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College-level dictionary , thesaurus, and other writing references Lined binder paper, 8.5x11, for in-class writing. Blue or black pens for in-class writing, colored pen (green, purple) for workshops Course WiKi and Desire2Learn Some of our class readings and assignments will be hosted on the wiki at: sjsuengl129.pbworks.com. Assignments, readings, and handouts will be posted on Desire2Learn at: sjsu.desire2learn.com. Course Description Practice in various professional writing tasks: instructions, descriptions, reviews, interviews, articles, creative nonfiction, short stories, poetry. Publication of a newsletter. Study of models and application of techniques to achieve given stylistic effects. Prerequisites: Upper-division standing. In this class, well explore many different professions that use writing or editing as their major tasks. Our class will have several guest speakerssome in person, some via video conferencewho will help us recognize a broad range of writing careers. You will practice some of the writing skills used by professional writers, including scheduling, production, and editing. This class is highly collaborative; you and your classmates will design, write, and publish two newsletters whose main audience is students in the English department (both graduate and undergraduate). We will use computers for most of our workbe prepared to learn a wide range of skills in this course! This class demands professionalism. You will work on multiple assignments simultaneously, which means you must manage your time. I trust that by now you have learned personal strategies for meeting multiple commitments. If you apply yourself to this course, you will leave with the skills to be successful in a variety of writing professions. Student learning objectives (SLOs) In the Department of English and Comparative Literature, students will demonstrate the ability to: read closely in a variety of forms, styles, structures, and modes, and articulate the value of close reading in the study of literature, creative writing, and/or rhetoric; show familiarity with major literary works, genres, periods, and critical approaches to British, American and World Literature; write clearly, effectively, and creatively, and adjust writing style appropriately to the content, the context, and the nature of the subject; develop and carry out research projects, and locate, evaluate, organize, and incorporate information effectively; articulate the relations among culture, history, and texts. Specifically, in English 129 you will: Develop the ability to write literary and journalistic works that express intellect and imagination and that represent diversity in human cultures and experience; Read and respond to texts with both analytical acumen and personal sensibility; Write works of non-fiction that are of interest and value to the writer, to other students in the course, and to a diverse reading audience of students studying English; Collaborate in a professional production environment wherein you produce, edit, and design one or more publications for the English department. Information available online You are responsible for reading the following information online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/english/comp/policyforsyllabi.html" http://www.sjsu.edu/english/comp/policyforsyllabi.html Course guidelines Academic policies (academic integrity, plagiarism, ADA and DRC policies) Adding and dropping classes Assignments and Grading Policy You will write three major assignments: a review, an article for one of the newsletters, and a longer feature article for publication in a journal or magazine. I want to encourage exploration and choice, meaning you are responsible for choosing your subject matter within these guidelines. Each assignment is 20% of your grade. The remaining 40% is determined by class participation, workshop comments, quizzes, query letters, writing exercises, and such. You must write all major assignments to pass the class and you must participate. AssignmentsPointsLO#Review of a movie, play, concert, book, or literary event (500 words)2003, 6, 8, 9Feature article, literary journalism (1500-2000 words)2003, 6, 8, 9Profile or newsletter article (500 words)2003, 6, 8, 9Editorial/production work on newsletters2007, 9Quizzes, drafts, workshops, participation, writing exercises, shorter/informal writing assignments, presentations.2004, 5TOTAL1000 A = 930 points +B- = 800-829D+ = 670-699A- = 900-929C+ = 770-799D = 630-669B+ = 870-899C = 730-769D- = 600-629B = 830-869C- = 700-730F = below 600ACADEMIC STANDARDS FOR ASSESSMENT The A paper will demonstrate a publishable quality of writing, thought, and purpose. The work will be significant (no bullshit or fluff in this class!) and universal to the human condition. In addition to having few errors, the paper will show your ability to use language effectively and to construct sentences distinguished by syntactic complexity and variety. Such papers will be essentially free of grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors. The B paper will demonstrate competence in the same categories as the A paper. The chief difference is that the B paper will show some slight weakness in one of those categories, such as needing minor copyediting or simple revisions to make it publishable. It may be less significant than an A paper, have some slight awkward stylistic choices, show less facility of expression, or contain some minor grammatical, mechanical, or usage flaws. The C paper will complete all tasks set by the assignment but not be ready for publication. It may show weaknesses in fundamentals, usually development, with barely enough specific information to illustrate the experience or support generalizations. The sentence construction may be less mature, and the use of language less effective and correct than the B paper. This paper needs significant revision and editing to get to a publishable quality. The D paper will neglect one of the assigned tasks and be noticeably superficial in its treatment of the assignmentthat is, too simplistic or too short or too long and wordy. The paper may reveal some problems in development, with insufficient specific information to illustrate the experience or support generalizations. It will contain grammatical, mechanical, and/or usage errors that are serious and/or frequent enough to interfere substantially with the writers ability to communicate. A D paper is not publishable and not showing signs that it could be publishable with revision. The F paper will demonstrate a striking underdevelopment of ideas and insufficient or unfocused organization. It will contain serious grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors that render some sentences incomprehensible. Grading: A-F. Student Technology Resources Computer labs for student use are available in the Academic Success Center located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall and on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. Additional computer labs may be available in your department/college. Computers are also available in the Martin Luther King Library. A wide variety of audio-visual equipment is available for student checkout from Media Services located in IRC 112. These items include digital and VHS camcorders, VHS and Beta video players, 16 mm, slide, overhead, DVD, CD, and audiotape players, sound systems, wireless microphones, projection screens and monitors. Learning Assistance Resource Center The Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARC) is located in Room 600 in the Student Services Center. It is designed to assist students in the development of their full academic potential and to motivate them to become self-directed learners. The center provides support services, such as skills assessment, individual or group tutorials, subject advising, learning assistance, summer academic preparation and basic skills development. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/larc/" LARC website is located at http:/www.sjsu.edu/larc/. 91 Writing Center The 91 Writing Center is located in Room 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by professional instructors and upper-division or graduate-level writing specialists from each of the seven 91 colleges. Our writing specialists have met a rigorous GPA requirement, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all disciplines to become better writers. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/" Writing Center website is located at http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/. Peer Mentor Center The Peer Mentor Center is located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall in the Academic Success Center. The Peer Mentor Center is staffed with Peer Mentors who excel in helping students manage university life, tackling problems that range from academic challenges to interpersonal struggles. On the road to graduation, Peer Mentors are navigators, offering roadside assistance to peers who feel a bit lost or simply need help mapping out the locations of campus resources. Peer Mentor services are free and available on a drop in basis, no reservation required. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/peermentor/" Peer Mentor Center website is located at http://www.sjsu.edu/muse/peermentor/ English 129, Fall 2011, Course Schedule Homework is listed on the day assigned and due the following class unless otherwise specified. CMS Chicago Manual of Style The class will collaborate to determine the production schedules for our two newsletters. Those dates will be posted on D2L. DUE DATES WILL BE OFTEN! THIS SCHEDULE WILL BE UPDATED! WKDATESTUESDAYTHURSDAY18/25/11Introductions, course overview, Desire2Learn HW: Buy textbooks28/30/11 9/1/11Newsletter evaluations HW: CMS ch 1Newsletter production schedules, tools of the trade HW: CMS ch 239/6/11 9/8/11EDN and TWL schedules, production choices, editorial roles HW: CMS ch 3 skimWhat do writers do? HW: CMS ch 1449/13/11 9/15/11Editing to perfection HW: CMS ch ADUE: Review for workshop HW: D2L readings59/20/11 9/22/11Journalism HW: D2L readingsDue: Final Review Copywriting/advertising HW: D2L readings69/27/11 9/29/11Speech writing HW: D2L readingsBusiness writing HW: CMS ch 16710/4/11 10/6/11IndexingNewsletter production810/11/11 10/13/11HW: D2L readingsHW: D2L readings910/18/11 10/20/11Production meetingsProduction meetings1010/25/11 10/27/11Production meetingsProduction meetings1111/1/11 11/3/11Production meetingsProduction meetings1211/8/11 11/10/11Production in IS 134Production in IS 1341311/15/11 11/17/11Production in IS 134Production in IS 134 until 1:00 only!1411/22/11 11/24/11Production in IS 134THANKSGIVING1511/29/11 12/1/11Production in IS 134WORKSHOP feature article1612/6/11 12/8/11WORKSHOPWORKSHOP12/15FINAL EXAM 9:45-12:00 DUE: Feature Article (200pts)Reading your work: 5 minutes of fameImportant 91 dates Fall 2011 Monday August 22 Academic Year Begins Fall Semester Begins Mon-Tues August 22-23 Pre-Instruction Activities: Orientation, Advisement, Faculty Meetings and Conferences (P) Wednesday August 24 First Day of Instruction Classes Begin Monday September 5 Labor Day - Campus Closed (L) Tuesday September 6 Last Day to Drop Courses Without an Entry on Students Permanent Record (D) Tuesday September 13 Last Day to Add Courses & Register Late (A) Wednesday September 21 Enrollment Census Date (CD) Friday November 11 Veterans Day - Campus Closed (V) Wednesday November 23 Classes that start at 5:00 PM or later will not meet Thursday November 24 Thanksgiving Holiday - Campus Closed (T) Friday November 25 Rescheduled Holiday - Campus Closed (RH) Thursday December 8 Last Day of Instruction - Last Day of Classes Friday December 9 Study/Conference Day (no classes or exams) (SC) Mon-Fri December 12-16 Final Examinations (exams) Monday December 19 Final Examinations Make-Up Day (MU) Tuesday December 20 Grade Evaluation Day (E) Wednesday December 21 Grades Due From Faculty - End of Fall Semester (G) Monday December 26 Christmas Holiday Observed - Campus Closed (CH)     Course Name, Number, Semester, and Year Page  PAGE 6 of  NUMPAGES 6  $%'(/034?@JKRSTVWXhvwx|}  % & ' + , 1 F H S Z \ k hu hLDh5_hU2@hLD hmhLD hHhHhfthY*hB hHh&Na hHhU2@ hHhLDGUkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na ($Ifgd5| ($Ifgd5|gdH=Ukd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na ($Ifgd5| ($Ifgd5|UkdX$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na  1 G =Ukd`$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na ($Ifgd5| ($Ifgd5|Ukd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&NaG H S [ \ k =Ukd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na ($Ifgd5| ($Ifgd5|Ukd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na G V w  [ x gdLDgds & F gdsgdsgdftgdftgdftUkdh$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na   E F G v w Y [ f w x ! # : @ A L M N Ucd|}¾¶zoh5|hNI6\]h5|h5|6\]h5|hU2@56\]h5|hNI56\]h5|h5|6h hU2@ hY*hY*h5|hLDhnhY*hshs6hs hThft hft0JjhftU hfthfthftjhftUmHnHu' : N U}y#z/2o93gdm.gdnu<<gdft & F 7$8$H$gdftgdftgdftgd5|gdLDgdLD}MV"yz{no(823$%1gij%κίsokhLDhB\fhBhhq:0JnH tH hm.hq:nH tH jhq:UnH tH hq:nH tH hm.nH tH hm.hq:h6LhftCJ^JhfthftCJ^Jh6LhftaJ hftaJhhftaJ hfthfthft hB\f\] h5|\]h5|h5|\])9R^eijxo $Ifgdskkd$$IflFB"E t6    44 layt0 $Ifgd0gdsgdLD & Fgdq: %&)*129QR\]j@Ast !)+,1;<=>FHIQSTYbcdempqy{|~ӽ h9hs hqKhshSYhs5 hq *hs hs5hWDhs5 hB\f5h|hs5hshLDhU2@J $Ifgd0ikd-$$IflFB"E t6    44 layt0 $Ifgds15@ $Ifgd0ikd$$IflFB"E t6    44 layt0@Ajns $Ifgd0ikd$$IflFB"E t6    44 layt0st $Ifgd0 $IfgdsikdV$$IflFB"E t6    44 layt0 $Ifgd0ikd$$IflFB"E t6    44 layt0*+ $Ifgd0gdsikd$$IflFB"E t6    44 layt0+,9FRSyyyy $Ifgd0|kd$$Ifl\Z $T0C  X X t/644 layt0STamz{yyyy $Ifgd0|kd$$Ifl\Z $T0C  X X t/644 layt0{|yyyy $Ifgd0|kdO$$Ifl\Z $T0C  X X t/644 layt0I! #Y%8&G&d&'((}xxxxxsniingdLDgdLDgd&Rgdsgds|kd$$Ifl\Z $T0C  X X t/644 layt0 9?  ? 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