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It will examine world-views and strategies of representation by a sampling of Americans with origins in the five different continents that have populated the United States: North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. During the course of the semester, we will explore a variety of literary genres or forms including novels, poetry, critical essay, and short story. You should take heed that the content of this course will not only focus on the difficult subjects of racism and the formation of racial and ethnic identity in the United States for a full semester but will contain themes related to religion, sexuality and other highly charged issues. Some texts may offer alternative or even antagonistic value systems to your own. Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives 1. To gain an awareness of the range of cultural experiences and productions that make up American literary and cultural history. 2. To explore various literary genres which have shaped (or been reshaped by) representations of ethnicity in America. 3. To strengthen our abilities to engage literary text and to analyze both its form and content as well as its historical contexts. 4. To hone students' reading, writing, researching, and critical thinking skills through the practice of intellectually challenging analyses. Course learning objectives 1-3 will be accomplished through the readings and class discussions while the written work will allow us to accomplish objective 4 and to assess our level of accomplishment in objectives 1-3. Assignments and Grading Policy Coursework includes reading assignments (see schedule below); two five to eight-page formal literary analyses (which must include research); a midterm of 3 short identification questions/paragraphs; a final exam composed of both essay and identification questions. Late paper policy: keeping in mind the many emergencies and unforeseen events that can occur in the average 91 students life, I have a very generous extension policy. As long as you give me the request in writingprint or email (complete with a new deadline) before the papers due date, most requests for an extension will be granted. If the original deadline is passed by a student who has not received an extension or an extended deadline has been passed, 10% of the total points possible will be taken off for lateness up to one week, NO PAPER WILL BE ACCEPTED ONCE AN ORIGINAL OR EXTENDED DEADLINE HAS PASSED BY MORE THAN A WEEK. Extended or late papers will be graded AFTER on-time student work. Note that doing the reading and being able and willing to respond to the comments and questions of both the professor and your fellow students on a daily basis is a requirement of the course. Reading quizzes and other in-class assignments will be given to ensure that students are indeed completing and understanding the readings. These cannot be made up. Due dates for all papers and the times for all exams are listed on the reading and assignment schedule at the end of the syllabus. Research Paper One5-8 page analysis w/ research30%Research Paper Two5-8 page analysis w/ research30%Midterm Exam3 I.D. paragraphs and an essay10%Final ExamComparative essay and 5 I.D.s20%Reading Quizzes & other assignmentsClass discussions/quizzes/etc. during 31 class meetings10%Total100% The following statement has been adopted by the Department of English for inclusion in all syllabi: In English Department Courses, instructors will comment on and grade the quality of student writing as well as the quality of ideas being conveyed. All student writing should be distinguished by correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate diction and syntax, and well-organized paragraphs. The Department of English reaffirms its commitment to the differential grading scale as defined in the 91 Catalog ("The Grading System"). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A = excellent; B = above average; C = average; D = below average; F = failure. In written assignments for English 169, this scale is based on the following criteria: A [90-92=A-, 93-96=A, 97-100=A+] = Excellent: The "A" essay is articulate and well developed with fluid transitions and a clear and persuasive use of evidence, which is drawn from the literary text itself, lecture materials (when appropriate), and research materials. An "A" essay contains a fresh insight which teaches the reader something new about the subject matter. B [80-82=B-, 83-86=B, 87-89=B+] Above average: The "B" essay demonstrates a good understanding of its subject, a clear and persuasive use of evidence, a certain level of ease of expression, and solid organization. However, it usually lacks the level of originality and creativity that characterizes the insight found in an "A" essay. C [70-72=C-, 73-76=C, 77-79=C+] = Average: The "C" essay makes a good attempt at all the assignment's requirements. It has a reasonable understanding of its subject matter but its ideas are frequently simplistic or over-generalized. The writing style is also more bland and repetitive than the style shown by "A" and "B" essays and it often contains flaws in grammar, punctuation, spelling and/or word choice. It may also use textual evidence out of context. D [60-62=D-, 63-66=D, 67-69=D+] = Below average: The "D" essay is poorly organized and generally unclear. It has inappropriate or inadequate examples, is noticeably superficial or simplistic, and/or contains some serious mechanical and grammatical problems. A "D" essay may also reveal some misunderstanding of the assignment requirements. F = Failure: An "F" essay has not addressed the requirements of the assignment and is unacceptable work in terms of both form and content. Classroom Protocol You are required to be courteous and professional to both classmates and the professor. Most people take this as a requirement in their daily lives and this statement does not need to be reiterated here. However, people sometimes forget that the classroom is a professional setting and rules that govern a business meeting apply here. For example, devices such as cell phones need to be turned off; coming to class late is unacceptable. If an emergency arises that requires your absence from class, please contact the professor. Simply prioritizing your education behind other time commitments does not constitute such an emergency. Participating in class discussions and listening to and taking notes on class lectures are absolutely necessary for the successful completion of this course. Protocol for written work requires that all quotations must be enclosed in quotation marks or, when more than three lines, put in an indented block. Full citation of the original author and source must also be included. For all papers, review a writing handbook for help with quote integration, formatting & proper citation (most of you will have purchased one for your Freshman comp. classes). Also see the University policy on Academic Integrity below for help defining and avoiding plagiarism of all kinds. University Policy on Academic Integrity Students should know that the Universitys  HYPERLINK "http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/download/judicial_affairs/Academic_Integrity_Policy_S07-2.pdf" Academic Integrity Policy is availabe at http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/download/judicial_affairs/Academic_Integrity_Policy_S07-2.pdf. Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University and the Universitys integrity policy, require you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The website for  HYPERLINK "http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/index.html" Student Conduct and Ethical Development is available at http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/index.html. Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another persons ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include in your assignment any material you have submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that 91s Academic Policy F06-1 requires approval of instructors. Dropping and Adding Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops, academic renewal, etc.  HYPERLINK "http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/narr/soc-fall/rec-324.html" Information on add/drops are available at http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/narr/soc-fall/rec-324.html .  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/sac/advising/latedrops/policy/" Information about late drop is available at http://www.sjsu.edu/sac/advising/latedrops/policy/ . Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for adding and dropping classes. Note that September 7th is the last day to drop without a W. The instructor of this course will not automatically drop you if you do not show up. Dropping is your responsibility. Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the DRC (Disability Resource Center) to establish a record of their disability. Library Liaison for English & Comparative Literature: Contact Toby Matoush via email: Toby.Matoush@sjsu.edu, or phone: (408) 808-2096 if you have library research questions that have not been answered in class. Student Technology Resources Computer labs for student use are available in the Academic Success Center located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall and on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. Additional computer labs may be available in your department/college. Computers are also available in the Martin Luther King Library. 91 Writing Center The 91Writing Center is located in Room 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by professional instructors and upper-division or graduate-level writing specialists from each of the seven 91 colleges. Thewriting specialistshave met a rigorous GPA requirement, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all disciplines to become better writers. HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/"The Writing Center website is located at http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff//. Nine Required Texts: English 169 Reader available at Maple Press on San Carlos, between 10th and 11th. Sherman Alexie, Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (ISBN: 9780316013697) Abraham Cahan, The Imported Bridegroom and Other Stories (ISBN:978048622427), text also available free online at http://www.ibiblio.org/eldritch/ & Google books) Louise Erdrich, Tracks (ISBN: 978006097245) Jhumpa Lahiri, Unaccustomed Earth and Other Stories (ISBN: 9780307278258) Toni Morrison, A Mercy (ISBN: 978030727676) Julie Otsuka, When the Emperor Was Divine (ISBN: 0385721811) Tomas Rivera, And the Earth Did Not Devour Him (ISBN: 9781558850835) Jean Toomer, Cane, (Norton Critical edition, ISBN: 978039395600) Also recommended: Persis Karim, ed., A World Between: Poems, Short Stories, and Essays by Iranian-Americans ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT: You need to make sure that your My91 account has your most accessible and current email address. The Alexie, Cahan, Erdrich, Lahiri, Morrison, Otsuka, Rivera, and Toomer texts can be purchased at Spartan Books and Roberts Bookstore as well as via internet sellers listed at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/english/donations/" http://www.sjsu.edu/english/donations/. English 169: Ethnicity in American Literature Fall 2010 Course Schedule The schedule may vary depending on the needs of the class or scheduling issues. Any changes will be reported in class and via the email you have registered with My91. Week Readings & Assignments1August 25: Introduction2August 30: Read Toni Morrisons A Mercy to page 66 (the first 4 chapters, to the end of Linas chapter). Also review the timelines, paper 1 & 2 requirements, and advice on reading literature, and composing essays and works cited lists in your reader. A sampling of Native American oral literature and Ronald Takakis A Different Mirror (in 169 Reader) is also recommended.September 1: Read A Mercy to page 115 in hardcover (first 7 chapters, though Florens).3September 6: LABOR DAY September 8: Complete A Mercy (chapters 8-12, to page 167 in hardcover).4September 13: Read Abraham Cahan, Yekl (to page 89). Recommended viewing: Hester Street (video in library). September 15: Read Read Cahan's "The Imported Bridegroom (to page 162) and Solmaz Sharif's "My Father's Shoes," and Willa Cather's "Neighbor Rosicky (both in reader).5September 20: Read Louise Erdrich, Tracks (to page 61).September 22: Read Tracks (at least to page 130).6September 27: Conclude Louise Erdrich, Tracks (to end/p. 226).September 29: Read W.E.B. Dubois Criteria of Negro Art, Alain Lockes The New Negro, and Langston Hughess The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain.7October 4: All poems by McKay, Hughes & Brown (all in reader).October 6: Read part 1 of Cane (3-37).8October 11: Read part 2 of Cane (41-80).October 13: Paper 1 Due. Review for Midterm9October 18: MID TERM EXAM in classbring two blue books.October 20: Read Otsuka to page 48.10October 25: Read Otsuka to page 105.October 27: Complete Otsuka (to page 144).11November 1: Read Rivera pages 83-117 (through First Communion)November 3: Read Rivera pages 119-152/the end12November 8: Read Alexie to page 116.November 10: Complete Alexie (to page 230).13November 15: Read Adrienne Rich, "Split at the Root: An Essay on Jewish Identity," and Reginald McKnight, The Kind of Light That Shines in Texas (in reader).November 17: Read Sherman Alexie, The Approximate Size of My Favorite Tumor"; and Percival Everett, The Appropriation of Cultures, and Mariam Salari's Ed McMahon is Iranian (reader).14November 22: Read Lahiris Unaccustomed Earth (to page 59).November 24: Read Lahiris Hell-Heaven and A Choice of Accommodations (60-127).15November 29: Read Lahiris Only Goodness and Nobodys Business (128-219).December 1: Read Part Two of Lahiris collection, Hema and Kaushik (223-333).16December 6: Read Langston Hughes Let America Be America Again; Lorna Dee Cervantes' Poem for the Young White Man Who Asked Me How I, An Intelligent, Well-Read Person Could Believe in the War Between Races; and Aurora Levins Morales' Child of the Americas (all 3 in Reader).December 8: Paper two Due. We will review for the final on this day.Final Exam:Thursday, December 16 9:45-1200 Noon     PAGE  PAGE 1 English 169, Spring 2010 <Tky|~ Q ; X ּ~shh_Vh7~hh%!&CJh7~hh%!&CJh7~hh%!&B*phhQ<#h%!&B*phh_PIh%!&_HhQ<#h%!&_H h%!&_H hQ<#h%!&hh%!&_Hh%!&hwDh%!&B*ph hwDh%!&h1Qh%!&CJOJQJh"h%!&CJOJQJh%!&CJOJQJh%!&OJQJh7~hh%!&OJQJh7~hh%!&CJOJQJ kRkd$$Ifl      0L# t0      644 lap $Ifgd%!& $Ifgd%!&d\$gd%!&gd%!&F/G2GQ ylc $Ifgd%!& $Ifgd%!&kd$$Ifl      0L# t0      644 lapQ R Y x wja $Ifgd%!& $Ifgd%!&kdF$$Ifl      0L# t0      644 lapx y wja $Ifgd%!& $Ifgd%!&kd$$Ifl      0L# t0      644 lap ylc $Ifgd%!& $Ifgd%!&kd$$Ifl      0L# t0      644 lap < wja $Ifgd%!& $Ifgd%!&kd1$$Ifl      0L# t0      644 lap< = X ylc $Ifgd%!& $Ifgd%!&kd$$Ifl      0L# t0      644 lap 96yqlqll`lll d^gd%!&gd%!&d[$gd%!&kdw$$Ifl      0L# t0      644 lap {^kd$$IfPF @  *0    4 Pa$If d\$gd%!&d[$gd%!&h^hgd%!& <\"Lz{IJؿ؏̓zszszszszmzszsf]hFeqh%!&CJ hDh%!& h%!&_H 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