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Since your college career will require an extensive amount of reading, interpreting and writing, this course is designed to enhance these skills. You will be reading a variety of published works, and you are encouraged to engage with the texts to recognize the components of excellent writing. Prerequisites: Placement by the English Proficiency Test (EPT), or passage of an approved substitute course for the EPT. Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives Students shall achieve the ability to write complete essays that demonstrate college-level proficiency in all of the following: Clear and effective communication of meaning. An identifiable focus, tailored to a particular audience and purpose (argumentative essays will state their thesis clearly and show an awareness, implied or stated, of some opposing point of view). The ability to perform effectively the essential steps of the writing process (prewriting, organizing, composing, revising, and editing). The ability to explain, analyze, develop, and criticize ideas effectively. Effective use within their own essays of supporting material drawn from reading or other sources. Effective organization within the paragraph and the essay. Accuracy, variety, and clarity of sentences. Appropriate diction. Control of conventional mechanics (e.g., punctuation, spelling, reference, agreement). Student Learning Objectives: SLO 1: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to perform effectively the essential steps in the writing process (prewriting, organizing, composing, revising, and editing). SLO 2: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to express (explain, analyze, develop, and criticize) ideas effectively. SLO 3: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to use correct grammar (syntax, mechanics, and citation of sources) at a college level of sophistication. SLO 4: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to write for different audiences. Required Texts and Materials Great Writing: A Reader for Wriiers (3rd edition) Wiener&Eisenberg ISBN: 0-07-237064-5 Quick Access Compact (2nd edition) Troyka & Hesse. ISBN: 9780205687343 Blue Books for in-class essays Binder Paper for reading responses and in-class work Course Requirements Writing Assignments: You will do a significant amount of reading and writing, in various formats, in this course. Come to class prepared! There will be eight essays (four out-of class, four in-class) totaling a minimum of 8,000 words. This total will include one substantial re-write. Out-of-class essays must typed (Times New Roman 12 point font) and double-spaced, using MLA format. Essays are expected on the due date: late papers drop a grade for each day they are late. ***All essays must be completed to pass the course. *** Reading Assignments: Read the assignments before class unless directed otherwise. Come to class ready to discuss the material. Writing Notebook (Binder Paper): This is used for class work, reading responses and homework. Each entry should be dated. Quizzes: These are not always announced beforehand. Be prepared. Attendance: Regular attendance and participation are expected. Assignments in class cannot be made up. Final Exam: The departmental final exam for all English 1A students will be given on Saturday, December 3rd from 8:00-10:00am. The final exam is mandatory: you cant pass the class without it. Classroom Protocol: I like my classroom to be a place where people feel comfortable enough to share their opinions. Respect for each other is the key here. Be on time and switch off mobile phones. Dropping and Adding: Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drop, academic renewal, etc. Refer to the current semesters  HYPERLINK "http://info.sjsu.edu/static/catalog/policies.html" catalog policies section at http://info.sjsu.edu/static/catalog/policies.html for any add/drop deadlines, policies, and procedures section and specific registration information. HYPERLINK "../AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/Local Settings/Temp/Late drop policy"Late drop policy is available at http://www.sjsu.edu/aars/policies/latedrops/policy/. Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for dropping classes. Grading Standards The Department of English reaffirms its commitment to the differential grading scale as defined in the official 91 Catalog (The Grading System). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A= excellent; B=above average; C=average; D=below average; F=failure. Courses graded according to the A, B, C, No Credit system shall follow the same pattern, except that NC, for No Credit, shall replace D or F. In A, B, C, No Credit courses, NC shall also substitute for W (Withdrawal) because neither NC or W affects students grade point averages. In English Department courses, instructors will comment on and grade the quality of student writing as well as the quality of the ideas being conveyed. All student writing should be distinguished by correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate diction and syntax, and well-organized paragraphs. Essays will be graded according to the following criteria: A= Excellent: The A essay is organized and well-constructed. It demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic and has a focused thesis. Paragraphs are fully developed and discussion of the ideas is apt and specific. The student utilizes appropriate details, lively vocabulary, syntactic complexity and smooth transitions. This paper is virtually free of mechanical errors and is a pleasure to read. B= Very Good: The B essay is less precise and not as convincing as the A paper. While it exhibits controlling ideas and supports them with specific examples, it may lack sentence variety and a consistent, smooth flow. This paper may contain minor grammatical/mechanical flaws, but it does show overall competence. C= Adequate: The C essay responds to the essay topic but in a superficial or generalized way. The paragraphs exhibit a lack of firm control of the ideas and contain insufficient supportive detail. Word choice and syntax is somewhat immature and mechanical errors may be frequent enough to distract the reader. D= Poor: The D essay makes an attempt to respond to the topic but is poorly organized, vague and lacks appropriate examples. The paper demonstrates weak control of ideas and contains serious mechanical and grammatical errors. F=Unacceptable: The F essay does not fulfill any of the requirements of the assignment. It fails to address the topic, it lacks coherence, and it does not reflect mechanical or grammatical competence. Your grade for the course will be determined as follows: In- class essays 25% Out-of-class essays 35% Departmental Final 20% Writing Notebook 10% Quizzes/Participation 10% ***The course is graded A-F. This class must be passed with a C or better to move on to CORE GE Area C3 and to satisfy the prerequisite for English 1B. A passing grade in the course signifies that the student is a capable college-level writer and reader of English. Extra Help: San Jose State University provides students with free tutoring at the Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARC) and at the Writing Center. Both of these centers will help students at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to major reorganization to stylistic polishing. Students of all abilities are encouraged to use these services. LARC is located under the 10th Street parking garage in SSC 600. (408) 924-2587 The Writing Center is located on the first floor of Clark Hall in Room 126. (408) 924-2308. You can schedule an appointment here: http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/tutoring/requestforappointment/index.htm University Policies Academic integrity Students should know that the Universitys  HYPERLINK "http://sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/faculty_and_staff/academic_integrity/index.html" Academic Integrity Policy is available at http://sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/faculty_and_staff/academic_integrity/index.html. Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University and the Universitys integrity policy, require you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/index.html" Student Conduct and Ethical Development website is available at http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/index.html. Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another persons ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include in your assignment any material you have submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that 91s Academic Policy F06-1 requires approval of instructors. Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the  HYPERLINK "http://www.drc.sjsu.edu/" Disability Resource Center (DRC) at http://www.drc.sjsu.edu/ to establish a record of their disability. Course Schedule (Subject to Change) WED. AUG. 24: Introduction to 1A. Read Essential Processes for Academic Writing (QA 2a, b, c, d) MON. AUG. 29: In class Diagnostic Essay (Bring blue book) [1,2,3] *** Homework: Read Description (GW 10-17) WED. AUG. 31: Whites Once More to the Lake (GW 24-29) [1,2] Essay 2 assigned [1, 2, 3] MON. SEPT. 5: Labor Day. Campus closed WED. SEPT. 7: Introduction to Narration (GW 58-64) Carvers My Fathers Life (GW 81-87) MON. SEPT. 12: **First draft of essay due for peer edit** Bring two copies. Introductory Paragraphs (QA 3b) Review MLA format for essays (Quick Access 35 e) [1,2,3] WED. SEPT. 14: Poes The Tell-Tale Heart (GW 108-111) Body paragraphs and topic sentences (QA 3c, d, e, f) Concluding paragraphs (QA 4k) [1,2,3,4] MON. SEPT. 19: Exemplification (GW 144-151) The Critical Thinking Process (QA 4a, b) Thurbers Courtship through the Ages (GW 166-169) Essay 2 due [1,2] WED. SEPT. 21: Ehrenreichs What Ive Learned from Men (GW 175-178) Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences (QA 20 a, b, c, d) [1,2,3] MON. SEPT. 26: Process Analysis Mehtas The Baby Myna (GW 257-260) Sentence fragments (QA 19 a, b) [1,2,3,4] WED. SEPT. 28: In-class essay. Bring blue book. [1,2,3,4] MON. OCT. 3: Comparison and Contrast (GW 278-286) Tans Two Kinds (GW 291-298) [1,2] Essay 4 assigned. [2,4] WED. OCT. 5: Woolfs Shakespeares Gifted Sister (GW 287-289) MON. OCT. 10: Essay 4 peer review (Bring two copies) WRITING NOTEBOOKS DUE [1,2,3,4] WED. OCT. 12: Writing Workshop (Past Final Paper) MON. OCT. 17: Conferences (Faculty Offices 217) WED. OCT. 19: Conferences (Faculty Offices 217) MON. OCT. 24: Classification (GW 354-361) Viorsts Friends, Good Friendsand Such Good Friends (GW 362-365) Apostrophes (QA 27 a, b, c, d) Essay 4 due [1,2,3,4] WED. OCT. 26: Definition Rodriguez Complexion (GW 513-516) [1,2] Semicolons (QA 25 a, b, c, d) MON. OCT. 31: Sherman Alexies Smoke Signals WED. NOV. 2: Smoke Signals [1,2,3,4] MON. NOV. 7: In-class essay. Bring blue book. [1,2,3,4] WED. NOV. 9: Argument and Persuasion Handout: War Poems . Essay 7 assigned [1,2,3,4] MON. NOV. 14: Kings I Have a Dream (GW 529-532) [1,2,4] WED. NOV. 16: In-class essay. Bring blue book. [1,2,3,4] MON. NOV. 21: **First draft essay 7 due** Bring two copies. WED. NOV. 23: Grammar Review. MON. NOV. 28: WRITING NOTEBOOKS DUE [1,2,3] Final Exam Practice. Grammar Review. WED. NOV. 30: Final Grammar Quiz Review QA 34 k [1,2,3] Essay 7 due. [1,2,3] SAT. DEC. 3 : Departmental Final Exam. 8:00-10:00am. Bring large YELLOW Exam book, black/blue pens, and a dictionary. MON. DEC. 5: Writing assignment in class. WED. DEC. 7: Last class. Essay 8 (revised essay) due. Presentation of best piece of writing *** Numbers in square brackets correspond to English 1A learning objectives (G.E.Area A2) ***  45efpquz{|}ƺᱨƟ|t|tlaY|taQhCJaJhF1CJaJhkhLCJaJh1KCJaJh CJaJhACJaJh/-CJaJhr)CJaJhkhCJaJhPs5CJ aJ h%1L5CJ aJ h5CJ aJ hPshg5CJ aJ hg5CJ aJ h 5CJ aJ hPfs5CJ aJ hPshPs5CJ aJ h25CJ aJ hsf5CJ aJ 5f{|}(pqKLtgd $a$gdkgd1#k$a$gd1#kgdpgdkgdr)@ ^@ gd$a$gdPs$a$gdT'(39@AFGUpqLZstݽղժݟtk`UMh CJaJhkh CJaJhkhkCJaJhuh CJh\{h1#k5CJaJh1#kCJaJhkh1#kCJaJh/h1#k5CJaJhkhkCJaJhv;CJaJhv;hv;CJaJh8CJaJhpCJaJhi\CJaJh~SCJaJhkh=CJaJhr)CJaJhCJaJhMCJaJtui>uvZ   )*gdk $h^ha$gd3gd hx^hgdFJr & Fxgd gd tutuv  )*INPRŹth]RG<hkh9l4CJaJhkhn{hCJaJhkh?QSCJaJhkh oCJaJhkh o6CJaJhkheCJaJhkhjJCJH*aJhkhjJCJaJhkhjJ6CJaJhkhG6CJaJhkhwCJaJhkh/5CJaJhsG5CJaJhuh CJhkhFJrCJaJh CJaJhkh CJaJhkhuCJaJ/01Ekw~67R|tld\TldTLh]yCJaJh6~CJaJh^F CJaJh #CJaJhCJaJhnCJaJhnhn5CJaJh|;2CJaJhfCJaJh]FCJaJhbh]F5CJaJh]F5CJaJhbh]FCJaJh]Fh]F5CJaJhuCJaJhkh9l4CJaJhkhpsCJaJhkhCJaJhkhCJaJ01KLKLJ"K"]"^"$$a$gdl}ggdy5gd^Qgd,gdbgdk$a$gdugduEGJKLbw}LTUV\OWܻ|s|k_WKh&h^Q5CJaJh^QCJaJhKh^Q5CJaJh%CJaJh; 5CJaJh; h; 5CJaJh; h,5CJaJhh,5>*CJaJh,CJaJh,5CJaJh; CJaJh0hdT5CJaJhb5CJaJhbhb5CJaJh0h{5CJaJhdTCJaJh<CJaJhbCJaJWex3YZh+ , k l Ź~oc~XIX7#jhy5hy5CJUaJjhy5hy5CJUaJhy5hy5CJaJh,5CJ\]aJhy5hy55CJ\]aJh85CJ\]aJhbCJaJhhD.CJaJh oCJaJh*CJaJhaNCJaJhe&ahe&aCJaJhe&ahe&a5CJaJh haK5CJaJh=5]h,CJ aJ !..N/O/00020E0B3z55777778@8A88888 p^p`gd}gdk$a$gd|gd@jgd@j$a$gdL$a$gdgde&a22222222?3A3B344Z5y5z555 7%7&7L7M7N7h7i7n7p7s77777777񻷰vmbh}h}CJaJh}5CJaJh 5CJaJ hN-hj^ h$dh@jh$dh@j0Jj(h@jUjh@jU hN-h@j h6,h@jh@j hYWh@jhN-h@j\h#h@j\hh@j\hh@j0J\jQh@jU\ h@j\jh@jU\#7777777788.8/8081828?8@8A8M8O8X8i8o8z8xpeZeODh#hi/PCJaJh#h4`NCJaJh#hC.jCJaJh#h,CJaJhySCJaJh#hi/P5CJaJh vh` 5CJaJh vhGw5CJaJhGwCJaJh_h_6CJaJh_CJaJh CJaJhDCJaJhi/PCJaJhi/Phi/PCJaJh CJaJh 5CJaJhpEE5CJaJh|h CJaJz88888888888888888888999999798999:9F9H9a9b9c9ݹɕyphhy`h~CJaJh>Z_CJaJh5CJaJhho1h5CJaJhCJaJhp}CJaJh2CJaJh*CJaJhH1hH15CJaJhH1CJaJhqCJaJh}CJaJhySCJaJh vh5CJaJhCJaJhi/PCJaJh+CJaJh#h+CJaJ"89999:9m9999:?:@:A:y::::: ; ^`gd+hegd<0gd ^`gdp^pgd;_gd;_ p^p`gdjgd#sp^pgdgdgdkc9e9l999999999999999::#:/:2:@:A:N:P:X:l:m:o:x:y::::::˿~˷vnbnhH1hH15CJaJhH1CJaJhGCJaJhcCJaJhKh;_6CJaJh;_CJaJhYSh5CJaJhCJaJhj5CJaJh#sCJaJhYHh#s5CJaJhyKCJaJhySCJaJh~=CJaJhCJaJh~CJaJhYSh~5CJaJ$::::::::::; ;;-;/;1;L;`;a;c;l;m;{;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; < <<<ļļĠxphxCJaJhYShM5CJaJhMCJaJhYSh5CJaJhy$CJaJhCJaJhOCJaJhYSh5CJaJhCJaJhGCJaJhho1h<05CJaJhF)CJaJhySCJaJhCJaJh+heCJaJh<0CJaJ* ;7;m;;;;< < <+<P<}<~<<<<=p^pgdZ p^p`gdg ^`gdG[ ^`gdxgdG[gdeYGp^pgdG p^p`gd<0 p^p`gd/gd<0gd<<<)<*</<C<D<F<O<P<d<f<i<z<|<}<~<<<<<<<<<<<<<ԸԤ|ph\hThCJaJhYShh5CJaJhhCJaJhho1hw25CJaJh<3CJaJhw2CJaJhySCJaJh CJaJhG[CJaJh1MhCJaJhYShM5CJaJhMCJaJhYSh5CJaJhCJaJhxCJaJhQCJaJhho1hx5CJaJh-nCJaJhTCJaJ<<== ====.=/=:=;=<=a=c=e=n=q=r=s=============ļĈtiaYQh^CJaJhmCJaJhjyCJaJh;Z h) CJaJh3nh) 5CJaJh|CJaJhR]CJaJh) CJaJhYShh5CJaJhhCJaJhQCJaJhs8sCJaJhGQCJaJhySCJaJh?CJaJhZCJaJhw2CJaJhYSh5CJaJhCJaJh4DhCJaJ=-=.=/=s=======.>/>`>a>>>>?p^pgd ^`gdn&p^pgdO, p^p`gdG[gdgdO, ^`gd) gd) gdQgd{gd? ^`gd?= > > > >->.>/>;><>=>>>`>a>m>o>}>~>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>弰̌ťl`lXPhhCJaJhn&CJaJhYSh5CJaJhCJaJhKwhO,5CJaJhYShEq5CJaJhEqCJaJhho1hO,5CJaJhjCJaJh|qCJaJhkhj5CJaJh$CJaJh[]CJaJhO,CJaJhk5CJaJhCJaJh$h$CJaJhoCJaJhySCJaJ>??????? ?%?9?:?*B*phFVF q'WFollowedHyperlink >*B* ph2B@2 @j Body TextxH@"H  eZ Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJN/1N  eZBalloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD뛟qu gZf~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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