91ÁÔÆæ's Information Security Student Club

91ÁÔÆæ InfoSec competed in the UBER CRTC Penetration testing competition, 2017 Western Regional. The participating teams included those from City College of San Francisco, Stanford, Cal Poly Pomona, UC Berkeley, CSU Dominguez Hills, San Jose State University and one other college.

Thanks to Christine Le for her leadership as past InfoSec Club president and for serving as team captain for this competition.

Our long standing friend, colleague and major contributor to 91ÁÔÆæ's involvement with US Cyber Challenge, Alex Levinson, was the Mastermind behind this national initiative and arranged for the opportunity for our students to compete. This 2-Day competition took place at the UBER Headquarters in San Francisco.

91ÁÔÆæ InfoSec club

91ÁÔÆæ InfoSec club

91ÁÔÆæ InfoSec club


In 2013, 91ÁÔÆæ established an . Club members participate in planning and executing the events/programs outlined above.  They are also active in the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) and other enrichment activities.

...from the Desk of 2013 Club President Anthony Langga

This past year we did many things. Among them are the Cyber Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, National Cyber League, Pwned Parliament of Pwnage CTF, and the US Cyber Quest Boot Camps. Most of the activity announcements, etc. has been on Facebook, so if you are not in the yet please add yourself.  As this year concludes - a few updates:

  • The Club is now officially configured network wise to host a Web server. We plan on making our own website and keep a scoring engine for the InfoSec Club Members to help keep track of activity. 
  • We are also officially moving the Google group over to . The LinkedIn page will have the major updates and events for the club. 
  • We are located at Duncan Hall, Room 8 with our own room and computers so always feel free to see if were open for some general social Engineering.
  • We also have some awesome new t-shirts. Look on Facebook if your wondering what they look like.
  • We do plan on attending DefCon, so we do plan on carpooling and getting a hotel together, if anyone wants to join in and bond with the club feel free to message us.
  • We now have a new set of officers once the semester is over for the 2014 academic year. The following for their new positions
    • President: Joshua Wang
    • Vice-President: Matt Chi
    • External Relations Director: Calvin Nixon
    • Treasurer: Armin Boursalian
    • CTF Lead: Your Truly, Anthony Langga
    • Secretary: (None yet)
    • VP of Marketing: TBA
  • We all need to thank our 2013 officers for their hard work this past year. These include:
    • Will Zegers: Our Vice President and his great work in Reverse Engineering on the CTF Team and USCC Boot Camp
    • Flora Lee: Our VP of Marketing and her tenacious leadership in putting the USCC Cyber Boot camps together.
    • Joshua Wang: Our CTF Lead and his major role in scoring us major points on the CTF events and his presentation on Exploit Mitigation in the Boot Camps
    • Dustin Lee: Our Secretary and his support as a TA and major component of the CTF Team
    • Matt Chi: Our External Relations Director and his support as a TA and also a major component of the CTF Team.