MS in Data Analytics students. A report is required at the end of the term addressing the goals set at the start of the assignment.

  • Not required toward the degree; repeatable for Curricular Practical Training
  • Prerequisites: Completed 12 units of degree required courses, classified status, in good standing and graduate advisor consent

Data Analytics: All Elective Courses

Complete three or more courses to meet elective degree requirements (9 elective credits). See specializations above for specific courses required for the Analytics Technologies Specialization or the Data Engineering Specialization. 

What is the current Program of Study?

The Program of Study (POS) is a plan of courses to take in sequence in order to satisfy the course requirements of the MSDA degree. After consulting with the program advisor, a full-time student should try their best to adhere to the following POS in order to complete the course requirements in time for graduation:

  • Semester 1: DATA 220, 226, 230, 200*, 201*, 202*
  • Semester 2: DATA 228, 245, 236
  • Semester 3: DATA 255, 266, 298A
  • Semester 4: DATA 298B

* These are remedial courses. 

Additional Resources