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> : B.S. Engineering Advising Hold Removal Form
Please check one
Top of Form
PRIVATE "" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Software Engineering PRIVATE "" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Computer Engineering
Which catalog are you following/ which catalog will you use to complete your major form? ___________/___________
(semester) / (year)
________________________ __________________ _____ SID#________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (MI)
_____________________________ _____________________________
(Phone) (Email Address)
Did you start 91 as a transfer student? ____ Yes ____ No
Please select one of the following options that applies to you:
___ Disqualified (DQed) from Major/91
___ Academic Probation from Major/91
___ Change out of Major
___ This is my graduating semester
___ None of these apply to me
Please enter your most recent 91 Cumulative GPA (if this is your first semester @ 91 please enter 0) ________
Please enter your most recent Semester GPA (if this is your first semester @ 91 please enter 0) ________
I request approval to enroll in the following for ________________________ semester.
I plan to work part time _____ hrs per week or full time _____ hrs, while taking classes.
Department Number Units Prerequisites or Corequisites (CMPE courses only) * (Ex: ENGR 10 3.0 N/A)
___________ ________ _____ ___________________________________________________
___________ ________ _____ ___________________________________________________
___________ ________ _____ ___________________________________________________
___________ ________ _____ ___________________________________________________
___________ ________ _____ ___________________________________________________
___________ ________ _____ ___________________________________________________
___________ ________ _____ ___________________________________________________
Total Units: _______ (Limited to 16 units)
I certify that, to my best knowledge, I will (1) have completed all prerequisites of the above Engineering courses before taking them, and (2) take all corequisites at the same time or have taken all corequisites before taking the above Engineering courses. I understand that I will either be dropped by the instructor or get a failure grade if I take a course without satisfying both of the above conditions.
Student signature__________________________ Date_____________________
Advisor signature__________________________ Date_____________________
Flag-Off Initials ___________________________ Date_____________________
* The list of prerequisites for CMPE program courses and approved technical electives can be found in the school catalog or on the department website at: HYPERLINK "http://cmpe.sjsu.edu/" http://cmpe.sjsu.edu/
** MANDATORY: Please fill out the online advance registration form found on the CMPE website (cmpe.sjsu.edu) with the information youve filled in here. HYPERLINK "https://cmpe.sjsu.edu/content/advance-registrationadvising-hold-removal" https://cmpe.sjsu.edu/content/advance-registrationadvising-hold-removal
If you have already submitted the online form and just need to update the information please check the box. The front desk will be able to process accordingly.
Revised 4/10/17
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