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Students will develop sophistication in writing analytical, argumentative, and critical essays; a mature writing style appropriate to university discourse; reading abilities that will provide an adequate foundation for upper-division work; proficiency in basic library research skills and in writing papers informed by research; and mastery of the mechanics of writing. Prerequisites: Passage of Written Communication 1A or approved equivalent course and passage of the English Proficiency Test (EPT), unless exempt. Required Texts and Materials: The Conscious Reader, 10th ed. Shrodes, Finestone, & Shugrue. (Pearson-Longman, 2004). Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers, 8th ed. Lynn Q. Troyka with Douglas Hesse. (Prentice Hall, 2005) The Elements of Style. Strunk and White. (Allyn and Bacon). Any college level dictionary-- no electronics. Objectives: Building on the college-level proficiencies required in English 1A, students shall achieve the ability to write complete essays that demonstrate advanced proficiency in all of the following: Clear and effective communication of meaning. An identifiable focus (argumentative essays will state their thesis clearly and will show an awareness, implied or stated, of some opposing point of view). An appropriate voice that demonstrates an awareness of audience and purpose. Careful attention to review and revision. Effective and correct use of supporting materials, including independent research (e.g., quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, and citing sources); Effective analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and synthesis of ideas encountered in multiple readings. Effective organization and development of ideas at paragraph and essay levels. Appropriate and effective sentence structure and diction. Command of conventional mechanics (e.g., punctuation, spelling, reference, agreement). The above objectives will all be realized through the writing process developed in the following course content. Assignments Readings and Reading Journals: Together, essay writing and reading form the basis of this class. Class discussions and activities will center on readings. The readings provide examples of effective writing, and are the topics of our essays. There will be reading responses due for every reading throughout the semester, including both The Conscious Reader and any in-class assignments. These will be collected four times during the semester, as noted in the syllabus. Each entry should be approximately one page per night (may be 2-3 readings in one page) for every night that there is reading homework. They may be typed and double-spaced or handwritten, and should be in a spiral notebook/folder or stapled together (please, no bulky binders or loose pages). All assigned grammar excercises must also be present in the notebook. Please bring your The Conscious Reader and Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers to class every day, to aid class discussions. Essays: There are 6 required essaysthree in-class, two out-of-class, and one research paper. Your research paper will be completed in stages over the course of the semester. Be sure to check the deadlines. It should be 3,000 to 3,500 words, not counting the works cited page. You must complete all 6 essays in order to pass the course. All inclass essays will be written in large blue books or yellow books. All outofclass essays must be typed, doublespaced and in accordance with the MLA guidelines (refer to Simon and Schuster Chp. 34 (563-621) for proper MLA formatting of research materials). The two take-home essays should be around 1,000 words, or 3-5 pages. Emailed essays are not acceptable. Late papers drop one grade for every class that they are late. Assignments that are one month or more late WILL NOT be accepted. The outofclass essays require that you bring in a rough draft first to be workshopped in class. Research Paper: English 1B includes an introduction to the library and to basic research strategies, including locating materials, using them effectively (e.g., quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing), and citing them properly. Thus, you will be responsible for a traditional research paper (or a series of short essays in which library research informs the students position or thesis). As part of this requirement, at least one class session of English 1B shall be led by a university librarian. Writing Workshops: An important part of this class is revisions and rewriting. You are expected to attend workshop classes, and to comment on your peers papers. These comments should be both written and oral, with roughly four comments per page and a short discussion with participation from everyone in the group. The person being critiqued should not explain or argue, but should hold all comments until the end of the critique. Other Work: There will also be writing assignments done in class and exercises from Simon and Shuster assigned. Not all these assignments are listed on the syllabus and some will be assigned according to class need. There will be unannounced reading quizzes at the beginning of class on some days. The instructor reserves the right to revise the requirements and to notify students of such revision in a timely manner, e.g., "subject to change, announced at least one class meeting in advance." Final Exam There is a departmental final exam for all English IB students on Saturday, May 12 from 10 A.M. to 12 P.M. This test is mandatory; if you do not take the exam you cannot pass this class. The test is an inclass essay on a specific topic supplied by the department. The departmental final requires a yellow book (bring at least two), a pen, and a collegelevel dictionary. Grading In-Class Essays (2+diagnostic @ 5% each) 10% Out-of-Class Essays (2 essays @10% each) 20% Research Paper & its components 25% Final Exam 20% Reading Responses and Grammar Exercises 15% Participation (workshopping, discussion, quizzes, etc.) 10% The essays will be graded on an AF scale, according to the departmental policy below. All 6 essays must be handed in and the final exam must be completed to pass this class. If any one of the 6 essays is missing or you neglect to take the final, you will receive a No Credit, NC. Essays handed in late will lose one letter grade for each class meeting that they are late. This includes inclass essays. The Department of English reaffirms its commitment to the differential grading scale as defined in the 91 Catalog (The Grading System). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A= excellent; B= above average; C= average; D= below average; F= failure. Courses graded according to the A, B, C, No Credit system shall follow the same pattern, except that NC shall replace D or F. In such cases, NC shall also substitute for W (or Withdrawal) because neither grade (NC or W) affects students GPA. Grading Policy: In English Department courses, instructors will comment on and grade the quality of student writing as well as the quality of ideas being conveyed. All student writing should be distinguished by correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate diction and syntax, and well-organized paragraphs. Grades issued will represent a full range of student performance and will adhere to the following 91 academic standards of assessment: The A essay will be well organized and well developed, demonstrating a clear understanding and fulfillment of the assignment. It will show the students ability to use language effectively and construct sentences distinguished by syntactic complexity and variety. Such essays will be essentially free of grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors. The B essay will demonstrate competence in the same categories as the A essay. The chief difference is that the B essay will show some describably slight weaknesses in one of those categories. It may slight one of the assigned tasks, show less facility of expression, or contain some minor grammatical, mechanical, or usage flaws. The C essay will complete all tasks set by the assignment, but show weakness in fundamentals (usually development), with barely enough specific information to illustrate the experience or support generalizations. The sentence construction may be less mature, and the use of language less effective and correct than the B essay. The D essay will neglect one of the assigned tasks and be noticeably superficial in its treatment of the assignmentthat is, too simplistic or short. The essay may reveal some problems in development, with insufficient specific information to illustrate the experience or support generalizations. It will contain grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors that render some sentences incomprehensible. The F essay will demonstrate a striking underdevelopment of ideas and insufficient or unfocused organization. It will contain serious grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors that render some sentences incomprehensible. Note: This is an A, B, C, No Credit course, but individual essays will be graded on an A to F scale. There are no C- grades in English 1B. You must earn at least a C in order to pass. Any student with a final grade below a C will receive an NC and must repeat the course. Plagiarism Plagiarism is the use of another's ideas or words without giving proper credit to the author. This also includes paraphrasing another's ideas. If you didn't come up with the idea yourself, you must say who did. Depending on the severity, an act of plagiarism can result in immediate failure of the course and possible dismissal from the university. If you want to include the words or ideas of someone else in your writing, be sure cite them properly. You commit plagiarism by buying, stealing, or borrowing a paper; hiring someone to write a paper; building on someones ideas without providing a citation; or copying from another source or using a source too closely when paraphrasing. In other words, submit only your own work. To learn how to cite sources accurately and forthrightly, consult your handbook. Refer to Chp. 34 (563-621) for proper MLA formatting of research materials. Academic Honesty: All students are responsible for knowing and observing University policies regarding academic dishonesty. See University publication: Academic Dishonesty and its Consequences." Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment atSan Jose State University and the University's Integrity Policy, requires you to behonest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the Office of Judicial Affairs. The policy on academicintegrity can be found at http://sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/index.html Attendance Students are expected to attend all class sessions and participate regularly. Without prior consultation, inclass assignments cannot be made up. If you need to miss a class, speak with me before the date you plan to be absent. Tardiness is unacceptable. If you miss a reading quiz given at the beginning of class, it cannot be made up. Writing Centers Any student in need of writing help should visit the Centers for help with revision and editing. The Writing Center (recommended) is also available and tailored to English 1A and 1B. Clark Hall, Suite 126, Monday-Thursday, 9-7 and Friday, 9-1. Call for appointments at 924-2308 or visit  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter" www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter. The Learning Assistance Resource Center http://www.sjsu.edu/larc/ is available as a more general drop in tutoring service. It is located in SSC 600. Drop in, or call 924-2587 for appointments. Disabled Student Services If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities register with the DRC to establish a record of their disability. Students requiring special testing arrangements, or other assistance due to disability should contact Disability Resource Center (Admin. I10) at (408) 9246000 (9245990 TDD) as soon as possible. Please talk to me if I can do anything to assist. Extra Credit Extra credit is available in this class. Students wishing to earn extra points may attend visiting author events or faculty readings and write a brief summary. Readings will be announced throughout the semester and on the website. Bonus points will only be offfered for the first five extra credits each student attends. Schedule Th 1/25 Sign Ups Discuss Syllabus T 1/30 In-Class Diagnostic Essay Homework: HFW 222-229 Verb tense 8.6, 8.7, 8.8 . Read and Journal Elements of Style Chapter I Th 2/1 Discussion Homework: HFW 218-219. Passives 8.9. Read and Journal Elements of Style Chapter II T 2/6 Discussion Homework: HFW 201-202 7.9-7.10 Read and Journal Elements of Style Chapter III and IV. Th 2/8 Discussion. Research Paper: Topic Proposal and thesis due Homework: Read and Journal Elements of Style Chapter V. Conscious Reader Lincoln Gettysburg Address 607 King I Have a Dream 572. HFW 430-440. Semicolons, colons 25.1, 25.2, 26.1. T 2/13 Discussion. Homework: Conscious Reader Declaration of Independence 595, Senneca Falls Convention 602. Th 2/15 Discussion. Homework: Conscious Reader King On Writing 367 Walker Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self 55. HFW 236-246. Pronoun case 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4. T 2/20 Journals Collected Homework: Conscious Reader Ebert Great Movies 296 Copland How We Listen to Music 403. Th 2/22 Homework: Conscious Reader Barry The Internet 299 Calvino Why Read the Classics? 860 HFW 247-248. Pronoun reference 9.6-9.7. T 2/27 Discussion Research Paper: Revised thesis and annotated bibliography due Homework: HFW: Read 784-789: Writing Under Pressure Th 3/1 In-Class Essay (Entertainment). Journals Collected Homework: Conscious Reader Warner Fantasys Power and Peril 281 Dove Beauty and the Beast 259 Atwood Happy Endings 235 HFW 255-261. Subject verb 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5. T 3/6 Homework: Conscious Reader Bettelheim The Childs Need for Magic 832 Price The Great Imagination Heist 840 Perrin Science Fiction: Imaginary Worlds and Real Life Questions 842 Th 3/8 Take home fairy tale essay assigned Research Paper: revised bibliography and first paragraph due Homework: HFW 266-274. Antecedents, modifiers 10.6, 11.2,11.3, 11.4. T 3/13 Discussion Homework: Finish Fairy Tale essay Th 3/15 Workshop Fairy Tale Essay Homework: Conscious Reader Eliot The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 82 Shakespeare Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds Admit Impediment 255 T 3/20 Fairy Tale Essay Final Draft Due Homework: Conscious Reader Tan Waverly Jong 890 Cummings I like my body when it is with your 267 Lee Persimmons 457 HFW 283-287. Fragments 12.2, 12.4. HFW 293-296. Run ons 13.1, 13.2. Th 3/22 Discussion SPRING BREAK March 26-30 T 4/3 Movie: TBA Th 4/5 Movie: TBA T 4/10 In Class Essay (Deception). Journals Collected Th 4/12 Workshopping Research Paper: Rough Draft due Homework: Conscious Reader Declaration of Independence 595, Senneca Falls Convention 602. HFW 302-305. Modifiers 14.1, 14.3. HFW 343-346. Parallelism 18.2, 18.5. T 4/17 In class response Argumentation Take Home Essay Assigned Homework: Conscious Reader Owens Dulce et Decorum Est 672 Tan Waverly Jong 807 . HFW 408-429. Commas 24.1, 24.4, 24.5, 24.6, 24.8. Th 4/19 In class response T 4/24 In class response Workshop Argumentation Essay Homework: HFW 349-351. Variety 19.1, 19.2, 19.3. Conscious Reader Keller Three Days to See 898 Thoreau Why I Went to the Woods 882 Th 4/26 Argumentation Essay Due Homework: Conscious Reader Lawrence Give Her a Pattern 181 Wollstonecraft A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 178. T 5/1 In class response Th 5/3 Research Paper: Final Draft Due T 5/8 In class response Th 5/10 Discuss Final Exam Journals collected. All Extra Credit Due. Sat 5/12 Final Exam 10 AM-noon T 5/15 Movie: Reduced Shakespeare. Return papers. LOOKING FORWARD TO A GREAT SEMESTER!      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