ࡱ> 685 9bjbj 4*p~_p~_Wrr8Pl,t$<vL0M">F}0hrX : Student Name ___________________ Unit 1 2 3 ~A~ Content The paper makes a compelling argument and demonstrates independent thinking. The papers focus is sufficiently narrow and responds to the assignment. Assertions are amply supported with specific and varied textual evidence. Sources are accurately quoted, paraphrased, and cited. Structure The introduction is interesting and clearly indicates the papers topic and purpose. Paragraphs are well-organized internally, are arranged in a logical sequence, and are linked with content-based transitions. The papers conclusion comments on the issues presented in an interesting, relevant way and provides closure to the paper. Writing and format The writing is clear, precise, grammatical, and correctly punctuated. Vocabulary is appropriate; sentence structure is varied. The paper consistently conforms to MLA format and citation criteria. ~B~ Content The paper makes a coherent argument. The paper is sufficiently narrow and responds to the assignment. Evidence supporting assertions is adequate and meets minimum criteria. Source materials are usually quoted, paraphrased, and cited correctly. Structure The introduction indicates the scope of the paper and the position to be defended. Paragraphs are usually well-organized internally and are arranged in a logical sequence; transitions are present but sometimes inadequate. The papers conclusion makes an attempt to discuss the significance or implications of the issues presented in the paper. Writing and format Minor grammatical and punctuation errors are sprinkled throughout the text. Vocabulary is usually appropriate; sentence structure is varied. The paper follows MLA format throughout, with occasional errors. ~C~ Content The paper demonstrates a basic understanding of the literary piece being discussed. The paper occasionally lacks focus or fails to consider a key issue relevant to the topic. ____ One or more assertions lack support; evidence is insufficiently varied. Source materials are presented but sometimes used or cited incorrectly. Structure The structural framework of the paper is insufficiently developed. Internal organization of paragraphs is weak; transitions are weak or missing; paragraph sequence is sometimes arbitrary. ____ The papers introduction and/or conclusion is rudimentary or insufficiently relevant to the body of the paper. Writing and format The prose is awkward and/or imprecise; multiple grammatical errors distract the reader and impede comprehension of intended meanings. Internal punctuation of sentences is frequently incorrect. The paper meets the majority of MLA formatting and citation criteria. ~D~ Content The papers focus is unclear; ideas are repeated or undeveloped. Very little specific textual evidence supports assertions. _____ The paper makes many general statements that are not clearly relevant to the text at hand. The essay distorts facts to support positions or employs material fallacies. Structure The paper lacks a standard pattern of essay development. Relationships between ideas are frequently not signaled. Many paragraphs lack unity, coherence, and a standard pattern of organization. Writing and Format Grammar and punctuation do not indicate a sufficient understanding of the boundaries of the sentence. Vocabulary is often inappropriate; many words are imprecise, vague, or incorrectly used. The paper does not follow MLA format and/or citation guidelines. The essay does not meet the minimum length requirement. ~F~ The essay plagiarizes source material. The essay fails to meet minimum criteria for textual analysis. The paper fails to present information in essay form. Grammar, punctuation, and diction errors are so frequent and serious that the writing does not meet baseline standards for written communication.     PAGE  ENGL 100W Grading Criteria for Unit Papers Prof. McSharry  !"./034=>FP  = > ? 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