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Or instructor consent.Course Description (edited from the catalog) Classical antiquity; medieval thought; the School of Salamanca; the development of mercantilist thought and its critics; physiocracy; the French, Italian, and Scottish Enlightenments; Adam Smith and his critics; Malthus, Say, Ricardo, and the development of classical political economy and its critics; socialism, including Ricardian socialists and Karl Marx, and their critics; the English and German historical schools; the marginalist revolution; the development of neoclassical economics, including the Austrian and Swedish schools; Thorstein Veblen and institutionalism; Schumpeter, Sraffa and neo-Ricardianism; and monetary theory from David Hume and the quantity theory of money to Keynes and the Keynesian revolution. Course of Study Although we focus on the major schools of thought and the principal authors and their writings, we also take time to study traditions and writers outside of the mainstream. We look at both theory (e.g., David Ricardo and comparative advantage) and policy (e.g., free trade vs. protection), and although our main focus is on positive economics, there is some treatment of normative questions like justice and equity. We discuss economic ideas with reference to the intellectual milieu (e.g., the Scottish Enlightenment of which Adam Smith was a principal figure), institutions (e.g., the mercantile system that was the dominant economic system at the time Smith wrote), and the economic and social conditions that characterized the times when these writers lived (e.g. Britains key role in the eighteenth-century transatlantic economy). We go back as far as the Ancient Greeks and take the story up to John Maynard Keynes, and we look at how various authors have approached perennial questions in different ways. Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives (SLO) The goal is to promote economic understanding (Econ SLO 1). Specifically, students are expected to gain familiarity with analytical methods and model-based argument and the nature of and reasons for different methodological approaches (Econ SLO 1.3). Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: (1) Understand the evolution of economic thought and, specifically, changing perspectives on the role of markets and the state in the economy; and (2) How and why those views have changed over time. Each course learning outcome is associated with all three components to the grade. AssignmentCLOs AssessedResearch Paper1,2Quizzes1,2Two Shorter Exams1,2Final Exam1,2 Course Format In-person classes and exams. Texts/Readings Textbook I require you to buy one book for this course. We use Alessandro Roncaglia, A Brief History of Economic Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2017), which is available for purchase, new or used, or for rent, from the publisher or one of a number of retailers online. It is also available as an e-book.  HYPERLINK "https://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/economics/history-economic-thought-and-methodology/brief-history-economic-thought?format=PB" https://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/economics/history-economic-thought-and-methodology/brief-history-economic-thought?format=PB We work our way through the book, with an emphasis on certain key thinkers and concepts. Do not confuse this book with two other books by this author, The Wealth of Ideas: A History of Economic Thought (2005) and The Age of Fragmentation: A History of Contemporary Economic Thought (2019). Other Readings I distribute handouts that I expect you to read alongside the textbook. Course Requirements and Assignments Success in this course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum of 45 hours over the length of the course (normally three hours per unit per week) for instruction, preparation/studying, or course related activities. More details about student workload can be found in  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/docs/S16-9.pdf" University Policy S16-9, Course Syllabi at  HYPERLINK "/senate/docs/S16-9.pdf" /senate/docs/S16-9.pdf. Course Requirements and Assignments (contd) There are three components to your grade: three examinations (65%), your ten best quizzes (10%), and a research paper (25%). The three exams consist very largely, if not entirely, of multiple-choice questions created by your instructor. The two shorter exams on Tuesday, October 1 (worth 20%) and Tuesday, November 5 (also worth 20%) emphasize what we have covered in the previous five weeks. The final exam on Friday, December 13, 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM (worth 25%) is comprehensive but with a major emphasis on the history of economic thought since 1870. There are at least fifteen objective quizzes worth 10%. Each quiz is worth one point, allowing students to drop or miss at least five quizzes. Quiz scores are calculated pro rata so that 10/10 on a quiz is worth one point, and 5/10 is worth half-a-point. Quizzes are based chiefly on the assigned readings and lectures. The questions emphasize key ideas and writers in the history of economic thought. There are no make-ups for any quizzes. The research paper on a thinker, concept, or school of thought (6-10 pages, including bibliography and references) is worth 25 points (25% of your total score), of which five points are allocated for the proposal, which includes the sources that you propose to consult, for my approval by 6 PM on Tuesday, October 8. The paper itself is due by 6 PM on Thursday, November 14. The Writing Center is there to help you.  HYPERLINK "/writingcenter/" /writingcenter/ Delineation of Workload for Four-Unit Course The course is a four-unit course. Following is a breakdown of the workload across the units: Course Component Student WorkInstructor EngagementRegular 3 units (9hrs/wk)Reading, Reading Discussions, Quizzes, ExamsPrepare and deliver weekly material for in-class Prepare and guide students through discussions and quizzes Evaluate student work and provide specific and actionable feedbackActivity 1 unit (3hrs/wk)Research Paper (including, proposal and final draft)Provide general guidance to students with designing papers Meet with students about their proposals Evaluate student work and provide specific and actionable feedbackGrading Information Converting number grades to letter grades: 95% to 100% A plus90% to 94% A85% to 89% A minus80% to 84% B plus75% to 79% B70% to 74% B minus65% to 69% C plus60% to 64% C55% to 59% C minus50% to 54% D plus45% to 49% D40% to 44% D minusF 39% and belowIf every student does first-rate work, Id be delighted to award everyone an A. I am happy to help you. If you experience any difficulty in this course, please do not hesitate to come to me for help. I am available after our class and by appointment, and I am always happy to clarify difficult concepts, resolve any lingering confusion, or otherwise assist you in making this course enjoyable and rewarding. A minimum aggregate GPA of 2.0 91 Studies (R, S, & V) shall be required of all students as a graduation requirement. To see full text, review HYPERLINK "91 & DA 2022-2023/JMB Hist Econ Thought fall 2022/91 & DA 2021-2022/JMB Hist Econ Thought fall 2021/91 & DA 2020-2021/JMB Hist Econ Thought fall 2020/91 & DA 2020-2021/JMB Hist Econ Thought fall 2020/Backup_MarkBrady/Desktop/91 & DA 2019-2020/JMB Hist Econ Thought fall 2019/91 & DA 2017-2018/JMB Econ Hist Europe spring 2018/91 & DA 2016-2017/Documents/Downloads/University Policy S11-3"University Policy S11-3 at  HYPERLINK "/senate/docs/S11-3.pdf" /senate/docs/S11-3.pdf Classroom Protocol Class attendance is not mandatory and will not directly affect a students grade. However, students who miss several classes, in addition to dropping quizzes, will very likely consign themselves to doing extremely poorly on their examinations. I therefore strongly encourage students to attend fully every class. Please note that the university is closed for Labor Day (Monday, September 2), Veterans Day (Monday, November 11), and the Thanksgiving Holiday (on Wednesday, November 27 the campus is open but it is a non-instructional day, and on Thursday-Friday, November 28-29, the campus is closed). University Policies  HYPERLINK "/students/" /students/ Dropping and Adding Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drop, grade forgiveness, etc. Refer to the current academic years Catalog at  HYPERLINK "https://catalog.sjsu.edu/" https://catalog.sjsu.edu/ Add/drop deadlines can be found on the Registrars fall 2024 calendar here: HYPERLINK "/registrar/calendar/fall-2024.php"/registrar/calendar/fall-2024.php And the academic year 2024-25 calendar is here: HYPERLINK "/provost/docs/Academic-Calendar-2024-25.pdf"/provost/docs/Academic-Calendar-2024-25.pdf Undergraduate Late Drop and Semester Withdrawal is available at  HYPERLINK "/ue/student-petitions/drops/index.php" /ue/student-petitions/drops/index.php Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for dropping classes. Information about the latest changes and news is available at the  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/advising/" Advising Hub at  HYPERLINK "/advising/" /advising/ University Policies (contd) Consent for Recording of Class and Public Sharing of Instructor Material  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/docs/S12-7.pdf" University Policy S12-7,  HYPERLINK "/senate/docs/S12-7.pdf" /senate/docs/S12-7.pdf, requires students to obtain instructors permission to record the course. Common courtesy and professional behavior dictate that you notify someone when you are recording him/her. You must obtain the instructors permission to make audio or video recordings in this class. Such permission allows the recordings to be used for your private, study purposes only. The recordings are the intellectual property of the instructor; you have not been given any rights to reproduce or distribute the material. Course material developed by the instructor is the intellectual property of the instructor and cannot be shared publicly without his/her approval. You may not publicly share or upload instructor generated material for this course such as exam questions, lecture notes, or homework solutions without instructor consent. Academic integrity Your commitment as a student to learning is evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University. The HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/docs/F15-7.pdf"Universitys Academic Integrity policy, located at  HYPERLINK "/senate/docs/F15-7.pdf" /senate/docs/F15-7.pdf, requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The HYPERLINK "http://dev.sjsu.edu/studentconduct/"Student Conduct and Ethical Development website is available at  HYPERLINK "/studentconduct/" /studentconduct/ Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another persons ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include your assignment or any material you have submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that 91s Academic Policy S07-2 requires approval of instructors. Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/aec/"Accessible Education Center (AEC) at HYPERLINK "/aec/myaeclogins/student-myaec.php"/aec/myaeclogins/student-myaec.php to establish a record of their disability. Course Scheduleand this is subject to change with fair notice (announcement in class) WeekDatesTopics, Readings, Exams, Deadlines1Sunday, August 18 Monday, August 19 Wednesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 21 August 22Advance Registration ends, Last Day to Drop for 100% Refunds Academic year beginsFall semester begins First Day of Instruction Late Registration begins on My91 at 7am Introduction to the history of economic thought2Friday, August 30 Saturday, August 31 August 27 & 29Waitlist ends Permission number is required to add a class Classical antiquity; the medieval scholastics; the school of Salamanca3 September 2 September 3 & 5Labor Daycampus closed Mercantilist thought; departures from the mercantilist orthodoxy4September 10 & 12The Age of Enlightenment, the French economists, including the physiocrats5Tuesday, September 17 Wednesday, September 18 Thursday, September 19 September 17 & 19Last Day to Drop Classes without a "W" Grade and Last Day to Add Classes via My91; Last Day to submit Audit | Credit/No-Credit Option Request (DocuSign); Last Day to submit Instructor Drops Enrollment Census Date (No Enrollment allowed) Late Add Post Census Request required; Petition on Forms page at 9 am Late Drop/Semester Withdrawal Petition Required begins: Undergraduate Graduate Adam Smith6September 24 September 26Economic science at the time of the French revolution T.R. Malthus and J.-B. Say7Tuesday, October 1 October 3First (shorter) exam (20%) David Ricardo and the English (British) classical school8Tuesday, October 8 October 8 & 10 Friday, October 11A typed proposal for your research paper, to include the sources that you propose to consult, is due for my approval by 6 PM Departures from the Ricardian orthodoxy, Nassau W. Senior, Oxford-Dublin school Graduate Application Deadline to Qualify for Priority Registration for Undergrads9October 15 October 17English historical economics: The rise of economic history and neomercantilism The land question (Henry George), free trade vs. protection, free and unfree labor10October 22 & 24The Ricardian socialists; Karl Marx, Marxism after Marx11October 29 October 31The critics of socialism and the socialist calculation debate (L. Mises, F. A. Hayek) The marginalist revolutionKarl Menger, W. S. Jevons, and Lon Walras12Sunday, November 3 Tuesday, November 5 November 72 AM: Clocks go back by one hour (PDT ( PST) Second (shorter) exam (20%) The Austrian school; Knut Wicksell; P. H. Wicksteed13 Monday, November 11 Thursday, November 14 November 12 & 14Veterans Day observedcampus closed The research paper is due by 6 PM General economic equilibrium; Alfred Marshall and the Cambridge [UK] school14Monday, November 18 November 19 November 21Semester Withdrawal Deadline; Late Enrollment Post Census ends J. B. Clark, Thorstein Veblen, F. H. Knight and the Chicago school John Maynard Keynes; Joseph Schumpeter15November 26 Wednesday, November 27 November 2829Piero Sraffa and Neo-Ricardianism Non-Instructional Daycampus open Thanksgiving Holidaycampus closed; Rescheduled Holidaycampus closed16December 2 & 4Last week of classLessons learned and open questions17Monday, December 9 Tuesday, December 10 December 11-13, 16-17 Friday. December 13 Last Day of Instruction Last Day to Complete Coursework for Incomplete Grades; Study/Conference Day Final exams; Wednesday, December 18: Final exams make-up day Final exam (25%) DMH 166 9:45 AM 12:00 PM      -  PAGE 2 - Econ 190-01 History of Economic Thought, TTh 10:30 11:45 AM 1278:;<=XYabcdefstxy}~ɾ߾|qf[SL hF+hJhh %CJaJhdha #CJaJhdhs~CCJaJhdhF3CJaJhdhdCJaJhdhO~CJaJhdhsCJaJhdhJCJaJhdhSKCJaJhdhn CJaJhdhCJaJhdhg!CJaJhdh@CJaJhdhFCJaJhF+hsCJaJhF+hFCJaJ2YyeZ x$IfgdSUkd$$Ifl0D%0 t%44 layt x$IfgdcD4 $@& IfgdcD4gdJ $<]^gdT $]^gdF     # $ 5 6 7 M N \ _ a b c d e f i k l m n o p q r s u ׺׳ hF+ha # hF+hX{hM,hE hF+hhh % hF+h hF+h*hF+h* 0JB*fHphq hF+h* jhF+h* U hF+h b hF+hF hF+hlShF+hFaJ5=Ukd$$Ifl0D%0 t%44 layt x$Ifgd(a $@& IfgdcD4UkdR$$Ifl0D%0 t%44 layt M N \ zpx$If]pgd < $@& IfgdcD4Ukd$$Ifl0D%0 t%44 layt $Ifgd x$IfgdX =Ukd$$Ifl0D%0 t%44 layt x$Ifgds0 $@& IfgdcD4UkdH$$Ifl0D%0 t%44 layt      2 L M s   ! 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