Welcome to the Ed.D. Educational Leadership Program!
Hybrid, Fully Online, MA-to-EdD, and EdD/Preliminary Administrative Credential Coursework options are available
The 91ÁÔÆæ Lurie College of Education's Ed.D. Educational Leadership Program vision is to develop the next generation of leaders who possess the deep knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to understand the causes of inequitable outcomes in PK-12 and higher educational institutions and are able to develop, implement, and assess transformative pedagogies, practices, and curricula that could potentially improve the life chances of all parties in a system (e.g., students, teachers, staff), especially those from minoritized groups. We offer hybrid, fully online, MA-to-EdD, and a combined EdD/Preliminary Administrative Services credential options. Join our community of transformative leaders!
These doctoral candidates will present their research at the 2024 Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Convening in Honolulu, Hawai’i on October 14-17.
Amy Nguyen, Cohort 9
Exploring Program Participant and Staff Perspectives on Correctional Education Programs
Abigail Smurr, Cohort 9
Public K-12 California Teacher Workplace Bullying Perspectives
James Aguirre, Cohort9
Queer AF: How does affinity group methodology affect personal-professional development among queer secondary educators?
Anthony (Tony) Animuntu,Cohort 10
Harambee: Pulling Together to Un-Invisibilize Black Male Survivors

Veronica Meza, Cohort10
"A door to the future": A case study in exploratory and culturally sustaining theater curriculum

Janet Martinez, Cohort 9
Circulos (Circles): Healing our educators by putting their masks first