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During the fall semester, the Reed staff focuses on soliciting, reading, and evaluating submissions, and on marketing the most recent issue. Reed Mission Statement Reed Magazine is one of the oldest student-run literary journals west of the Mississippi. We publish outstanding fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art from across the country as a service to the South Bay literary community. Student Learning Goals Understanding of the process required to produce a periodical publication. Ability to organize tasks around a deadline. Ability to read and evaluate submissions as editors. Face-to-face exchange of ideas with faculty and fellow students in a classroom, in office visits, and in shared activities on and off campus. Required Texts and Supplies Reed #63 - You are required to read the most recent issue of Reed (Volume 63), if you have not done so already. I will provide copies of Reed. Another litmag of your choice - For the Journal Report assignment, you are required to purchase a current issue of a reputable printed literary journal. These are stocked at most bookstores in the magazines area. To get you started, a short list of journals is on the Reed website at http://www.reedmag.org under "Links." Laptop - Most of Reed's business is conducted online. All submissions, for example, come to us through our website, http://www.reedmag.org, and can be read by staff members in a password-protected maintenance area. You must bring a WiFi-capable laptop to every class meeting. If you do not own one, you can check one out free at the Help Desk in Clark Hall. Course Requirements and Grading This course requires a mix of individual and group work. I will grade all assignments on effort and thoroughness, taking into account that group work rarely reflects equal effort by all members of the group. Entrepreneurial spirit is greatly appreciated and will be rewarded. In other words, it is your responsibility in this course to find opportunities to make yourself useful. Participation in class discussions is essential. Overall, your grade will be based on your commitment to the successful publication of Reed. If at any point in the semester you would like to discuss your performance in the course, come see me during office hours. Final grades will be determined, roughly, by the following:: Participation & Effort on Editorial Team 40% Participation & Effort on Production Team 20% Journal Report 20% Silicon Valley Voices Interview 20% Individual Assignments Journal Report (3 pages minimum) You will read one literary journal (in print, not online) and present a short report on its style and content to the class. You will also comment on what Reed might learn from the journal you studied. A copy of the report will be typed and turned in. Silicon Valley Voices Two years ago, Reed began a special project called "Silicon Valley Voices," an online archive of first-person accounts of life in our community. The project was inspired by Studs Terkel's 1972 book, Working, which presented a cross-section of American life through first-person narratives about work. Reed staff members compiled a sample set of interviews and published them on the website http://voices.reedmag.org. This year we hope to find funding so that we can invite young editors in the community to submit their own transcripts in exchange for a small honorarium ($50 or so). In the meantime, each member of this semester's staff will conduct an interview to add to the site as part of their work in this class. Group Work By the second class meeting, each student will select an Editorial Team as well as a Production Team. NOTE: the Faculty Advisor reserves the right to limit membership in any of the teams to ensure even distribution. Editorial Teams Members of each editorial team work closely together to read all submissions, send out acceptance/rejection notifications, and select final content for publication. You don't need to be an expert in your genre enthusiasm and desire to find and publish the best work are the most important qualifications. You will choose one genre from the following: Art Fiction Poetry Non-Fiction Production Teams Ad Sales Duties include: Become familiar with the benefits local businesses enjoy by advertising in Reed (the sales pitch). Refine list of ad sales leads (past advertisers, local businesses, other MFA programs, etc.) Contact ad sales leads, in person or on the phone. Work with advertisers on text and graphics for their ads (in conjunction with the Layout Team). Promotion and Distribution Duties include: Staff sales tables at Center for Literary Arts readings and other local literary events. Advertise submission deadlines. Brainstorm new avenues for promotion and distribution i.e., new places to sell Reed and new venues to promote the magazine (community colleges, high schools, MACLA, etc.) Web Duties include: Update content on Reed web site (http://www.reedmag.org) using Drupal content management system. Expand Reed's web presence, for example by creating an e-mailing list of past contributors. Make plans for Reed's first web-only issue. Grantwriting Duties include: Research new funding opportunities for Reed's operating funds and the Silicon Valley Voices project. Research funding for a trip to the annual AWP Conference and Bookfair. Draft grant proposals and budgets. Leadership Positions Graduate students normally fill the leadership positions on Reed, but interested undergraduates are welcome to apply. The leadership roles include: Managing Editor This is the top student leadership position. The Managing Editor makes sure Reed stays on schedule and fills in for other editors as necessary. Runs the show when Faculty Advisor is not present. Advertising Manager Do you like a challenge? This ambitious and outgoing person leads the Ad Team and is responsible for meeting Reed's goals for advertising revenue. Webmaster Leads Web Team. Responsible for timely updates to site content and any new development work. Familiarity with content management systems and/or HTML a plus. Genre Editors (Art, Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction) Leaders of the genre teams. Responsible for getting all submissions read and communicating decisions to writers/artists. Grants Manager Leads the Grantwriting Team. Responsible for the contents and timely submission of proposals to grantmakers. Ideally someone interested in pursuing a career in grantwriting. Class Meetings This seminar is scheduled to meet for three hours one night a week. The "lecture" part of these meetings is minimal. We will use the remainder of the time for group work. As deadlines approach, I expect that teams will meet outside of normal class hours as well. We have all made time in our schedules to be here Monday nights. As a courtesy to your fellow staff members, please be on time. Talk to me beforehand if you have to miss a class meeting for any reason. Schedule and Assignments This class meets on Monday evenings beginning on August 30 and going through December 6. There will be no class September 6 (Labor Day). DateClass TopicAssignments Due30 AugIntroduction; Break into teams; Email list signup; Discuss journal report assignment6 Sept NO CLASS Labor Day13 SeptJournal presentations; begin reading submissions.Journal Report (3 pp minimum)20 SeptMore journal presentations; continue reading submissions6 DecLast day of classSilicon Valley Voices Interview (1000 words or less)Academic Honesty Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jos State University, and the Universitys Academic Integrity Policy requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The Policy on academic integrity can be found at: http://sa.sjsu.edu/student_conduct. Avoiding Plagiarism Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of somebody elses words or ideas and is considered an instance of academic dishonesty that instructors must report. You commit plagiarism by: buying, stealing, or borrowing a paper (or story); hiring someone to write a paper (or story); building on someones ideas without providing a citation; or copying from another source or using a source too closely when paraphrasing. In other words, submit only your own work. LARC (Learning Assistance Resource Center) The Learning Assistance Resource Center is an on-campus facility that provides peer tutoring for San Jos State University students. LARC offers assistance with writing, and if you feel as if you need intensive help beyond what I can offer during office hours, please request a writing tutor. The Center is located in The Student Services Center in the 10th Street Parking Garage, Room 600. The phone number is (408) 924-2587. Disabilities Policy If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities register with the DRC to establish a record of their disability.     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