ࡱ> QSNOP'` \bjbj$$ ;hFF|Y___8P_ a bR6f(^f^f^f9gVkDlvxxxxxx$hw9g9gww^f^fNNNw*^f^fvNwvNN^fb C_|H(,R$Ǯ0TL9L}.9X&9Ơwm@pRN stwmwmwmzwmwmwmwwwwdP__ San Jos State University ENGL 96LQ Department of English and Comparative Literature What Dreams May Come: Artists and Scientists Explore the Meaning and Message of Dreams Section 01 Fall 2010 Instructor: Neli Moody Office Location: FOH 217 Telephone: 408-924-4494  HYPERLINK "mailto:Neli.Moody@sjsu.edu" Email: Neli.Moody@sjsu.edu Office Hours: W 9:00-11:30 and by appt. Class Days/Time: TTR 9:00-10:15 Classroom: Clark 131 GE Area: C2 (Letters) Peer Mentor: Faculty Web Page and MY91 Messaging Copies of the course materials such as the syllabus, major assignment handouts, etc. may be found on my faculty web page accessible at HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/people/neli.moody/"Faculty Web Page. You are responsible for regularly checking with the messaging system through My91. Course Description This course is about dreams. You have probably had the experience of waking from a dream that was so real, you believed that what you experienced in it had really happened. Perhaps you have had a prophetic dream that came true, or like Descartes, solved a problem in a dream. Artists and writers have often turned to dreams for inspiration. The 20th century saw a tremendous amount of study put into dreams, though well before that, cultures believed in the power of dreams, as prophesy and truth. Psychoanalysts have used dreams to explore the human psyche. Countless painters, writers, film directors, and scientists have studied and employed the world of dreams in their work. Films like Nightmare on Elm Street and The Matrix, Spellbound and Dreamscape are about dreams. We will look at the work of artists and dream theorists to see how dreams function in our world. We will turn to the work of Frida Kahlo, Ursula Le Guin, Freud, Jung, Baudelaire and others to see how dreams function and discover their purpose. Your own dreams will be inspiration for class projects. The work of many women artists will be represented in this class, as well as the prophetic, therapeutic, and revelatory roles dreams have played in diverse cultures, such as those of China, Africa, and South America. Reflecting on the anatomy and power of dreams through journals, discussion and analysis of a variety of art forms will help students understand this fascinating alternate dimension of the human mind and to explore the way dreams process information, alter perception, inspire art, and heal the psyche. Introduction to MUSE University-level study is different from what you experienced in high school. The Metropolitan University Scholars Experience (MUSE) is designed to help make your transition into college a success by helping you develop the skills and attitude needed for the intellectual engagement and challenge of in-depth university-level study. Discovery, research, critical thinking, written work, attention to the rich cultural diversity of the campus, and active discussion will be key parts of this MUSE course. Enrollment in MUSE courses is limited to a small number of students because these courses are intended to be highly interactive and allow you to easily interact with your professor and fellow students. MUSE courses explore topics and issues from an interdisciplinary focus to show how interesting and important ideas can be viewed from different perspectives. Course Goals This course qualifies as an Area C2 (Letters) course in your General Education requirements. Courses in Arts and Letters should give students knowledge and understanding of significant works of the human intellect and imagination. Students will examine the interaction of analytical and creative processes in the production and perception of such works, and the significance of the historical and cultural contexts in which the works are created and interpreted. Courses should enable students to participate in social and cultural communities associated with artistic and literary endeavors, enriching their personal and professional lives. This course will examine the work of poets, writers, psychoanalysts, painters and filmmakers. We will see that the contribution of psychoanalysts to the study of the human mind opened doors for artists, such as Dali and DiChirico, to new expressions of creativity. It was the perfect subject for film, where time and reality are manipulated. Yet, well before that, dream interpreters were important members of communities. Translating their dreams into artistic projects, after studying how other artists have done it, will challenge students to examine their own dreams, to form then into a work that has meaning for the reader or viewer, and to better understand the process of artistic collaboration. Student Learning Objectives and Activities for this Course As an Area C2 (Letters) course, the content and activities are designed to enable you to achieve the following learning outcomes: 1. To recognize aesthetic qualities and processes that characterize works of the human intellect and imagination. Well do this by reading and analyzing literature and other art forms, such as poetry, painting, and film. Responses to the literature in journals, oral presentations, and journal entries, quizzes, discussions, papers, and the final will test student understanding. In addition, creative projects, both individual and group, will help students understand how to communicate through art. [GE] 2. To respond to works of art both analytically (in writing) and affectively (in writing or through other forms of personal and artistic expression). Well accomplish this by keeping a journal (TYPED that responds to the non- WMPW readings and lectures) group projects, and through individual creative projects. [GE] 3. To write clearly and effectively, assessed through projects, presentations, in-class writing responses, papers, reading quizzes, and homework assignments. The goal of all the papers, as well as the notetaking required during the mini-lectures, is to give students the skills to discern the meaning of what they read and be able to articulate, for example, what is the meaning of Mallarmes poem or Kahlos highly personal imagery. [GE] 4. To understand the learning process and your responsibility and role in it. Students will read the Spartan Scholar handbook and continue the process through participation in three MUSE workshops. Class group activities are designed to facilitate active learning. [MUSE] 5. To know what it means to be a member of a metropolitan university community. Part of this is fulfilled by student attendance at various campus events, but also achieved through the MUSE text readings and responses to them. Half of the classes in this course are devoted to MUSE activities. [MUSE] The following content and activities will be incorporated into the course as you engage in the subject matter of the course: Diversity: We will examine dreams and dream theory in diverse cultures (project #1) through the writings and art of many different artists. [GE and MUSE] Writing: the minimum writing requirement is 1500 words in a language and style appropriate to the discipline. There is one paper, one final project paper of three to four pages, in addition to journal writing, in-class writing and creative writing. [GE] The activities and readings are designed to provide students an opportunity to: 1. experience significant works of art in the classroom and in performances and exhibition [GE] 2. understand the historical or cultural contexts in which specific works of art were created [GE] 3. recognize the accomplishments of and issues related to women and diverse cultures reflected in such works of art. [GE] 4. University scholar: Course activities should be designed to enable students to improve critical thinking skills, information competencies, critical writing and reading skills, and group interactions [MUSE] 5. University life: Students will attend workshops and participate in group activities to help them learn about university resources and activities and to improve in areas they have identified [MUSE] Required Texts/Readings Textbook Dreams Reader ed. Neli Moody available at Maple Press Lathe of Heaven, Ursula Le Guin ISBN 9780060512743 Gossamer, Lowery ISBN 9780618685509 Midsummer Nights Dream, William Shakespeare, ISBN 9780553213003 A Dream Play, August Strindberg, ISBN 9781559362702 We Make the Road by Walking by Margit Misangyi Watts ISBN 0-13-119632-4 Firewife, Tinling Choong, ebook 91 library A Spartan Scholar from the Start online:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/scholarguide/" http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/scholarguide/ Maple Press Packet The Course Reader may be picked up at Maple Press, 481 E. San Carlos St., between 10th and 11th St. at the east end of campus. Phone number is 208-297-1000. Be sure to ask for the course reader for MUSE 96LQ- Professor Moody. The Course Reader will contain excerpts from such books as The Interpretation of Dreams:Freuds Theories Revisted by Laurence Porter, Dreams on Film by Leslie Halpern, Poetry and Myth and Poetry and Dreams by Frederick Clarke Prescott and Dream and Image by Bettina Knapp. Film clips may include: Spellbound, Dreamscape, Groundhog Day, and Lathe of Heaven, to name a few. Art work of the surrealists such as Frida Kahlo, De Chirico, Odilon, and Dali will be subjects of study and discussion. The poetry of Poe, Baudelaire, Valry, and Mallarm, among others, will be read in the poetry section of the course and these readings will be posted or in the reader. Recommended texts Cliffs Notes: Writing: Grammar, Usage, and Style (CliffsQuickReview) ISBN: 0764563939 This book is only $10 and contains great information. If you have a grammar text from English 1A/B, or a remedial English class, you may use that. The purpose of the text is to understand and apply the principles of good grammar and well-constructed syntax. I have put links to many interesting articles about dreams on my website. Use them. Other Equipment / Material Requirements (Optional) College-level dictionary Lined binder paper 8.5 x 11 for in-class writing Blue or black pens for in-class writing Internet access and email Peer Mentor Information The Peer Mentor center is located in the Academic Success Center in Clark Hall Rm. 305 in the Academic Success Center. The Peer Mentor Center is staffed with Peer Mentors who excel in helping students manage university life, tackling problems that range from academic challenges to interpersonal struggles. On the road to graduation, Peer Mentors are navigators, offering roadside assistance to peers who feel a bit lost or simply need help mapping out the locations of campus resources. Peer Mentor services are free and available on a drop in basis, no reservation required. HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/peermentor/"The Peer Mentor web site is located at: http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/peermentor/ . Classroom Protocol Cell phones must be silent (or on vibrate). Do not use cell phones in the class. No text messaging allowed. Laptops cannot be used during class time except when giving presentations (and then it is optional) or with permission from the DRC. You are adults and responsible for attending class and turning in assignments on time. If you must miss class, contact a classmate about what we covered. Do not email me asking me what we discussed or if you missed anything important. (You did.) Instead, contact a classmate for that material. Its OK to email me if you need clarification on an assignment or need to arrange an appointment to meet in person. Please use standard English (including capitals and punctuation) in all emails to me. Use a salutation and a closing with your name. Please do not use text messaging or chat abbreviations (like cul8r, ur, im, etc). You cannot make up in-class projects, discussions, quizzes, or other work. If you turn in an assignment late (such as the journals), you will lose one full grade for each day the assignment is late. That is, an A becomes a B after one day, and then a C after two days. Each day is a calendar day, not a class period! If you experience some sort of hardship or challenge during the semester that interferes with your completion of assignments, you need to let me know as soon as possible. Extended absences require some sort of medical proof. The DRC is great about helping students who face such challenges and will provide me with the necessary documentation to facilitate you in fulfilling your obligations as a student. Athletic commitments require the standard letter from the coach with a schedule of sport event dates. We can work around challenges if you are committed and let me know in advance. Assignments, Quizzes, and Grade Policies Assignments and participation This class will probably be different from any classes you will take at 91. The many disciplines we explore will require your commitment to the process. It will be exciting for both of us. The class works best with students who are prepared to participate in each class discussion and activity. As such, most discussions and activities will center on the assigned readings (both fiction and non-fiction) and lectures. We will move quickly. There are no make-ups. The class will have several mini-lectures, some by me, some by guests. You will be responsible for taking notes on these lectures. There will be quizzes on them. Bring your required texts to class every session as noted on the syllabus and be prepared to respond to the text. Late assignments I will not take any assignments (of those allowed) more than one week late. If you have extenuating circumstances that compromise your ability to get work in on time, you need to let me know. Quizzes, class assignments, and homework Throughout the semester, I will give quizzes on the assigned reading and assignments. These quizzes will not be announced in advance and cannot be made up. I will assign various responses to reading and other short writing assignments both in and out of class. ALL WORK IS WORD PROCESSED EXCEPT IN CLASS WORK. Projects The projects in this class will give students and opportunity to use analytical and creative skills. Determine projects. Conferences You must schedule a conference with me in October. I will have sign up sheets by the second week of the semester. University Policies Academic integrity  HYPERLINK "http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/download/judicial_affairs/Academic_Integrity_Policy_S07-2.pdf" The University's Academic Integrity Policy Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University and the Universitys integrity policy, require you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. HYPERLINK "http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/index.html"The website for Student Conduct and Ethical Development Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another persons ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include in your assignment any material you have submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that 91s Academic Policy F06-1 requires approval of instructors. Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the DRC (Disability Resource Center) to establish a record of their disability. Dropping and Adding Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops, academic renewal, etc. Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for adding and dropping classes.  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/registrar/calendar/" Add drop info  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/sac/advising/latedrops/policy/" Late drop info Student Resources Student Technology Resources Computer labs for student use are available in the Academic Success Center located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall and on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. Additional computer labs may be available in your department/college. Computers are also available in the Martin Luther King Library. A wide variety of audio-visual equipment is available for student checkout from Media Services located in IRC 112. These items include digital and VHS camcorders, VHS and Beta video players, 16 mm, slide, overhead, DVD, CD, and audiotape players, sound systems, wireless microphones, projection screens and monitors. I encourage you to utilize such media.  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/larc/" Learning Assistance Resource Center The Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARC) is located in Room 600 in the Student Services Center. It is designed to assist students in the development of their full academic potential and to motivate them to become self-directed learners. The center provides support services, such as skills assessment, individual or group tutorials, subject advising, learning assistance, summer academic preparation and basic skills development.  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/" 91 Writing Center The 91Writing Center is located in Room 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by professional instructors and upper-division or graduate-level writing specialists from each of the seven 91 colleges. Ourwriting specialistshave met a rigorous GPA requirement, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all disciplines to become better writers. Helpful Websites  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/workshops/" Muse Website  HYPERLINK "http://www.turnitin.com/static/index.html" Plagiarism website   HYPERLINK "http://www.sjlibrary.org/" 91 Library   HYPERLINK "http://owl.english.purdue.edu/" Purdue MLA guidelines  HYPERLINK "http://www.wonderfulwritingskillsunhandbook.com" Writing Skills help  HYPERLINK "http://www.poets.org/" Best Poetry site   HYPERLINK "http://essayinfo.com/" Essay guidance Publications  HYPERLINK "http://www.nytimes.com" The New York Times  HYPERLINK "http://www.theatlantic.com" The Atlantic Monthly Grades I dont give grades. Students earn them. Keep your papers and keep track of your scores. Your grade is a reflection of the effort you have put into the class and a measure of your commitment to learning as an individual and as part of a group. DeliverableWord CountFormatPoint ValueTotal PointsEvent150-200typed10 10Presentation (group) myth and culture 150-250Outline typed and handout or overhead2525Two-page paper family interview200-300typed2020MUSE workshop summaries300typed25 (3)75Reader/dream response journalsvariesWritten or typed50 (2)100Final project paper500 wordstyped5050Final Exam typed2525Quizzes in class10 (10)100Homework assignments10 (10)100Final project TBA5050Portfolio 6060 Participation2525 Projects Myth, Poetry, Art, Music OR Theatre Includes paper original myth, poetry and revisions, and music/theatre project25 (4)75Text papers500-75045 (5)225TOTALS~2500 words1000 pts. Academic Standards for Assessment The A paper will be well organized and well developed, demonstrating a clear understanding and fulfillment of the assignment. It will show the students ability to use language effectively and to construct sentences distinguished by syntactic complexity and variety. Such essays will be essentially free of grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors. The B paper will demonstrate competence in the same categories as the A essay. The chief difference is that the B essay will show some slight weakness in one of those categories. It may slight one of the assigned tasks, show less facility of expression, or contain some minor grammatical, mechanical, or usage flaws. The C paper will complete all tasks set by the assignment, but show weaknesses in fundamentals, usually development, with barely enough specific information to illustrate the experience or support generalizations. The sentence construction may be less mature, and the use of language less effective and correct than the B essay. The D paper will neglect one of the assigned tasks and be noticeably superficial in its treatment of the assignmentthat is, too simplistic or too short. The essay may reveal some problems in development, with insufficient specific information to illustrate the experience or support generalizations. It will contain grammatical, mechanical, and/or usage errors that are serious and/or frequent enough to interfere substantially with the writers ability to communicate. The F paper will demonstrate a striking underdevelopment of ideas and insufficient or unfocused organization. It will contain serious grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors that render some sentences incomprehensible. 970-871A870-799B798-699C698-600D599 and belowF 96LQ Section 01 Fall 2010 The schedule is subject to change with fair notice. Any changes will be noted on my website. I will also always go over the weeks work and upcoming key dates at the beginning of each class. WeekDateTopics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines1 8/26 Class Introduction and Syllabus Review In class Dreams exercise 10 Thingsto Improve your Grades:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/resources/bettergrades/" http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/resources/bettergrades/ Buy course text books College-wide Treasure Hunt sheets for HW 1  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/includes/calendars/academic/1011aycalendar.pdf" Academic Calendar 2010/2011 Dreamscape Begin reading Lathe of Heaven Read Theories of Dream Functions by Janet Dallet, 1973 (ebook link online resources)2 8/31 9/1 9/2Read:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/scholarguide/ " http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/scholarguide/ (Welcome to Reading Course Material) and We Make the Path by Walking (WMPW) Intro, Guide, pgs. 7-9, 12-19, 20-23 and pgs. 196-206. Tribes and Tribulations HW 2 Set up  HYPERLINK "http://www.turnitin.com/static/index.html" Turnitin.com account. Write a brief bio of ten sentences. Five goals for this year, and five years from now as your first entry. List three recurring dream symbols or dreams youve had. There will be a folder there for this assignment and any subsequent turnitin assignments. ID: 3396820 password: dreamscape Begin dream journals: one dream per week Dreamscape Take a fun dreams quiz at  HYPERLINK "http://quiz.ivillage.com/health/tests/Dream.htm" http://quiz.ivillage.com/health/tests/Dream.htm SUPER Fall Student Organization Faire 10:00-2:00  HYPERLINK "www.sjsu.edu/muse/Student_Success_Programs_xformerly_MUSE_Workshopsx/%20" Student Success Workshops Read:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/scholarguide/" http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/scholarguide/ (Taking Effective Notes) WMPW, pgs. 35-42 and Chpt. 3 pgs. 66-68, 71-74 and 77-86. Values and Perspectives HW 3 Exercises on pg. 40 Reader Freud and Jung Mini-Lecture Anatomy of a Dream Professor Moody 3 9/7 9/9College Bowl Challenge TBA HW 4 Learning Inventory pgs. 49-50 Notes on Group Myth Project Review readings Review lecture #1 Due: Student Club Faire write up= MUSE WRITE UP Finish Lathe of Heaven and video Text Paper due Guidelines in class Mini-Lecture The Psychology of Dreams Review Freud and Jung  HYPERLINK "http://www.freud.org.uk/exhibitions/10529/on-the-couch-psychoanalysis-in-cartoons-art-from-the-new-yorker" See Freud Cartoons from the New Yorker  HYPERLINK "http://www.freud.org.uk/exhibitions/online/dreams/" Online dreams from Freud.org WMPW pgs. 40-48, 52-61 Learning Styles Lathe of Heaven video4 9/14 9/16Chpt. 4 pg. 87-105 Personal Narratives WMPW pgs. pg. 117 and pgs. 127-133 and 135-141 Paper: Family Interviews Health Services presentation Lathe Q1 Dream 1 in Kurosawas Dreams Begin Firewife (ebook online link, online resources) Mini-Lecture Dreams, Myth and Culture Professor Moody Reader Dreams, Myth, and Culture online selections, Native American Currents,  HYPERLINK "http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://proquest.umi.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/pqdweb?index=null&did=622389941&SrchMode=5&Fmt=3&retrieveGroup=0&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1247352257&clientId=17867" NATIVE CURRENTS; BEGINNING WITH A STORY, THE LANGUAGE OF OUR DREAMS The Hindu Book of Sleep and Dreams,  HYPERLINK "http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://proquest.umi.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/pqdweb?index=null&did=611079491&SrchMode=5&Fmt=3&retrieveGroup=0&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1247352257&clientId=17867" The Hindu Book Of SLEEP & DREAMS The Power of Dreams in the Bible,  HYPERLINK "http://www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=3218" Dreams and the Bible Dreaming the Seven Colored Flower,  HYPERLINK "http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://proquest.umi.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/pqdweb?index=null&did=715264531&SrchMode=5&Fmt=3&retrieveGroup=0&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1247352257&clientId=17867" Dreaming the Seven-Colored Flower: Eastern and Western Approaches to Dreams in Chinese Folk Literature ,African Americans and Predictive Dreams,  HYPERLINK "http://www.asdreams.org/magazine/articles/african_prediction_dreams.htm" African American Dreams, People Speaking Silently to Themselves  HYPERLINK "http://muse.jhu.edu.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/journals/american_indian_quarterly/v026/26.3ball.pdf" apache culture place and dreams, Dreams and Initiation  HYPERLINK "http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://proquest.umi.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/pqdweb?did=1261932611&sid=7&Fmt=6&clientId=17867&RQT=309&VName=PQD" ethnographic studies in dreams Social Practice of Sharing Dreams online resources at my website You will need to have an account at the library in order to access these articles Group myth projects meetings WMPW pgs. pg. 117 and pgs. 127-133 and 135-141 HW 5 Select one of the myths from the reading. Summarize it. Briefly describe what aspects of the myth interested you (2 pages, typed).5 9/21 9/23Library Tour Group myth presentations Group Paper due on your section Write your own creation myth Project 1 due JOURNAL # 1 DUE 6 9/28 9/30Finish reading:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/scholarguide" http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/students/scholarguide Kurosawas Dreams: The Orchard Read WMPW pgs. 146-153 External Influences 7 10/5 10/7Mini mini lecture Creativity and Dreams Read WMPW pgs. 153-156 External Influences HW 6 pg. 157 Reader Poetry and Dreams Wordsworth and Poe (Guest speaker)  HYPERLINK "http://www.poets.org/search.php/fs/1/prmAuthor/+/prmMediaTitle/+/prmKeyword/about+dreams/prmFormID/0/prmMovementID/0/prmThemeID/0" Dream Poems Click on View all poems found A list will appear. Mini lecture Poetry and Dreams Bring a poem (3 copies) to the next class based on a dream or dream image (typed) Project 2 Finish Firewife Text Paper due Q 2 Firewife Poetry revisions 8 1/2 810/12 10/14Read WMPW pgs. 158-161 Real vs Unreal MUSE WRITE UP DUE Mini-Lecture Poetry, Poe, and Dreams Professor (English and Comparative Literature) Begin Gossamer Project 2 Revised Poetry Turn in revised poems and originals Dr. Who Class exercise rewriting the script9  10/19 10/21  Begin reading play Midsummer or Dream Play Mini-Lecture Theatre of Dreams (Professor Adrienne Eastwood) Q 3 MUSE HW 5 What childhood dream most frightened you? How do you feel about that dream now? (Two pages, typed) Reader Theatre of Dreams notes  HYPERLINK "http://www3.uakron.edu/dtaa/pdf/DreamPlay_studyguide.pdf" http://www3.uakron.edu/dtaa/pdf/DreamPlay_studyguide.pdf  HYPERLINK "http://www.bu.edu/bostonia/winter09/dream-theater/" Dreamsourcesforplays  HYPERLINK "http://www.shearsman.com/pages/books/ebooks/ebooks_pdfs/avebury.pdf" Avebury  HYPERLINK "http://www.blackcatpoems.com/b/i_dreamed_i_slept.html" Black cat dream Conferences Read WMPW 184-193 Information to Knowledge Clips from The Music Instinct Mini lecture Music and Language in Dreams Review In class work. Finish Gossamer Q 4 Gossamer Text paper due 10 10/26 10/282nd MUSE WORKSHOP WRITE UP DUE Counseling Center presentation Reader Art and Dreams Review readings  HYPERLINK "http://www.playwriting101.com/" Playwriting 101 Q 5 MUSE Group meetings-- proposals due for final project Read WMPW pgs. 210-216 HW 6 Reader Notes Finish reading play(s) Theatre Paper or Music Project 3 due. See guidelines. Ask me if you have questions. 11 11/2 11/4Text Paper due Q 6 Plays WMPW pgs. 221-230  HYPERLINK "http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/symbolist/symbolist_intro.html" Symbolism Minimini lecture Art and Psychoanalysis Read Jung and Symbolism in Reader Review Mini-Lecture Dreams in Art (Guest Art ) Project 4 Rendering of a dream Murder, a Self Portrait (if available) Q 7 Jung and Symbolism12 11/9 11/11Read WMPW pgs. 230-237 Career Center Virtual Presentation HW 7 turn in a resume Do Choosing a Major Activity Sheets at  HYPERLINK "http://www.careercenter.sjsu.edu/students/explore/tutorial/tutorial.html" http://www.careercenter.sjsu.edu/students/explore/tutorial/tutorial.html Do Job Hunting resume practice at  HYPERLINK "http://www.careercenter.sjsu.edu/students/launch/Resume_covLet/resume_toolkit/resume_toolkit.html" http://www.careercenter.sjsu.edu/students/launch/Resume_covLet/resume_toolkit/resume_toolkit.html Mini-Lecture Dreams in Art on the readings  HYPERLINK "http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2009/11/hitchcock-dali-nightmares.html#entry-more" http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2009/11/hitchcock-dali-nightmares.html#entry-more Spellbound JOURNAL #2 DUE Group meetings Scripts due Visitor  HYPERLINK "http://downloads.newyorker.com/mp3/outloud/091116_outloud_talbot.mp3?_kip_ipx=1770205239-1257807770" http://downloads.newyorker.com/mp3/outloud/091116_outloud_talbot.mp3?_kip_ipx=1770205239-125780777013 11/16 11/18Read WMPW pgs. 238-245 Writing Center presentation HW 8 MUSE Q 8 Paintings Mini-Lecture The Cinema and Dreams Film clips, W of Oz Reader The Cinema and Dreams Group meetings HW 9 What are some of the ways film directors give the viewer cues that the scene is a dream sequence? Discuss one of the films weve seen in your paper. Be specific. (One page, typed) 14 11/23 11/25 Event: CLA (Center for Literary Arts) WRITE UP DUE 11/24 Film clips and discussion Q 9 MUSE HW 10 List and discuss three things you learned about dreams that you didnt know before you took this class. Thanksgiving Break  1511/30 12/23rd MUSE WORKSHOP WRITE UP DUE Q 10 TBA Project Presentations Take home final exam handed out Portfolios due. Final Exam due. Film or Visual Projects Presentations 16 12/7Presentations Discussion12/9Film TBA      English 96 LQ Moody Fall 2009 Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 16 $.TU 2 3 4 9 : ; < P ] ^ x y ȿ|xtmihW1x ha~hC\ph,vhN hMuhW1x hMuh5c ha~h*9hohW1x0JjhJVcUhojhoU ha~h5c ha~hW1xha~hw $KHhhMuha~h-rKHha~hu=OJQJ^Jha~h-rOJQJ^Jha~hGOJQJ^J&$Uk P y  3 hqgdMugda~gdA8#gd~gd!gdEHgdMugdA8[ }  3 P G  # % > D b m  );r-/3gh л洭̟̟̭̭̟̟̭ ha~h5c h,vh,v h,v6h$*h&:6 ha~h`l ha~h*9 ha~h&: ha~h[0w h,v0JjhnUh,vjh,vU ha~hw $ ha~hLD h`:hLDh!h!nH tH h!nH tH 4 .:U[cnpq&X|>?yz|bcۿͣͱwwlwlwha~hB*phha~h[0wB*phhKB*phha~hEB*ph ha~hE ha~hI5 ha~ho>4 ha~hW1x ha~h= h`:hW1x h`:hMu ha~hzJ ha~hpg h`:hLD ha~hoY% h`:ha~h5ch h$*h,v ha~h5c*?z5K !.""E#E$$$X%%&k'''''(\((gdEH$gd{ 7$8$H$gdA8#gd~xxgdA8zab69!!!'"-"."""""D#E#m#n###D$E$$$%%%%&&&&xqxq ha~h[ ha~hEha~hw 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