ࡱ> ` bjbj 25` ` ` ` ` ` ` t ::::;lt V =Zf>f>f>f>A??TA@,UUUUUUU$Xh)[V]` MA?A?MMV` ` f>f>wVNNNM` f>` f>UNMUNN` ` Nf>= U@:MFNHQV0VN[M[NN[` O@@}DNG;Im@L@ @VVN.@@@VMMMMt t t D.:t t t :t t t ` ` ` ` ` `  Writing Fiction English 130-03 (32032) Spring 2007 Mitch Berman M W 12-1:15 BBC 221 Office: FO 106 > Office Hours: Weds. 1:15-2:00 > Phone: 924-4489 > e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mber@sjsu.edu" mber@sjsu.edu Go to:  HYPERLINK "" \l "CourseSchedule" Top of Course Schedule; or Course Schedule for  HYPERLINK "" \l "February" February,  HYPERLINK "" \l "March" March,  HYPERLINK "" \l "April" April or  HYPERLINK "" \l "May" May  HYPERLINK "http://www.mitchberman.com/" Mitch Berman home page This document is  HYPERLINK "http://www.mitchberman.com/130-Spring07.htm" www.mitchberman.com/130-Spring07.htm  Course Description This is a class in writing, understanding and critiquing fiction. The primary work will be writing two stories and four brief event reports, as well as thinking, writing and talking about assigned fiction, notably including that written by students in the class. Beginning February 7, two students (Group A; students will be grouped A-J for the semester) will hand out to everyone in class clean photocopies of immaculately typed, double-spaced, single-sided and stapled fiction stories (novel excerpts are not accepted) of 8-12 pages from which all spelling and grammatical errors have been ruthlessly purged. Note that by 8-12 pages, it is meant that these pages must be formatted according to the guidelines given in the first classes, that it will be necessary to take notes to record these formatting guidelines, and that anything less than eight pages so formatted will not fulfill the assignment. Good technique is paramount in fiction; anything less will significantly affect assignment grades. Students may not under any circumstances commit plagiarism, under penalty of failing the course and being reported for possible expulsion proceedings. Students are strongly discouraged from submitting anything calculatedly offensive to their fellow students. Copies of stories will be made by each storys author and handed out to everyone in class, and the author will retain a copy and continue to bring all extra copies to class after their initial handout until the date of discussion by the class of the story. The work students distribute each class will be the main business of the next class. Each assignment is due at the beginning of class on the day it is listed, and will be accepted late only with a mandatory deduction of one full grade per late class (up to a maximum of two classes, after which the assignment will not be accepted). Criticism is the main thing that differentiates a writing class from just plain writing. Criticism is also the most generous thing one writer one can give another. We will emphasize it. As usual, students will be graded on verbal criticism, but also on the quality and quantity yes, quantity of written criticism. All annotations must be completed before class begins; except for occasional notes inspired by class discussion, students may not write their criticism during class time. After grading the critical annotations, I will turn them over to the fictions author. Though it does not always follow that the good writer is a good reader, it follows often enough that students will read as well as write. Our readings are indicated for each class date in the detailed syllabus below. Students will bring each text to class on the day it is assigned. After the quiz on the reading (see below), I will speak briefly about each of the readings, followed sometimes, if time allows, by a very short period of discussion.. The final element of required work is six 2-3 page papers based on attendance of the students choice from among the many literary events featuring writers hosted by the Center for Literary Arts ( HYPERLINK "http://www.litart.org/" www.litart.org) this semester, which will take place on February 13 (James Kelman), March 7-8 (Khaled Hosseini), March 22-23 (Carolyn See), April 3 (Kiran Desai; tentative), April 5 (Al Young), April 12 (James D. Houston), April 26 (Andrew Lam) and May 9 (ZZ Packer, Elmaz Abinader and Mitch Berman). Students are also encouraged to attend at least one faculty/student/Poetry Center San Jose/open mike reading to be held on first Tuesdays at the Blue Monkey. The paper after each will (a) describe the students reactions to the authors live presentation on campus and (b) assess the students own development as a member of the literary audience and a writer with respect to the featured author. Each paper is due (only the original; no copies will be distributed to other students) on the class immediately following the authors appearance on campus. Rules, regulations and one unexpected freedom: A quiz is given at the beginning of each class for which an assigned reading listed for that day; these quizzes, if missed, may not be made up. It is essential to be in class on time in order to take the quizzes Class continues until the last minute scheduled Students may not doze, nod off, drift, sleep, snore or subsist in a lifelike semi-comatose condition in the classroom Students may eat and drink in the classroom, so long as they do so discreetly and clean up after themselves No computers and no text-messaging in the classroom Cell phones and beepers which deliver competing audio in the classroom will be instantly incinerated by flame-thrower Apart from deductions, grading will normally be on the following basis (though I reserve the right to redistribute these percentages as necessary to accommodate performances that are, in either direction, extraordinary): Fiction 40%, written criticism 20%, papers on visiting authors, 15%, classroom participation 15%, quizzes 10%. The Department of English mandates that all greensheets shall include the following statement: The Department of English reaffirms its commitment to the differential grading scale as defined in the 91 Catalog (The Grading System). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A= excellent; B= above average; C= average; D= below average; F= failure. Courses graded according to the A, B, C, No Credit system shall follow the same pattern, except that NC shall replace D or F. In such cases, NC shall also substitute for W (or Withdrawal) because neither grade (NC or W) affects students GPA.  Course Schedule Normal text = readings; Caps = lecture/discussion topics; boldface = assignments. JANUARY 24  Introduction and student signup into groups A-J for story submissions Criticism: How to Give it, How to Take it Manuscript Preparation COLDPLAY!  or the role of cultural mediocrity in your life 29Two stories by Flannery O Connor:  Good Country People ( HYPERLINK "http:// www.mitchberman.com/oconnorgoodcountry.htm"  www.mitchberman.com/oconnorgoodcountry.htm) and  Everything that Rises Must Converge ( HYPERLINK "http://www.mitchberman.com/oconnorconverge.htm" www.mitchberman.com/oconnorconverge.htm) dialogue: how it works, what it looks like First-Page Festival: bring a published work of fiction not assigned on this syllabus 31NO CLASS FEBRUARY 5 Reading: stories to be announced from James Kelman, Busted Scotch how to sell stories to literary magazines First-Page Festival: bring a published work of fiction not assigned on this syllabus 7Reading: stories to be announced from James Kelman, Busted Scotch Group A: Distribute 1st stories to class.  12  Reading: excerpt to be announced from James Kelman, How late it was, how late Discussion of Group As 1st stories. Group B: Distribute 1st stories to class. 13CLASS TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENTS AT 91: JAMES KELMAN, Booker Prize winner and the 2007 Lurie Distinguished Chair in Creative Writing at 91 12:00 P.M., CONVERSATION/AUDIENCE Q&A / BOOK SIGNING KING LIBRARY 2ND FLOOR MEETING ROOMS 225-229 7:30 P.M., READING/ BOOK SIGNING KING LIBRARY 2ND FLOOR MEETING ROOMS 225-229 14Reading: excerpt to be announced from Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner Kelman papers due. Discussion of Group Bs 1st stories. Group C: Distribute 1st stories to class. 19Reading: excerpt to be announced from Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner Discussion of Group Cs 1st stories. Group D: Distribute 1st stories to class.  21  Reading: excerpt to be announced from Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner Discussion of Group D 1st stories. Group E: Distribute 1st stories to class. 26Reading: excerpt to be announced from Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner Discussion of Group Es 1st stories. Group F: Distribute 2nd stories to class.  28 Reading: excerpt to be announced from Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner Discussion of Group Fs 2nd stories. Group G: Distribute 2nd stories to class. MARCH5Reading: excerpt to be announced from Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner Discussion of Group Gs 1st stories. Group H: Distribute 1st stories to class. 7 NO CLASS. ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENTS AT 91 TODAY AND TOMORROW IN LIEU OF CLASS: KHALED HOSSEINI, author of The Kite Runner 7:30 P.M., READING/ BOOK SIGNING MORRIS DAILEY AUDITORIUM 8CLASS TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENT AT 91: KHALED HOSSEINI, author of The Kite Runner 12:00 P.M., CONVERSATION/AUDIENCE Q&A / BOOK SIGNING UNIVERSITY ROOM (A.K.A. OLD CAFETERIA) 12Reading: excerpt to be announced from Carolyn See and/or Kiran Desai Hosseini papers due. Discussion of Group Hs 1st stories. Group I: Distribute 1st stories to class. 14 Reading: excerpt to be announced from Carolyn See and/or Kiran Desai Discussion of Group Is 1st stories. Group J: Distribute 1st stories to class. 19Reading: excerpt to be announced from Carolyn See Discussion of Group Js 1st stories. 21NO CLASS. ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENTS AT 91 TODAY AND TOMORROW IN LIEU OF CLASS: CAROLYN SEE, novelist and critic 7:30 P.M., READING/ BOOK SIGNING KING LIBRARY 2ND FLOOR MEETING ROOMS 225-229 22CLASS TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENT AT 91: CAROLYN SEE, novelist and critic 12:00 P.M., CONVERSATION/AUDIENCE Q&A / BOOK SIGNING KING LIBRARY 2ND FLOOR MEETING ROOMS 225-229 26SPRING BREAK: NO CLASS 28SPRING BREAK: NO CLASSAPRIL 2 Reading: excerpt to be announced from Kiran Desai Catching up: Discussion of all remaining 1st stories from Groups A-J Carolyn See papers due. Group A: Distribute 2nd stories to class. 3CLASS TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENTS: TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED: KIRAN DESAI, Booker Prize winner CONVERSATION AND AUDIENCE Q&A READING/ BOOK SIGNING TIMES AND PLACES AT 91 TO BE ANNOUNCED 4Reading: excerpt to be announced from Al Young Desai papers due. Discussion of Group As 2nd stories. Group B: Distribute 2nd stories to class. 5CLASS TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENT: AL YOUNG, California Poet Laureate, at 91 (KING LIBRARY 2ND FLOOR MEETING ROOMS 225-229): 7:00 P.M., READING/ BOOK SIGNING 9Reading: excerpt to be announced from James D. Houston Young papers due. Discussion of Group Bs 2nd stories. Group C: Distribute 2nd stories to class. 11Reading: excerpt to be announced from James D. Houston Discussion of Group Cs 2nd stories. Group D: Distribute 2nd stories to class. 12CLASS TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENT: JAMES D. HOUSTON at 91 (KING LIBRARY 2ND FLOOR MEETING ROOMS 225-229): 7:30 P.M., READING/ BOOK SIGNING 16Reading: excerpt to be announced from Andrew Lam Houston papers due. Discussion of Group Ds 2nd stories. Group E: Distribute 2nd stories to class. 18Reading: excerpt to be announced from Andrew Lam Discussion of Group Es 2nd stories. Group F: Distribute 2nd stories to class. 23NO CLASS 25Reading: excerpt to be announced from Andrew Lam Discussion of Group Fs 2nd stories. Group G: Distribute 2nd stories to class. 26CLASS TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENT: ANDREW LAM at 91 (KING LIBRARY 2ND FLOOR MEETING ROOMS 225-229): 7:30 P.M., READING/ BOOK SIGNING 30Lam papers due. Discussion of Group Gs 2nd stories. Group H: Distribute 2nd stories to class.  MAY 2 Discussion of Group Hs 2nd stories. Group I: Distribute 2nd stories to class. 7Discussion of Group Is 2nd stories. Group J: Distribute 2nd stories to class. 9Discussion of Group Js 2ndOP - . ; <   6 7 ? @ B C \ ] b c e f    Q R v w x y z { h2SvhVCJaJhVOJQJhV@CJhV0JOJQJ^JjhVOJQJU^Jh2SvOJQJ^JhVOJQJ^JhVhVCJaJBP> x z { | $IfK$edj`S$a$edj`Sedj`SIkd$$Ifedj`S=g'''622 l4aitj`Sp $If dh$If   "._(Jʾuiu]uQuhYCJOJQJaJhzCJOJQJaJh-OCJOJQJaJh 2CJOJQJaJhkCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhV5CJOJQJaJh8CJOJQJaJhlkCJOJQJaJhZDOCJOJQJaJhO&ACJOJQJaJhVOJQJhVhV@CJOJQJaJhVCJOJQJaJh8 C  RVix$If]^ dh$If] $If[$\$ $If[$Ckd|$IfK$L$`'`'`'62T34ap ciBC 14E\| +.Jµ𙋙sfYMhN" CJOJQJaJhN" 6CJOJQJaJhE6CJOJQJaJhECJOJQJaJhGCJOJQJaJhV0JCJOJQJaJjhVCJOJQJUaJh^ECJOJQJaJhV5CJOJQJaJh,5CJOJQJaJ hV6hV6CJOJQJaJhV6CJOJQJ]aJhVCJOJQJaJhV$Xu=K^`fQRUVhiP^иЬРДААААААААtthppm@CJOJQJaJhV@CJOJQJaJhVhucICJOJQJaJhfCJOJQJaJhEU6CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh|cCJOJQJaJhVCJOJQJaJh- CJOJQJaJhN" CJOJQJaJhKT CJOJQJaJ'^_`!!!!!!""" 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CLASS TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING FREE EVENT: ZZ PACKER, ELMAZ ABINADER and MITCH BERMAN at THE MOUNTAIN VIEW CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS: TIME T.B.A., READING/ BOOK SIGNING / RECEPTION Directions at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ci.mtnview.ca.us/mvcpa/directions.html" http://www.ci.mtnview.ca.us/mvcpa/directions.html 14Packer/Abinader/Berman papers due. Catching up: Discussion of all remaining stories. where to go from here, at and beyond sjsu Last day of class. No final exam  Go to:  HYPERLINK "" \l "CourseSchedule" Top of Course Schedule; or Course Schedule for  HYPERLINK "" \l "February" February,  HYPERLINK "" \l "March" March,  HYPERLINK "" \l "April" April or  HYPERLINK "" \l "May" May  HYPERLINK "http://www.mitchberman.com/" Mitch Berman home page This document is  HYPERLINK "http://www.mitchberman.com/130-Spring07.htm" www.mitchberman.com/130-Spring07.htm HIJKMNORvմ|m^ZQH||>>hVOJQJ^JhV;CJaJh6z;CJaJh6zh6z5CJOJQJ\aJh*ez5CJOJQJ\aJhVCJOJQJaJhVOJQJhVhV5CJOJQJ\aJ h5'h5'56CJ\]aJh5'56CJ\]aJ$h|:h5'0J56CJ\]aJ#jh5'56CJU\]aJ/jh|:h5'56CJU\]aJNORuv}}ooii$If $If^` $Ifgd6z $Ifgd*ez0$If^`0akd$$Ifedj`S0g%#7&622 l4aitj`Sp edj`Sakdi$$Ifedj`S0g%#7&622 l4aitj`Sp'(>?XYuv~45VWhVhV0JOJQJ^JjhVOJQJU^JhVOJQJ^J-01h/R / =!"#$`% z$$Ifedj`Sg!vh5'#v':V ='65'22 l4 aitj`Sp d$IfK$L$!vh5`'#v`':V `'65`'2T34 p d$IfK$L$!vh5`'#v`':V `'65`'2T34 p z$$Ifedj`Sg!vh5S(#vS(:V S(65S(22 l4 aitj`Sp $$Ifedj`S"!vh55##v#v#:V 655'22 l4 aitj`Sp3DyK , 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