Adding Interactivity to Your Courses
This program has now concluded. Please check back for future offerings.
This Spring, we are offering a professional development course for faculty entitled Adding Interactivity to Your Courses. Consider applying if you’re interested in:
- creating more purposeful interactions in your courses (in-person, online or hybrid)
- redesigning your current activities/assignments
- viewing successful sample interactive activities
This 10-12 hour course is asynchronous and self-paced with one in-person kick-off session on February 12th at 2pm.
In order to receive a $500 stipend, all course work must be completed within Spring 2024.
The deadline to apply is February 5th. Space is limited. For more information and to apply: .
Name | Role |
Jennifer Redd | Program Coordinator |
Sara Bakalian | Program Designer & Facilitator |
List of Adding Interactivity to your Courses Program certificate awardees according to semesters:
- Spring 2022
Name Department College Julian Vogel Accounting and Finance College of Business Ferdinand Rivera Math and Statistics College of Sciences Kezban Yagci Sokat Marketing and Business Analytics College of Business Tara Duffy Child and Adolescent Development College of Education Mary Hall Nutrition, Food Science, and Packaging College of Health and Human Sciences Jane Dodge University Library University Library Yinghua Huang Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management College of Business Elisa Mattarelli School of Management College of Business Jessica Fraser Child and Adolescent Development College of Education Janet Tan School of Innovation and Leadership College of Business Amy Ip Meteorology and Climate Science College of Sciences Karthika Sasikumar Political Science College of Social Science H. Gilchrist Film and Theater College of Humanities and the Arts Brian Chavez Bolanos World Languages and Literature College of Humanities and the Arts Cornelia Finkbeiner The Valley Foundation School of Nursing College of Health and Human Science Eva Campo Sahagun Chemistry College of Sciences Vishnu Pendyala Applied Data Science College of Professional and Global Education Katey DeSanti Public Health and Recreation College of Health and Human Science David Wagner Chemical and Materials Engineering College of Engineering Aaron Romanowsky Physics and Astronomy College of Sciences
- Spring 2023
Name Department College Jie Gao Hospitality College of Business Dina Izenstark Child and Adolescent Development College of Education Krissy Connell-Hassett Child and Adolescent Development College of Education Zachary McNiece Counselor Education College of Education Soumya De Computer Engineering College of Engineering Albert Wong Civil and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering Marcelle Dougan Public Health and Recreation College of Health and Human Science Laura Senn Nursing College of Health and Human Science Riana Betzler Philosophy College of Humanities and the Arts Noah Friedman-Biglin Philosophy College of Humanities and the Arts Erik Johnson Humanities College of Humanities and the Arts Marianne Kabir Humanities College of Humanities and the Arts Rosemary Hardin Biological Sciences College of Sciences Jae Chung Biological Sciences College of Sciences Andrew Totah-McCarty Physics and Astronomy College of Sciences Rachel Lazzeri-Aerts Environmental Studies College of Social Sciences Christine Ma-Kellams Psychology College of Social Sciences Jody Ulate Communication Studies College of Social Sciences
- Spring 2024
Name Department College Singmay Chou School of Management College of Business Yu Chen School of Information Systems College of Business Nathan Lupton School of Global Innovation College of Business Danielle Mead Child and Adolescent Development College of Education Joy Foster Child and Adolescent Development College of Education Kim Tsai Child and Adolescent Development College of Education Erin Nokes Communication Sciences College of Education Sravani Vadlamani Civil and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering Christopher Lew Chemical and Materials Engineering College of Engineering Wendy Hales Mora Avation and Technology College of Engineering Jennifer Bean Interdisciplinary Engineering College of Engineering Tridha Chatterjee Computer Engineering College of Engineering Courtney Boitano Occupational Therapy College of Health and Human Science Anji Buckner Public Health and Recreation College of Health and Human Science Gabriela Swamy Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging College of Health and Human Science Jordan Liz Philosophy College of Humanities and the Arts Janet Kitajima Linguistics and Language Development College of Humanities and the Arts Vanessa Fernandez World Languages and Literature College of Humanities and the Arts Alayna Mills English College of Humanities and the Arts Vakini Santhanakrishnan Physics and Astronomy College of Sciences Fredrick Larabee Biological Sciences College of Sciences Hamed Mouseghy Biological Sciences College of Sciences Christine Vega Chicana/o Studies College of Social Sciences Jennifer Diehl Teacher Education College of Education
“The Spring 2024 Adding interactivity to Your Courses was incredibly beneficial to increase variability into my course assignments. Feedback from students reflected how much they valued the use of video announcements, the integration of Adobe Express modalities into assignments, as well as learning about the Hypothesis tool for article annotation. These small changes in assignments and content delivery resulted in large increases in student engagement."
Courtney Boitano, Occupational Therapy Department
"The asynchronous Adding Interactivity to Your Course program was fantastic. Led by Sara Bakalian and Rachel Lazzeri-Aerts, the well-designed curriculum covered a wide range of topics, from the benefits of adding interactivity to how to use a variety of different interactivity tools. The Overview, Resources, and sample Activities provided an excellent foundation for building multiple interactive lessons, reviewed by Sara or Rachel to use in our own courses. I highly suggest participating in any program Ecampus provides - participation has long-term and lasting benefits for not only yourself as an instructor but, more importantly, your students!"
Wendy Hales Mora, Aviation and Technology Department
Semester | Name | Course Number | Course Names |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Ge Gao | COMM 175F | Nonverbal Communication |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Veronica Herrera | JS 132 | Race, Gender, Inequality And The Law |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Laura Guardino | HIST 99 | History Fundamentals |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Erin Woodhead | PSYC 114 | Psychology of Aging |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Debbie Weissman | LIBR 267 | Seminar in Services to Children and Young Adults |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Susan Gordon | POLS 20 | Controversial Legal Issues |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Jason Kaltenbacher | MARA 284 | Seminar in Archives and Records Management |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Ravisha Mathur | CHAD 195 | Senior Seminar in Child Development |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Jennifer Madigan | EDSE 228A | Topics in Collaboration and Transition |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Patricia Backer | TECH 198 | Technology and Civilization |
Sum/Fall 2014 | Mary Poffenroth | BIO 10 | The Living World |
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