ࡱ> 241g bjbjVV 4r<r< """"$F"fZ:ooo7999999$\]ooooo]r---o7-o7--gMl]"#0,, , , poo-ooooo]]-ooooooo, ooooooooo : English 07: Critical Thinking Fall 2011 Prof. Wm. A. Wilson FO 223; Office Hours: W 330-430; R 430-6 & by Appt.  HYPERLINK "mailto:drwawilson@hotmail.com" drwawilson@hotmail.com; william.wilson@sjsu.edu Course Description: Engl 07 satisfies GE Area A3 for undergraduates. It is an examination of critical thinking from a variety of traditions. The first part of the course will explore the basic procedures, forms and problems encountered by those who wish to think critically. We will also explore the structures of argumentation, the relationship between language and logic and between rhetoric and logic, as well as the benefits and limits of deduction and induction. The second part of the semester will look at various cases studies of human actions and decisions to see why we often think uncritically and act irrationally, despite our best efforts not to. The schedule lists assignments and the Student Learning Objectives met by individual assignments; the full list of SLOs is found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/ugs/ge/guidelines" www.sjsu.edu/ugs/ge/guidelines. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: This course is conducted under the Universitys integrity policy. All infractions will be reported by the instructor. The official statement can be found at www2.sjsu.edu/senate/S04-14.pdf. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students who need accommodations for disabilities must register with the DRC within three weeks of the beginning of the semester. The full University policy on students with diabilities may be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.drc.sjsu.edu" www.drc.sjsu.edu. Course Requirements and Grading: Class Participation 10%; Writing Assignments, in class and out 30%; midterms 20%Final exam 40%. Late submissions will be penalized, and all written work must be submitted in order to have a chance at passing the class. Required Text: Marlys Mayfield, Thinking for Yourself 8th ed. (Boston: Wadsworth, 2010) Schedule of Readings and Assignments Aug 24: Introduction Sept 07: Mayfield, ch 1; SLOs 1, 5 14: (In-Class) Essay #1 21: Mayfield chs 2-3 SLOs 1-3 28: Mayfield chs 4 SLOs 1-5 Oct 05: Midterm #1; SLOs 1-5, 8 12: Mayfield chs 6-7, Essay #2; SLOs 1-5, 19: Mayfield ch 8 26: (In-Class) Essay #3 Nov 02: Midterm #2: SLOs 6--8 Nov 009: Mayfield ch 9-10 SLOs 6-7 16: Mayfield ch 11-12; SLOs 1-7 30: Mayfield ch 13 Dec 01: Review; Mayfield ch 13, contd; Essay #4; SLO 8 14: FINAL EXAM; SLOs 1-8 ,GWbdjkltuv h ! 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