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Norton Anthology of American Literature. vols A & B. 6th ed. Course Description: This course surveys American literatures from the beginnings to 1865. Through lectures and discussions, we will explore nonfiction prose, poetry, drama, and fiction of the colonial, revolutionary, national, and romantic periods of American literature. Students will learn to read, analyze, and write essays on a wide variety of texts. Course Requirements: Students are expected to attend all classes. At her discretion, the instructor will give class writing assignments. A midterm and final examination will also be given as scheduled in the syllabus. Students will also write an analytical essay (5-6 pages). This essay must observe the MLA rules for parenthetical documentation. The instructor requires advance submission of a rough draft of this paper. Grades: Tests will count 50%: the midterm 20% and the final 30%. The essay will count 25%. Class work counts 25%. Grading Statement: The Department of English reaffirms its commitment to the differential grading scale as defined in the official 91СдЦц Catalog ("The Grading System"). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A = excellent; B=above average; C= average; D=below average; F=failure. In English Department courses, instructors will comment on and grade the quality of student writing as well as the quality of ideas being conveyed. All student writing should be distinguished by correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate diction and syntax, and well-organized paragraphs. Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of sources. All incidents of academic dishonesty will be reported; penalties for plagiarism will be in accordance with university policy for the offense. See http://www2.sjsu.edu/senate/S04-12.pdf or http://www2.sjsu.edu/senate/S04-12.htm for a full statement of university policy. Disabilities Resource Center (DRC) is located in ADM 110. Students with disabilities may register there for a wide range of resources. Any student needing test accommodation must be registered with the DRC and inform the instructor at the beginning of the semester. Class Schedule: The following schedule of readings and written assignments is subject to change. While we may not discuss every assigned reading, students are responsible for the content of all assignments on quizzes and exams. 1/26 Introduction; Native American Poetry handout; Bring Vol A Norton Stories of the Beginning of the World 19-33 Trickster Tales 120-131, 135-143, 150-6 2/2 William Bradford 156-196 Anne Bradstreet 238; "To My Dear Children" 272-275; "The Prologue" 239-40; "The Author to Her Book" 262; "Upon the Burning of Our House" 269-70 2/9 Mary Rowlandson Narrative 308-340 Sarah Kemble Knight, Journal 436-446; Samson Occom "A Short Narrative" 645-652 2/16 Benjamin Franklin 515-6; from Autobiography 538-599 Philip Freneau 791-2;"The Wild Honeysuckle" 800-1; "To Sir Toby" 802-4; "On the Religion of Nature" 805 2/23 Olaudah Equiano from the Interesting Narrative 747-781 Phillis Wheatley 808-9; "On Being Brought" 810; "On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield" 814-815; "To S.M., A Young African Painter" 818-9; Letter to Samson Occom 823-4 3/2 Royall Tyler The Contrast 825-867 3/9 Susanna Rowson, Charlotte: A Tale of Truth 879-945 3/16 Take-home due; Bring Volume B Norton Ralph Waldo Emerson 1103-1106; from Nature 1106-1109, 1134; "The American Scholar" 1135-1148 www.rwe.org: "The Rhodora," "The Snow-Storm," and "Hamatreya" 3/23 Henry David Thoreau 1788-92; "Slavery in Massachusetts" 1982-1992; "Walking" 1993-2016 3/30 Spring Break 4/6 Margaret Fuller 1618-20; from "The Great Lawsuit" 1651-54 "Unfinished Sketch of Youth" 1654-1670 Harriet Jacobs 1757-1788 from Incidents in the Life 4/13 Frederick Douglass 2029-2092 Narrative 4/20 Edgar Poe 1507-1510; "Philosophy of Composition" 1597-1607; "Annabel Lee" 1524; "The Tell-Tale Heart" 1572-1575; "The Purloined Letter" 1575-1588 4/27 Nathaniel Hawthorne 1247-1250; "Young Goodman Brown" 1263-1272;"Rappaccini's Daughter" 1312-1333;"The Custom-House" 1333-1358; Rough Draft of Paper due 5/4 Herman Melville 2287-2292 "Hawthorne and his Mosses" 2292-2304; Billy Budd 2431-2487 5/11 Walt Whitman 2127-2130; from "Preface" 2131-5; from Song of Myself 2146-2151; 2189-2193 "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry"; 2211 "Here the Frailest Leaves of Me" Emily Dickinson 2499-2503; poems #ed 67, 130, 199, 241, 249, 258, 324, 435, 441, 448, 505, 1129, 1463, 1540; 2540-2545 letters Paper due in class (with rough draft) 5/21 Take Home Final Due in FO 221 by 9am 4OWaŒії   B Z { Ѓ Й Ы 3  ˜ Ь Э г B S Ы в 3<@MRьньаРаГаГаЉœ‹œа{а{аjаjаРа{\а\а\а\а\аhЮbЌhЦ_Q>*CJ^JaJ!hЮbЌhЦ_Q5>*CJ\^JaJhЮbЌhЦ_Q6CJ]^JaJ!hЮbЌh:!­5>*CJ\^JaJhЮbЌh:!­CJ^JaJh:!­CJ^JaJhЮbЌhЮbЌCJ^JaJhЮbЌhЦ_Q5CJ\^JaJhЮbЌhЦ_QCJ^JaJhЮbЌhЦ_QCJaJmH sH %jhЮbЌhЦ_QCJUaJmH sH $o›и  e И Й  Ь Э A B žŸтуя№ий Oz{›ђээшшээээээээээээээээээээээgd:!­gdЦ_Q „„ф§^„`„ф§gdЮbЌИўRY]jnuŸЉу№ўзий  GPovЯмnƒR^`gkl~™ЁЃЅЇЈЊёфёфёфёфгфгфЩМфВЇ™ф‰ф‰ф‰ф‰ф‰фМфф‰фoффohЮbЌhЦ_Q5CJ\^JaJh@5CJ^JaJhЮbЌhЦ_Q6CJ]^JaJhV]hЦ_Q5CJ^JaJhV]5CJ^JaJhV]CJ^JaJhЮbЌhV]CJ^JaJhЦ_QCJ^JaJ!hЮbЌhЦ_Q5>*CJ\^JaJhЮbЌhЦ_QCJ^JaJhЮbЌhЦ_Q>*CJ^JaJ(›./YЊЋхNOŒ?@hiЂЃЮ-oоУУЃУЃЃУУЃУЃУУУУоо Ц#  p@ рА€P №Р!„ „`њ^„ `„`њgdЦ_Q Ц) а p@ рА€P №Р!gdЦ_Q! 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