Quick Guide to Portfolium
Educator's Guide
Getting Started, Step-by-Step
2. Create a Free Account
To create your own free Portfolium account (in order to access the network, connect with students and utilize the assessment capabilities), visit this URL:
Under Profile settings is your username, your profile will be accessible at: https://portfolium.com/[username]
You can then instruct students to connect with you by sharing your unique profile URL on your syllabus.
Example: Connect with me on Portfolium: https://portfolium.com/[username]
2. Or click on email Invited by your school
If you were invited by your school, you’ll receive an email that looks like this:
Claiming your Courses
3. Claim your courses
After you’ve created your account, log into your Educator Portal. You can access Course Catalog under Assessments. Find your course and claim your course by clicking the flag under ACTION.
After you claim the course, select Year, Term and Section:
My Courses
All of your claimed courses will appear in My Courses underneath Assessments:
This means that the course is NOT PUBLISHED. In order for student to start working
on the assignment, your course must be published.
This green check means that your course is published.
Within ACTIONS, you can invite students to that particular course by pressing the airplane icon or archive your course by clicking the briefcase icon. Once you archive a course, it will still remain underneath My Courses > Archived
Creating an Assignment
Create Assignments:
Once your courses are claimed, create an assignment. by clicking on the eye icon next
to assignments or clicking on the phrase, “...create your first assignmentâ€
Creating an Assignment:
You can create as many assignments you want but we recommend that the project/assignment is a SIGNATURE/CAPSTONE PROJECT. This is NOT meant to be used for small, everyday assignments.
Publishing your course:
Publishing your course is important. And if you’re not sure if a course is published or not, check the banner that appears in your course top-right corner:
*Just remember that once you publish your course, your assignments will be populated as a call to action on students’ profiles. To prevent any confusion on student’s part, you cannot edit the assignments once it’s published. So make sure to ensure the edits are finalized before you publish your course.
Inviting Students:
You can invite students in different ways. You can first include the link in an email that you send to your students.
Email Invite Example:
Or, you can include the link in your syllabus or your course website as well.
Student's View
Students will see
Once the student clicks on the link, they will see the confirmation for your class enrollment on the bottom left.
The student will also see the assignments appear in their profile as a call-to-action to work on their assignment
Educator's Guide
Reviewing your students' work
Reviewing Entries
Once your students complete their assignments, you will be able to review their work without opening up a new window or tool.
Just click on each assignment to review their work:
Once you click on the assignment, you’ll see their entry. Here, you can score and give feedback:
Embedding entries in other places
This 3 minute youtube video will show you how: - EMBED PORTFOLIO ENTRIES DIRECTLY ON TO YOUR COURSE WEBSITE
Hover over a portfolio entry and click the brackets to get the code to to embed the entry on your site
Assessment Steps
Claim your course and assign the Term/Section - CREATE YOUR ASSIGNMENTS
Make sure to finalize it.Once the course is published, you can’t edit the assignment.
!This is important! Don’t forget this step!
List the link provided to your students via email or on the syllabus - REVIEW AND GIVE FEEDBACKS
You’ll have forever access to your students’ best works! Embed it in your LMS or anywhere