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Students will develop college-level reading abilities, rhetorical sophistication, and writing styles that give form and coherence to complex ideas and feelings. Prerequisites: Placement by the English Proficiency Test (EPT), or passage of an approved substitute course for the EPT. General Education Area A2 Student Learning Outcomes: SLO 1: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to perform effectively the essential steps in the writing process (prewriting, organizing, composing, revising, and editing). SLO 2: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to express (explain, analyze, develop, and criticize) ideas effectively. SLO 3: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to use correct grammar (syntax, mechanics, and citation of sources) at a college level of sophistication. SLO 4: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to write for different audiences. Required Texts: Rereading America, 8th Ed., by Gary Colombo et al. The Tortilla Curtain, by T.C. Boyle A Pocket Style Manual, 5th Ed., by Diana Hacker A College-level Dictionary Please bring your books to class everyday. Assignments: Reading Class discussions and activities are based on the reading. It is pertinent that you have the reading completed on the corresponding date on the schedule I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough. I expect you to read slowly, attentively, and to annotate your text with a pen or pencil. Essays A total of 8 essays are required in English 1A: 4 in-class and 4 out-of-class. Students must complete all 8 essays to pass this course. Essays will correspond to the readings and will increase in difficulty as we move through the semester. In-class essays will be written in large blue books or yellow books; please bring at least one blue or yellow book the day of an in-class essay along with pens and your dictionary. In-class essays cannot be made up. If extenuating circumstances apply, please see me well in advance (at least one week) of the date of the in-class essay. All out-of-class essays must be in MLA format, as detailed in A Pocket Style Manual, and are due in class. Unstapled papers will not be accepted. Rough Drafts & Workshops Essay assignments require rough drafts. The original rough draft must be turned in with your final draft in order to receive a grade. If you only turn in one draft of an essay where a rough draft and final draft are due, you will receive an F for that essay assignment. Workshops are a chance for you to test drive your essay and are very important to the writing process. You must attend! On the day of workshops, come prepared to think critically and thoughtfully about the writing of your peers. If you miss the workshop, you must still turn in a rough draft with your final draft, and you will forfeit one letter grade on the assignment. Reading Logs & Other Work There will be other writing assignments and exercises assigned throughout the semester (instructions to follow). These various assignments are due at the beginning of class on their due date. Participation This is a seminar course; oral participation is necessary: your thoughts and questions are important to the discussion and our communal growth as writers. The potency of our class depends upon our commitment to reading, discussing, and writing with conscientiousness and consistency. You are expected to participate with flawless preparation and awe-inspiring enthusiasm. Final Exam The departmental final for all 1A students is Saturday, December 4th, from 8am to 10am. The exam is an in-class essay; bring 2 yellow books on this date along with pens and your (non-electronic) dictionary. You must take the final exam to pass this class. Late Work: I do not accept late work. In-class work cannot be made up. See the last page of this syllabus for the one exception to this policy. Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial to your success in this class! Remember, there are no excused absences in college. If you fail to attend a class, you are still expected to turn in the assignments due that day, get details on whatever topics were covered in class, and complete the homework for the next meeting. It is your responsibility to contact me or a classmate to see what you missed. University Class Conduct: In this class I expect you to: Relax and have fun! Academic work doesnt have to be a drag and I welcome any suggestions to make class more enjoyable for everyone (except not doing the work of course) Come to class on time. Tardiness is disruptive and disrespectful, and chronic tardiness will affect your grade. Turn off your cell phone before class. If your phone rings during class, or you are texting during class I will ask you to leave. Engage yourself in our class. If you are doing anything other than being present in our class work I will ask you to leave. Take responsibility for your actions, positive and negative. Remember teachers do not give grades, you earn them. Take pride in your ideas and questions. Dont be afraid to express your thoughts and remember that what you dont know is just as important as what you do know. Communicate with me. I am here to help you, but I have no way of knowing if you are unclear about an assignment or are otherwise having trouble unless you tell me. If you have questions about the work, speak up in class, come to see me in my office, or send an email. Grading: In-class essays (5% each) 20% Out-of-class essays (10% each) 40% Reading Logs 10% Participation & in-class work 10% Final exam 20% Grading Scale: A-F. This class must be passed with a C or higher to move on to English 1B (C- is not acceptable for 1B). A passing grade in the course signifies that the student is a capable college-level writer and reader of English. In English department courses, instructors will comment on and grade the quality of student writing as well as the quality of ideas being conveyed. All student writing should be distinguished by correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate diction and syntax, and well-organized paragraphs. Writing Center: San Jose State has a fabulous writing center that can help you with any writing needs you may have (lab reports, research essays anything). I encourage everyone to visit the writing center; even the best writers have room for improvement. Clark Hall, Suite 126.  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/" www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/ or 924-2308 Plagiarism: You are in this class to learn to express your own ideas effectively. To plagiarize is to use the ideas or writing of someone else as your own; this includes paraphrasing in your own words another persons ideas. If you would like to borrow anothers writing and/or thoughts please cite them properly as detailed by A Pocket Style Manual. Failure to cite borrowed ideas and/or writing (plagiarism) may result in immediate failure of this course and possible dismissal from San Jose State University. If you have any questions regarding plagiarism or the Universitys policy, please see me. 91 Academic Integrity Policy: Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University, and the Universitys Academic Integrity Policy require you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty are required to report all infractions to the office of Judicial Affairs. The policy on academic integrity can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www2.sjsu.edu/senate/S04-12.htm" http://www2.sjsu.edu/senate/S04-12.htm. The 91 rules against plagiarism are set forth in the 91 Catalog, which defines plagiarism as the act of representing the work of another as ones own (without giving appropriate credit) regardless of how that work was obtained, and submitting it to fulfill academic requirements. Plagiarism at 91 includes, but is not limited to: (1) the act of incorporating the ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs, or parts thereof, or the specific substance of anothers work, without giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as ones own work. It is the role and obligation of each student to know the rules that preserve academic integrity and abide by them at all times. This includes learning and following the particular rules associated with specific classes, exams, and/or course assignments. Ignorance of these rules is not a defense to the charge of violating the Academic Integrity Policy. Disabled Student Services: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities register with DRC to establish a record of their disability. The DRC website is  HYPERLINK "http://www.drc.sjsu.edu" http://www.drc.sjsu.edu. A few last words: Once you graduate with your Bachelors degree, you will be among the top 1% educated people in the world. From this fact I would like you 1) take pride in this, and 2) dont take this opportunity for granted. Dont slack. Dont be disrespectful. Enjoy your time at 91 and work hard. Writing well is difficult, and like anything else you have to work at it. Dont sit back and wait for your brain to effortlessly absorb the material. Engage yourself and you may discover that your writing reveals things to you that you didnt know and that your writing is better than you thought (this is always the case). Throughout the semester we will discuss a variety of subjects, some of which will stir some strong emotions, but I ask that you please listen carefully and kindly to your classmates, consider different perspectives equally, and not pass judgment. I want our classroom to be a safe place where people are free to express their opinions without fear of reprisal this is crucial to our learning. Lastly, please do not hesitate to ask me about any assignment if it is unclear to you. And, please do not hesitate to come talk to me about anything assignments or otherwise. I am here to help you, and look forward to working with you this semester. Calendar of assignments Readings and assignments are to be completed the day they are listed. This schedule is subject to change. August 26 Introduction 31 Essay #1: in-class (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) (800 words) September 2 Introduction to Harmony at Home (18-21) Looking for Work (26-31) An Indian Story (52-60) 7 Love Supreme (handout) 9 What is Marriage? (89-101) Writing Center Session (LO 1) 14 Essay #2 due (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) (1200 words) 16 Becoming Members of Society (527-535) The Story of My Body (537-545) 21 Two Ways a Woman can get Hurt (575-599) 23 Bros Before Hoes: The Guy Code (608-617) The Decent of Men (618-627) 28 Essay #3: in-class (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) (800 words) 30 Student Conferences October 5 Student Conferences Essay #4 due (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) (1200 words) 12 C.P. Ellis (398-408) Causes of Prejudice (384-397) 14 The End of White America? (497-510) 19 Essay #5: in-class (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) (800 words) 21 The Crossing (574-583) Workshop for essay #6 (LO 1) 28 Essay #6 due (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) (1200 words) November 2 The Tortilla Curtain (3-79) 4 The Tortilla Curtain (80-165) 9 The Tortilla Curtain (166-257) 11 No class: Veterans Day 16 The Tortilla Curtain (261-355) 18 Workshop for Essay #7: complete rough draft due (LO 1) 23 Essay #7 due (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) (1200 words) No class: Thanksgiving holiday 30 Essay #8: in-class, preparation for final exam (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) (800 words) December 2 Prepare for final exam  8 Discussion of final Last day matters Happy Winter Break!  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  4 Sat. Departmental final, 8:00am 10:00am. Please bring 2 yellow examination booklets, dictionary, and pens. The one-time-only Emergency Pass Guidelines: With this pass, you may turn in essay #2 OR essay #4 OR essay #6 OR essay #7 up to one week (7 days) late. This pass may not be used for any other assignments. I highly suggest you save this pass for an actual emergency (i.e. car accident on the way to school, relative dying, etc.) Directions: Staple this pass to the top of your essay, signing and dating below. There are 2 options for turning in your late essay: 1) in class, or 2) have it time-stamped by the English department and put in my box (Faculty Offices Bldg 102) within the one-week timeframe. Other pertinent info: Essays that are not time-stamped will not be accepted Essays slipped under my office door will not be accepted Essays that are more than one week (7 days) late will not be accepted. Remember that you must complete all 8 essays to pass this course! I, ______________________________________ have read and understand the guidelines & directions for using this pass. 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