Graduate Forms
- Request for Validation of a Course From Another 91ÁÔÆæ Department Form
Did you take the course(s) after enrolling in the MSCS program? (If not, use the appropriate Transfer of Credit form from Graduate Studies.)
Get approval from your Graduate Advisor
before you register for the course. Submit to the office after you get a grade.
Attach an unofficial transcript and a copy of the green sheetRequest for Validation of a Course From Another 91ÁÔÆæ Department Form [pdf]
- CS 180(H)/280 Request Form
Complete this form if you and your instructor agree on an independent study plan
Email form and outline to Jutomue Quenavah (
- CS 298 Request Form
Action Items Before Completing this Form:
1. Complete CS 297 with a grade of CR
2. Form a committee
3. Make sure you and your committee agree on a proposalUse DocuSign to obtain signatures from your advisor and committee members.
Jutomue Quenavah <> will email you the course information and permission number once the form is signed.
- Oral Defense Request Form
Choose a date at least two weeks from the date you are turning in the form.
Upload your CS 298 report to (review Project Guidelines).
Email form to Jutomue Quenavah (
- ScholarWorks Release Form
Students that submit their CS 298/299 report to ScholarWorks need to have a signed license agreement.
Email to
Graduate Studies Forms
- Request for Validation of Graduate Transfer Credit Form
Complete this form if you:
Took courses before being admitted to the MSCS program
Did not take the courses at 91ÁÔÆæ as an undergraduate
Transferring at most 6 creditsEmail to Jutomue Quenavah ( Please include your unofficial transcripts and a detailed course description
- Change of Classification in Master's Program Form
Complete this form if you:
Were originally admitted as "conditionally classified"
Once you have fulfilled all of your conditionsPlease email this form to Jutomue Quenavah ( immediately after you have fulfilled all conditions. Please attach your unofficial 91ÁÔÆæ transcripts
Change of Classification in Master's Program Form on the GAPE website
- Request for Advancement to Candidacy
Complete this form if you are:
- Fully classified
- Completed CS 200W
- Enrolled in CS 297
View the MSCS Guidelines for Completing the Candidacy Form [pdf] and the Sample Candidacy Form [pdf].
MSBI students please refer to the MSBI Guidelines for Completing the Candidacy Form [pdf].
Please email this form and unofficial transcripts to Jutomue Quenavah (
Request for Advancement to Candidacy on GAPE website
- Request for Course Substitution in Master's Degree Program Form
Complete this form if you have:
Submitted your Candidacy Form
Taking a course that was different from the one listed on your Candidacy Form
Visit GAPE's website to choose between Core Course Substitution or Elective Course SubsitutionPlease submit your form using the following links:
- Verification of Culminating Experience Form
Jutomue will complete the Verification of Culminating Experience Form for students who have passed their Oral Defense. The form will be submitted to GAPE for the student.