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My goal is to teach you how economic analysis can be used to evaluate actions taken by individuals and the government. Topics to be discussed include fundamental concepts of economics such as scarcity and opportunity cost; individual and international trade; the role of prices in allocating goods and services; applications of supply and demand to public policy issues including the minimum wage, rent control, and price gouging laws; characteristics of capitalism and socialism; GDP, inflation, unemployment; basic macroeconomic model of aggregate supply and demand; fiscal policy; Classical, Keynesian, New Keynesian, New Classical, and Austrian models of the economy; overview of money, the Federal Reserve, and monetary policy. My method is to teach this class from a philosophical and practical point of view. I will not focus on the mathematics. I want you to have an intuitive understanding rather than a mechanical understanding. However, you will be expected to learn and apply the basic supply and demand model (graph) and the basic AS-AD model (graph). I understand that students have different learning styles. Some learn by reading (verbal), others by listening (auditory), and still others primarily by doing. I do my best to address all styles of learning by incorporating lectures, class discussion, group problem-solving exercises, simulations, and videos throughout the quarter. I will assign numerous short readings and show videos and video clips on various policy topics. The goal of these readings and videos/video clips is to make you think critically and to look at issues from a perspective you probably have not considered before this class. COURSE GOALS AND STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES (SLOs) My primary goal in a principles class is to teach you to think like an economist. This skill can take you very far in the business, government and nonprofit sectors alike as well as in your personal life. Specific SLOs that the Economics Department emphasizes in this class include: Incentives Matter (law of demand; law of supply; rational decision makers weigh marginal costs versus marginal benefits; the power of self-interest) Opportunity Cost (sunk costs; production possibilities; the free-lunch fallacy; tradeoffs in consumption and production; grains from interpersonal and international trade; comparative advantage.) Supply and Demand (understanding the S&D model as a representation of individual choices in exchange based on individual preferences, knowledge and circumstances; ability to examine current events using S&D tools; movement along a curve versus shift; welfare analysis.) By the end of the semester you should be able to analyze personal situations, listen to the news, discuss public policy, and have conversations with your friends and family using the economic way of thinking. UNIVERSITY HONOR CODE Students are expected to be familiar with the 91 Policy on Academic Dishonesty which can be found in the University Schedule of Classes and the University Catalog. The Department of Economics Academic Fairness Standards states: An individual instructor who discovers, or is presented with, conclusive evidence of cheating shall assign a course grade of F, and inform the Chairman of the Department the reasons for the grade and for further disciplinary action. Plagiarism is defined as the act of representing the work of another as ones own (without giving appropriate credit) regardless of how that work was obtained and submitting it to fulfill academic requirements. Plagiarism at 91 includes but is not limited to: 1. The act of incorporating the ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs or parts thereof, or the specific substance of anothers work, without giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as ones own work, knowingly or unknowingly or 2. Representing another persons scholarly or artistic works as ones own. Plagiarism is unacceptable. The instructor will discuss any instances of suspected plagiarism with the student involved and apply appropriate sanctions. Evidence of plagiarism will result in course failure and may also result in expulsion from San Jose State University. To avoid plagiarism, a good rule of thumb is to use quotes and citations if you use five words from someone else. CAMPUS POLICY IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN DISABLITIES ACT If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please talk to me as soon as possible. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the Accessible Education Center at  HYPERLINK "/aec/" /aec/ to establish a record of their disability. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS I expect all students to behave professionally during class. This means that I will not tolerate cell phone/Apple watch text messaging, catching up on social media during class or looking at irrelevant websites on your laptop, reading the school newspaper or other materials, or talking while another student is asking a question, during a video, or when I am lecturing. Talking is very disruptive to students who want to learn and to me as the instructor. I will not tolerate any sleeping or heads down during class. If you get tired, go outside and walk around until you wake up. If you get bored, please do not let me know that by putting your head down on your desk. I would rather you leave the classroom. NO CELL PHONES WILL BE ALLOWED TO BE OUT DURING CLASS. IF YOU NEED TO TEXT OR CALL, GO OUTSIDE PLEASE. IF YOU NEED TO USE A LAPTOP/TABLET, YOU MUST SIT IN THE FIRST ROW (ACROSS) AND LAPTOPS/TABLETS WILL ONLY ALLOWED TO BE OPENED DURING CERTAIN TIMES*. IF YOU ARE TEXTING, ON YOUR LAPTOP/TABLET WHEN IT IS TO BE CLOSED, OR LOOKING AT IRRELEVANT WEBSITES WHEN IT IS OPEN, I WILL ASK TO YOU LEAVE MY CLASS. Also be realistic about your personal discipline and commitment to this class. If you know that you will not be focused or if your job/extracurricular activity/other commitments will make it difficult for you to attend class, pay attention, or to stay the entire time, you should take this class at another time. REQUIRED BOOKS Economics Today: The Macro View, 20th with MyEconLab by Miller The Economics of Macro Issues, 8th edition by Miller and Benjamin Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt (any edition) UNIVERSITY POLICIES AND CALENDAR Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drop, grade forgiveness, etc. Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for dropping classes. Academic Calendar:  HYPERLINK "/provost/docs/Academic_Calendar-AY2023-24.pdf" /provost/docs/Academic_Calendar-AY2023-24.pdf Important Deadlines:  HYPERLINK "/registrar/calendar/spring-2024.php" /registrar/calendar/spring-2024.php Add/Drop:  HYPERLINK "/ue/student-petitions/drops/index.php" /ue/student-petitions/drops/index.php Information about the latest changes and news is available at the Advising Hub at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/advising" http://www.sjsu.edu/advising. GRADES AND MAKEUP POLICY Five tests: the highest three will count(even if you get an A on the first four tests, I highly recommend that you do not slack off. The Final will cover material from all the tests and you are required to take the Final) 100 points each Final (comprehensive plus remaining material after Test 5*): 300 points total Your grade will be based on: The three highest of five tests. Tests will typically have 65-80 multiple choice questions. Whatever percentage you get on the test will be taken out of 100 points. So, you can get a maximum of 300 points for the test portion of your grade. If you do not complete a test REGARDLESS of your reason, you will get a zero. However, I DROP two tests with no penalty. The multiple choice Final. Whatever percentage you get on the Final will be taken out of 300 points. So, you can get a maximum of 300 points for the Final portion of your grade. There is a maximum of 600 points in the class. Whatever percentage you get out of 600 points will determine your semester grade. GRADING SCALE A+: 96.5100 D: 59.569.4 A: 92.596.4 F: 59.4BELOW A-: 89.592.4 B+: 86.589.4 B: 82.586.4 B-: 79.582.4 C+: 76.579.4 C: 72.576.4 C-: 69.572.4 WARNING!!!!! *You will not be allowed to take a test/Final early or later. NO EXCEPTIONS I will not drop you after the official drop date because of poor performance or missing scores. ATTENDANCE It is up to you to measure the costs and benefits of your class attendance. However, I highly recommend regular attendance because the tests will cover more than just the readings. So, there is a cost to missing class. If I were you, I would exchange phone numbers/email addresses with other members of the class. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed if you are absent or late or if you leave early. Do not assume anything regarding the schedule. I reserve the right to change my schedule and the topics that I will cover. I will always give you notice if there are any changes, but if you are absent the next class meeting or if you come in late or leave early, there could be another change to the schedule while you are gone. Bottom line: if you come in late and I am already talking, assume I made an important announcement and ask me during the break or after class if indeed I did make any announcements. If you have to leave early, send an email to me or someone you trust to make sure that I did not change my mind about the schedule or make any further announcements. It is always a good idea to send an email to me or someone you trust to confirm what we covered if you are absent for the entire class. Final is on THURSDAY (MORNING), DECEMBER 12 at 9:45AM in the same classroom HYPERLINK "/classes/final-exam-schedule/"/classes/final-exam-schedule/ NO EXCEPTIONS OR CHANGES! SCHEDULE AND AGENDA See my Canvas site for the Topics file which lists what will be covered for each of the five tests (book chapters, lecture notes, readings, and videos). I will give you a tentative date for the first test and then I will give you updates for the remaining four test dates.    $ % ) . / 0 1 Źwnen\wSnSJFh^Kh^K5CJaJhh)5CJaJht5CJaJh@5CJaJhE5CJaJh5CJaJh5CJaJhx`CJOJQJaJhECJOJQJaJhjCJOJQJaJhh)CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh,CJOJQJaJhh)hh)56CJOJQJaJhh)5CJOJQJaJhhh)5CJOJQJ % / 0 1 P  p 7$8$H$gd]@ ^`gd` p@ pgd[Y$a$gdh)gdh)1 < = A O P X Z [   * h n . p q  PQľ}q}q}c}}}}}h]@h]@56CJaJh]@h]@6CJaJh]@h]@CJaJh]@56CJaJhIB56CJaJhh)56CJaJhh) hh)5 hC+CJ h[YCJ h`CJ hECJ hC+5CJhw;hrJ0JCJjhrJCJU hrJCJ h3CJ hh)CJ hh)5CJ&p q PQ34RS 7$8$H$gdzgdIB 7$8$H$gdIBgdh)gd]@QKM+234>QRSUgIJij̽|||hjhIB5CJ\aJhrJCJaJhjhIBCJaJhIBCJaJhIB56CJ\aJhrJ56CJ\aJhjhIB56CJ\aJhh)CJaJ h]@h]@ *h]@h]@5CJaJh]@h]@5CJaJh]@h]@CJaJ0-:@Skmx{}GHI}}ohS{hz56CJaJhuDhz5CJaJhrJCJaJhzCJaJhuDhzCJaJhuDhz5CJ\aJhi5hz56CJ\aJh3CJaJhjhIB56CJaJhrJ56CJaJhIB56CJaJhjhIBCJaJhIBCJaJ(HIRSTkl5!6!!!5"6"7""""gd%~ gdh)gdrJ 7$8$H$gdrJ 7$8$H$gdz  %&RSTcdkl+>?OVWab N V Z d !$!5!~rrrrh%~ h%~ 5CJaJ *h`5CJaJ *h%~ h%~ 5CJaJh%~ h%~ CJaJhh)CJaJhcY56CJaJhh)56CJaJhz6CJaJhrJhrJ6CJaJ hrJhrJ>*B*CJaJphjhrJhrJCJUaJhrJhrJCJaJ,5!6!l!!!!!"3"5"6"7"""""""""###$ $ $ $$$$$A$C$S$\$]$^$ļ~p~e]h]@CJaJh%~ h"CJaJh%~ h%~ 6CJH*aJh%~ 6CJaJhcCJ]aJhh)56CJaJh\V56CJaJhM|h||CJaJh%~ h%~ CJaJhECJaJh%~ h%~ CJ$aJ$ *h%~ h%~ CJ$aJ$ *h%~ h%~ 5CJaJh%~ h%~ 5CJaJh%~ h%~ CJaJ$"" $ $$$$]$^$$$$$$$$$e%f%%%%d gd%~ gdzgd@gd%~  & Fgd]@^gd]@ & Fgdngd]@gdh)gdQ gd%~ ^$~$$$$$$$$$$$$e%f%%%%%%%%%& &"&#&d&e&f&g&|&}&&&&&¹tiit\tʈtith_Jh0JCJaJhhCJaJjhCJUaJhCJaJh%~ h%~ CJaJh%~ h%~ 6CJaJh%~ h%~ 5CJaJh%~ h%~ 56CJaJhz5CJaJh@CJaJh%~ CJaJh]@CJaJh]@h]@CJaJh]@h]@6CJH*aJh]@h]@6CJaJ$%f&g&&&''*(+(,(E(F(7)8)))))))))* & Fgd[Lgd[Lgd*EPgd*EPh^hgd[L & Fgd[Lgdh)gdh) 7$8$H$gdh)gd%~ &&&&&''O'P'''''''( ( (&('()(*(+(,(E(F(V(^(c(y((')ŴŴԓrd\h[LCJaJ *h%~ h%~ 5CJaJ *h%~ h[L5CJaJh[Lh[LCJaJhh)CJaJh*B*CJaJph)jh%~ h%~ >*B*CJUaJph h%~ h%~ >*B*CJaJphjh%~ h%~ CJUaJh%~ h%~ CJaJh%~ CJaJjhCJUaJh_Jh0JCJaJ')2)6)7)8)?)Q)v)w)z)))))))))))))))))))))*ʹʫ򏄄xxxjaxXxOaOxhCJ\aJh"CJ\aJh%~ CJ\aJh"h%~ 5CJ\aJh[Lh[LCJ\aJh*EP56CJaJh[L56CJaJ h[Lh[L56CJ\]aJh%~ 56CJ\]aJ *h[Lh[L5CJ\]aJh[Lh[LCJ\]aJh[Lh[LCJaJ *h[Lh[L56CJaJh[Lh[L56CJaJ*D*G*m*n*w*******++++-+S+r+s+u++++++++++øêß|ncT *h"h%~ 56CJaJh%~ 56CJaJh[Lh[L56CJaJh[Lh[L56aJh"h%~ 5CJ\aJh%~ CJ\aJh[Lh[LCJaJh"h"5CJ\aJh"h"CJaJh"CJ\aJh[Lh[L5CJ\aJh%~ 5CJ\aJh"h[L5CJ\aJh[Lh[LCJ\aJ**++++O,P,Q,R,`,a,b,,,,,,,,,,,,,gd"$a$gd"gd"gd[L & Fgd[L^gd[L^gd"++,,",>,G,O,P,Q,R,`,a,b,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,- -----e-Ź{l *h%~ h%~ 5CJ\aJhh)56\aJhZ6\aJhc6\aJhh)56CJaJ hf5h" h"5h"CJ\aJh"56CJ\aJ h"56h[L56CJaJh%~ 56CJaJh[Lh[L56CJaJ *h"h[L56CJaJ%,,,,,- ---f-g-------..|/}/00222gdh)gd[Lgd%~ gdh)$a$gdQ gd"e-f-g--------..../-/z/|/}//000002222222ȽtfX *h%~ h[L5CJ(aJ( *h[Lh[L5CJ(aJ( *h[Lh[L5CJaJh[Lh[L5CJaJ h[Lh[L56CJ\]aJh[Lh[LCJaJhh)CJaJhh)56CJaJhU56CJaJh%~ CJ\aJh[LCJ\aJh%~ h%~ CJ\aJh%~ h%~ CJ\aJh%~ h%~ 5CJ\aJ2222222222:3;3<3m3n3o3p3q33333ypdXXPG9h Thz56CJaJhf5CJaJh[LCJaJh[Lh[L5CJ(aJ(h[Lh%~ 5CJ(aJ(h*EP5CJ(aJ(jh*EP0J5CJ(UaJ(haIh*EP0J5CJ(aJ(jh*EPUh*EPjh*EPUh%~ 5CJ(aJ(h[L5CJ(aJ( *hh5CJ(aJ( *hh%~ 5CJ(aJ( *h%~ h%~ 5CJ(aJ( *h"5CJ(aJ( *hE5CJ(aJ(222o3p3q33333344gdzgdh)gd*EPgd[L 333333344;4A4]4p44444޾Ƴhgh0CJaJh{CJaJhzCJaJh=rWCJaJh"CJaJh ThzCJaJhz5CJaJh ThV56CJaJ,1h/ =!"#$% DDx666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 h)Normal_HmH sH tH :@: h) Heading 3$@&56DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 8B@8 h) Body Text 56CJ6U`6  Hyperlink >*B*phH/H txtbold15CJOJQJ\aJo(ph0/!0  underline1>*&1& 8Itxtbold*W A* m9`Strong5\N/QN cY txthdrbold15CJOJQJ\aJo(ph@@b@ @ List Paragraph ^PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y ,&b1 Q5!^$&')*+e-234 "#%'()+-.0p "%*,24!$&*,/Z %"d|O & *;+m+,XXXXXXX8@0(  B S  ?, n p ,33 %.OOZf|, , !!!!!!"""#%%*****o++++,,,,, %.OOZf|, , !!!!!!"""#%%*****o++++,,,,,cN4k_m-YUX8D)oh lrvh ^`hH.h ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH.h @ @ ^@ `hH.h ^`hH. 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