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Students learning objectives will include 1) reading a variety of texts to recognize excellence in writing, 2) analyzing various writings to discover effective writing styles and methodologies 3) responding to the readings in writing and discussion to discover significance and theses, 4) writing, both formal and informal, to gain experience and mastery of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, 5) recognizing the need to write clear, concise prose. Required Texts and Materials: Reading Critically, Writing Well: A Reader and a Guide. 7th Ed. Axelrod & Cooper The Everyday Writer, 3rd Ed. Lunsford The American Heritage Dictionary, paperback 100 Best-Loved Poems, Ed. Smith Great Short Short Stories, Ed. Negri Three (3) large blue books for in-class essays One (1) yellow test book Two to three double-pocket folders One blank, bound composition book Course Reader, cost TBD Writing: You will write eight essays total: a baseline, four out-of-class, and four in-class. The first in-class, the baseline essay, will not be graded. You must complete all eight essays to be eligible to pass the course. According to department guidelines, you must write a minimum of 8000 words, not including the final exam, notebook writing, quizzes, or any informal assignments. You must complete all eight essays to eligible to pass the course. Write out-of-class essays using Times New Roman, 12-point font, in MLA format (we will go over MLA format in class). You will be actively involved in peer editing. Essays without peer-review will lose credit for that portion of the assignment. Save all of your written work: You will need it at the end of the class. Reading: Critical reading is the secondary objective of English IA. Reading assignments from Reading Critically, Writing Well, our other books, and handouts will challenge you to think about how you can become a more effective writer. Completion of all reading is both expected and required. The reading will acquaint you with a wide variety of writing styles, techniques, and genres, which will benefit your own writing and stimulate thinking. In addition, Reading Critically, Writing Well will provide instructions regarding the essays you will be asked to write. The Composition Notebook: The notebook is your most valuable tool in the class. You will use it to record ideas from the reading, copy favorite lines, jot down interesting words, record notes about writing, paste scraps of writing that you collect, and store reference handouts about writing. The notebook will include ideas and reflections that will become the backbone of your essays and other writing. You should strive to write in your notebook for a minimum of five minutes every day, and you will need to bring your notebook to class. I will collect your notebooks at regular intervals. Writing to Think: In addition, to your notebook, you will need a standard-sized notebook with blank pages that when torn out have NO spiral-bound edges: clean edges only. Writing to Think assignments in class may be turned in for credit. Attendance: Plan now to have perfect attendance. Due Dates & Make-Up Policy: Assignments are due during class on the date assigned. Generally, late assignments will drop one full grade unless prior arrangements have been made. In-class work cannot be made up; you will simply lose credit for these exercises. Disabled Student Services: Students with disabilities who need accommodations for testing need to be registered with the Disabled Student Services (DSS) Department and must meet with me at the beginning of the semester. Academic Integrity: The University's Policy on Academic Integrity (strictures against cheating, copying, submitting work done in previous courses, and plagiarizing) is summarized in the Catalog and may be viewed online at http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/F06-1.htm The work you present in this course must be your own. I will follow the University's policy by taking specific action myself (lowering grades or turning in a failing grade for the course) and by reporting cheating or plagiarism to the Dean of Student Services. Mandatory Final Exam: The final will be Saturday, May 12, from 8:00-10:00 AM, and there is no make-up. Arrange now to have this time free. This exam counts as 20% of your final. Grading Policy: The Department of English reaffirms its commitment to the differential grading scale as defined in the official 91 Catalog (The Grading System). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A excellent; B = above average; C = average; D below average; F = failure. Courses graded according to the A, B, C, No Credit system shall follow the same pattern, except that NC, for No Credit, shall replace the D or F. In A, B, C, No Credit courses, NC shall substitute for W (for Withdrawal) because neither NC nor W affects students grade point averages. An overall grade less than C (73 percent) will result in a course grade of NC. Grading Criteria for Written Work: The A essay is organized and well developed. It demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic and fulfillment of the assignment. Paragraphs are fully developed with interesting details, lively vocabulary, syntactic complexity, and graceful transitions. This paper is pleasing to they eye and virtually free of mechanical errors. The B essay develops controlling ideas and supports them with vivid, specific examples, but it may lack the sentence variety and graceful transitional phrases characteristic of an A paper. The B essay man contain minor grammatical or mechanical flaws, however, it demonstrates overall competence. The C essay is logically organized, but usually general and bland. The paragraphs need controlling ideas and specific examples. The vocabulary and syntactical complexity is less mature, making the essay less effective. The essay may contain a distracting number of mechanical and grammatical flaws. The D essay is poorly organized and generally unclear. It has inappropriate or inadequate examples, is noticeably superficial and simplistic, or it contains serious mechanical and grammatical problems. The F essay is similar to the D, but is more consistent in mechanical errors and less logical. It is generally unclear and shows little real effort. The English Department states that: In English Department courses, instructors will comment on and grade the quality of student writing as well as the quality of ideas being conveyed. All student writing should be distinguished by correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate diction and syntax, and well-organized paragraphs. Grades: Four out-of-class-essays and revisions 40% Three in-class essays 30% Department Final 20 % Notebook 5 % Misc. writing, participation, etc. 5 % Total 100% Escape clause: I reserve the right to change the syllabus when necessary, keeping you informed of these changes in a timely manner. English 1A, Spring 2007, Class Schedule Bring all books to class from which we have readings. Wed. Jan 24 Syllabus. Role. General first day stuff.Mon. Jan 29 Baseline Essay. Bring a large Bluebook and your dictionary.Wed. Jan 31 Read Ch. 1 Reading Critically: Writing Well (RC:WW) Read Appendix 1 RC:WW, 647-667, and Public Statement by Eight Alabama Clergymen: 696-698.Study Everyday Writer 1-22. Common ErrorsMon. Feb 5 Read Appendix 1 RC:WW 667-696. Ch. 2 Autobiography 13-26 and 69-82. Wed. Feb 7 Read Ch 2 Always Running and The Teacher Who Opened My Mind, RC:WW Bring100 Best-Loved PoemsStudy Everyday Writer 23-98 ComposingMon. Feb 12 Read Ch 2 Rick and Calling Home RC:WW Read: The Cask of Amontillado, Great Short Short StoriesWed. Feb 14 Due: Autobiography Essay. Peer Edit. Bring Three (3) typed copies.Mon. Feb 19 Read: Ch.4, Reflection, 158-173 and 211-223. A Savage Life, and Free the ChildrenWed. Feb 21 Read: Ch. 4 Peeling Bananas and Whose Body is This? Read The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, Shall I Compare Thee? 100 Best-Loved Poems Study Everyday Writer 207-274 Sentence GrammarMon. Feb 26 Essay, In-Class: Reflection. Bring a Large Bluebook and your dictionary.Wed. Feb 28 Read Ch. 3 Observation, 83-95 and 145-157.Mon. Mar 5 Due: Revised Autobiography Essay Read: Ch. 3 Their First Patient, and The Last Stop Read Sanctuary, Great Short Short Stories Wed. Mar 7 Read: Ch 3 New York Pickpocket Academy and The Long Good-Bye: Mothers Day in Federal Prison. Read: The Darkling Thrush, To an Athlete Dying Young, 100 Best-Loved Poems Study Everyday Writer 181-206 Sentence StyleMon. Mar 12 Due: Observation Essay. Peer edit. Bring three (3) copies.Wed. Mar 14 Read Ch. 6, Evaluation, 326-339 and 384-400. Evaluation Assignment.Mon. Mar 19 Read, Ch. 6 King has Pageantry. . . and Review of The Lord of the Rings . . .Wed. Mar 21 Read Ch 6 Gehrys Disney Concert Hall and Poltergeist: It Knows What Scares You. Read To His Coy Mistress, The Tyger, 100 Best-Loved PoemsMarch 26-30 Spring BreakStudy Everyday Writer 131-179 & 365-412 Research & MLA Mon. Apr 2 Read: Ch. 9, Position Paper, 571-582, and 632-646.Wed. Apr 4 Read: Ch. 9 Point of No Return, and Whos More Worthy?Mon. Apr 9 Due: Essay, Out of Class: Evaluation. Peer Review. Bring three (3) copies.Wed. Apr 11 Read: Ch. 9 Bad Bet, and You Cant Judge a Crook by His Color. Read The Remarkable Case of Davidsons Eyes, Great Short Short Stories Due: Revised Observation Essay. Study Everyday Writer 315-364 Punctuation & MechanicsMon. Apr 16 Read: Ch.5 Explaining Concepts, 224-269 and 312-325. Read To a Mouse, She Walks in Beauty, 100 Best-Loved PoemsWed. Apr 18 Due: Position Essay. Peer Review. Bring three (3) copies.Mon. Apr 23 Read: Ch 5 Marked Women, and Dating. Due: Revised Evaluation Essay.Wed. Apr 25 Read: Ch 5 A Rounded Version: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Music Therapy. Read A Piece of String, Great Short Short Stories Study Everyday Writer 275-313 LanguageMon. Apr 30 Essay, In-Class: Explaining Concepts. Bring a large Blue Book and a dictionary.Wed. May 2 Due: Position Essay, Final.Mon May 7 In-Class Essay. Dress Rehearsal for Department Final. Bring Large Yellow Book and dictionary.Wed May 9 Review In-class essay for Department Final. Due: Revised Position Essay.Sat May 12 English 1A Final. 0800-1000. Location TBA.Mon May 14 Last day of class Due: Creative Writing Assignment      Lore  PAGE 5 English 1A, Spring 2007, v.3  # %  " $ 9 : M P R ` {|A6;>KkĻ͖ą͖hD56CJh hazCJhhD>*CJhhDCJH*hhDCJH*]hhDCJ]hhD6CJhhD5CJhhD5>*CJh hD6]hD6CJ]h hDCJh hD5\ hDCJhD4 ] # % :  & F1$ d1$ d1$` d1$  1$ ^`   p^p44: ` @bz{|B d1$ d1$` d1$d1$ & F h0d1$^`0 & Fd1$ & F h0d1$^`0 & F h01$^`0   -GIT2KM"$*T^s|}3ȽԫԤȓۈvvvvvvvq hDhhazCJaJhhD5CJaJhD5CJaJh hD5hhazhDCJh hazCJhhazhD5CJh hDCJhD>*CJaJhhD5>*CJaJh hDCJhhDCJaJhhDCJaJhD>*CJhhD5>*CJh,  ,-12 p d1$`d1$ d1$` d1$ d1$` 1$gdaz d1$` d1$` d1$ 1$34FV npq###$$$!%#%A%^%o%p%s%%%%%%6&7&_&Ǿ𛗒𗍗Ǫ𗪂yrؗihD5CJaJ hD5CJhD5>*CJhD>*CJaJh hDh hD>*hD hD5hD5>*CJhhDCJaJhhD5CJaJhhD>*CJaJhDCJaJhD5CJaJ hDCJhaz5CJhhD5CJh hDCJhhD>*CJh'pq!=" ###$$$!%A%^%p%%% ^` 1$  1$  d  d d1$` d1$` Zd1$`Z d1$`%%%%%6&_&&&&&&&{bkd$$IflF %~z%    44 la$If $IfgdD$a$$a$  _&&&&&&'''')'5'V'W'\'n's''''''''''''( ((&(8(:(;(F((((((((((((() ).)G)I)˺˺˺槢洙槢 hD6aJ hD6]hD5\aJ hD5h6hD5 hD6 hDaJhD6CJ]hDCJaJ hDCJ hDh 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