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Throughout the semester we will focus on logical reasoning, and I will challenge you to examine how and why you form arguments and opinions. The goal of this course is to get you recognizing, analyzing, evaluating, and engaging in effective reasoning, and to allow you to practice these skills on a daily basis. In addition to this, we will practice crafting arguments that will be based on sound reasoning. Required Texts/Materials From Critical Thinking to Argument, 3rd edition by Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. Bedford/St. Martins. ISBN: 0-312-60161-1 The Complete Maus: A Survivors Tale by Art Spiegelman. Pantheon Books. ISBN: 0-679-40641-7 Internet access (for looking up online newspapers, articles, videos, etc.) Recommended: A writing handbook (such as The Bedford Handbook, The Everyday Writer, etc.) and a college-level dictionary (Merriam-Webster pocket edition is great for this) Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives Students will demonstrate, orally and in writing, proficiency in the course goals. Development of the following competencies will result in dispositions or habits of intellectual autonomy, appreciation of different worldviews, courage and perseverance in inquiry, and commitment to employ analytical reasoning. Students should be able to: Learning Objective 1: Distinguish between reasoning (e.g., explanation, argument) and other types of discourse (e.g., description, assertion). Learning Objective 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate different types of reasoning. Learning Objective 3: Find and state crucial unstated assumptions in reasoning. Learning Objective 4: Evaluate factual claims or statements used in reasoning, and evaluate the sources of evidence for such claims. Learning Objective 5: Demonstrate an understanding of what constitutes plagiarism. Learning Objective 6: Evaluate information and its sources critically and incorporate selected information into his or her knowledge base and value system. Learning Objective 7: Locate, retrieve, organize, analyze, synthesize, and communicate information of relevance to the subject matter of the course in an effective and efficient manner. Learning Objective 8: Reflect on past successes, failures, and alternative strategies. The following Content Objectives are specific to GE Area A3: Students will analyze, evaluate, and construct their own arguments or position papers about issues of diversity such as gender, class, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Reasoning about other issues appropriate to the subject matter of the course shall also be presented, analyzed, evaluated, and constructed. All critical thinking classes should teach formal and informal methods for determining the validity of deductive reasoning and the strength of inductive reasoning, including a consideration of common fallacies in inductive and deductive reasoning. Courses shall require the use of qualitative reasoning skills in oral and written assignments. Substantial writing assignments are to be integrated with critical thinking instruction. Writing will lead to the production of argumentative essays, with a minimum of 3000 words required. Students shall receive frequent evaluations from the instructor. Evaluative comments must be substantive, addressing the quality and form of writing. Assignments and Grading Breakdown Reading: Reading will be assigned on a daily basis. Because the readings will form the basis for our class discussions and lectures, please complete every reading before its assigned due date. Discussions, essays, assignments, quizzes, and exams will all relate to assigned reading, so it will be difficult to do well in this course if you do not complete the readings. Writing: English 7 has a 3000 word writing requirement, and you will complete this through a formal essay (15% of your grade) and two rhetorical analysis assignments (10% of your grade each, for a total of 20%). Out of class writing should be typed, double-spaced, in size 12 Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins. All your assignments should follow MLA guidelines (we will discuss MLA requirements in class, and additional information can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/" http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ Major assignments will include page requirements; if you do not meet the page requirement, your grade on the assignment will be lowered accordingly. Writing assignments are due in class on the due date specified, and all major out-of-class assignments must be uploaded to turnitin.com. Papers not submitted to turnitin.com will automatically lose 10% of their grade. Our class ID for turnitin.com is 4219893 and the password is english7 Midterm & Final Exams: There will be one midterm (15% of your grade) and a comprehensive final exam (20% of your grade). The final exam will take place during the final exam time allotted for our class, Wednesday Dec. 14th 9:45-12. Both exams will cover major concepts we have gone over during the course of the semester. Presentation and Outline: In addition to your written assignments, you will also present a brief argument to the class about a text or piece of media (15% of your grade). This presentation should show the same level of preparedness and thought you put into your written work. In addition, you will turn in a written formal outline of your argument. You will be allowed to do these presentations alone or in small groups. Class Work, Homework, and Participation: Participation is a major part of this class, and you will be expected to attend and participate in each class session. This means that you should be focused and actively contribute to the class discussion. Please do not be late. Lateness and/or absences will reduce your participation grade. You must bring your course materials to class every day. In addition to participating in class discussions, you will also be graded on quizzes, homework assignments, and class activities. Class work, homework, and participation add up to 15% of your grade. Grade Breakdown: Formal Essay15%Rhetorical Analysis Assignments (x2 @ 10% each)20%Midterm Exam15%Final Exam20%Presentation and Outline15%Participation, Class Work, & Homework15% Late Policy Out-of-class essays must be turned in at the beginning of class, except under exceptional circumstances as defined by the instructor. Late out-of-class essays will be dropped one full letter grade for each day late (a B paper due Monday and turned in on Tuesday will receive a C). To avoid getting marked down for turning in late papers, students should provide documentation of an illness, family emergency, etc. Classroom Policies Please turn off or silence all electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, mp3 players, etc.) before class. Using your phone in class will cause you to lose participation points for the day. (I can see you texting under the desk. Seriously. Its super obvious.) Office Hours I highly encourage you to come to my office hours if you have any questions. After all, Im here to help. If you are having any problems with the course, remember that Im your best resource. I also encourage you to come by and chat; I like getting to know each of my students! If you cant make my normal office hours, Im always happy to set up an appointment in person or online. 91 Writing Center The 91 Writing Center is located in Room 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by professional (and friendly!) instructors and upper-division or graduate-level writing specialists from each of the seven 91 colleges. Remember that getting help with your writing never reflects badly on youits a good thing! I encourage you to make an appointment for any of your out-of-class writing assignments. The Writing Center website is located at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/" http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/ University Policies Departmental Grading Policy The Department of English reaffirms its commitment to the differential grading scale as defined in the official 91 Catalog (The Grading System). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A = excellent; B = above average; C = average; D = below average; F = failure. Courses graded according to the A, B, C, No Credit system shall follow the same pattern, except that NC, for No Credit, shall replace D or F. In A, B, C, No Credit courses NC shall also substitute for W (for Withdrawal) because neither NC nor W affects students grade point averages. In English Department courses, instructors will comment on and grade the quality of student writing as well as the quality of the ideas being conveyed. All student writing should be distinguished by correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate diction and syntax, and well-organized paragraphs. Essays in this class will be graded according to the following 91 academic standards for assessment: The A essay will be well-organized and well-developed, demonstrating a clear understanding and fulfillment of the assignment. It will show the student s ability to use language effectively and to construct sentences distinguished by syntactic complexity and variety. Such essays will be essentially free from grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors. The  B essay will demonstrate competence in the same categories as the A essay. The chief difference is that the B essay will show some slight weaknesses in one of those categories. It may slight one of the assigned tasks, show less facility of expression, or contain some minor grammatical, mechanical, or usage flaws. The C essay will complete all tasks set by the assignment, but show weaknesses in fundamentals, usually development, with barely enough specific information to illustrate the experience or support generalizations. The sentence construction may be less mature, and the use of language less effective and correct than the B essay. The D essay will neglect one of the assigned tasks and be noticeably superficial in its treatment of the assignmentthat is, too simplistic or too short. The essay may reveal some problems in development, with insufficient specific information to illustrate the experience or support generalizations. It will contain grammatical, mechanical, and/or usage errors that are serious and/or frequent enough to interfere substantially with the writers ability to communicate. The F essay will demonstrate a striking underdevelopment of ideas and insufficient or unfocused organization. It will contain serious grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors that render some sentences incomprehensible. 91 Academic Integrity Policy Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jos State University, and the Universitys Academic Integrity Policy require you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty are required to report all infractions to the office of Judicial Affairs. The policy on academic integrity can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www2.sjsu.edu/senate/S04-12.htm" http://www2.sjsu.edu/senate/S04-12.htm. The 91 rules against plagiarism are set forth in the 91 Catalog, which defines plagiarism as the act of representing the work of another as ones own (without giving appropriate credit), regardless of how that work was obtained, and submitting it to fulfill academic requirements. Plagiarism at 91 includes, but is not limited to: (1) the act of incorporating the ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs, or parts thereof, or the specific substance of anothers work, without giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as ones own work. It is the role and obligation of each student to know the rules that preserve academic integrity and abide by them at all times. This includes learning and following the particular rules associated with specific classes, exams, and/or course assignments. Ignorance of these rules is not a defense to the charge of violating the Academic Integrity Policy. All instances of violating the Academic Integrity Policy will be reported to the Dean of Student Services. Add/Drop Policy For the Fall 2011 semester, Tuesday, September 6th is the last day to drop courses without an entry on your permanent academic record. Tuesday, September 13th is the last day to add courses and register late. Students may petition to Late Drop only for serious and compelling reasons after the drop deadline. Reasons must be documented. Conditions and circumstances defined as serious and compelling are considered beyond the student's control. Legitimate documentation must be provided. Campus Policy on Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please see me as soon as possible. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities register with DRC to establish a record of their disability. The DRC website is  HYPERLINK "http://www.drc.sjsu.edu" http://www.drc.sjsu.edu. English 7 Fall 2011 Course Schedule This syllabus is subject to change. You will be informed at least one class in advance if any changes are made. CTA = From Critical Thinking to Argument LO = Learning Objective WeekDateTopics, Readings, Assignments, DeadlinesW 8/24Course IntroductionWeek 1M 8/29Read The Undercover Parent, analysis, and response CTA pp. 21-27 Discussion: What is Critical Thinking?W 8/31Read Maus pp.5-25 Read Analyzing an Argument CTA pp. 127-133Week 2M 9/5Labor Day HolidayNo ClassTues., Sept. 6th, last day to drop a classW 9/7Read Persuasion, Argument, Dispute CTA pp.51-54 Newspaper Editorial Assignment #1 DueWeek 3M 9/12Read Maus pp. 27-42 Discussion : MLA and Using Sources CTA pp. 206-209Tues. Sept. 13th, last day to add a classW 9/14Read Definition, Assumptions CTA pp. 55-61 Discussion: Assumptions in Reasoning Paraphrasing Assignment DueWeek 4M 9/19Read Maus pp. 43-71 Read Evidence CTA pp. 69-81 Discussion: Evaluating SourcesW 9/21Rhetorical Analysis #1 Assigned Read Premises and Syllogisms, Deduction, Sound Arguments, Induction CTA pp. 62-69Week 5M 9/26Read Maus pp. 73-129W 9/28Read Maus pp. 131-161 Syllogism Assignment DueWeek 6M 10/3 Formal Paper Assigned Read Nonrational Appeals CTA pp. 81-85W 10/5Rhetorical Analysis #1 Due (LO 1-8) Discussion: Being Green at Ben and Jerrys CTA pp.88-90Week 7M 10/10Read Maus pp. 163-197W 10/12Read Visual Rhetoric CTA pp. 96-107 Discussion: Introduction to Visual RhetoricWeek 8M 10/17Read Maus pp. 199-234 Discussion: Visual Rhetoric in MausW 10/19Read Reading Advertisements CTA pp. 110-116Week 9M 10/24Midterm Exam (LO 1-8)W 10/26Read The Toulmin Model CTA pp. 275-284 Advertisement Assignment DueWeek 10M 10/31Read Deduction CTA pp. 289-302W 11/2Formal Paper Due (LO 1-8) Read Maus pp. 235-260Week 11M 11/7Rhetorical Analysis #2 Assigned Read Induction CTA pp. 303-311W 11/9Presentations Assigned Read Fallacies CTA pp. 311-321 Newspaper Editorial Assignment #2 DueWeek 12M 11/14Discussion: Putting Together Text and Image Read Fallacies cont. CTA pp. 321-327W 11/16Read Maus pp. 261-296 Maus wrap-up discussionWeek 13M 11/21Rhetorical Analysis #2 Due (LO 1-8) Read: Love is a Fallacy CTA pp. 329-338W 11/23In-Class Exercise and Discussion: Fallacies CTA pp. 327-329$SUVhipqrx}~    $ % * . 8 : E L Q Y Z [ o p   $ ' ) { ¾h#nh(H* h(6h( hEfh'1h: h'1 hu hd hwWhdhJ hmhd huhdh?  hhdh%t h %hdhd>~DRkdR$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laRkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la $Ifgdd $Ifgddgdd IRkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laRkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la $Ifgdd $Ifgdd  * 9 : E M IRkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la $Ifgdd $IfgddRkdH$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laM N [ p q [ ID??gddgddRkd>$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la $Ifgdd $IfgddRkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la  | #P5 `O & F/7$8$H$gd#n 7$8$H$gd#ngd#n/gd: gd: gdd & Fgd(gd({ | "#L`buPd5K "`vNO3§n]!h#nh#nB*PJnH phtH 5hiFh#nB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJnH phtH ;hiFh#n5B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJnH phtH 5h#n5B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJnH phtH  h#nhdh#nh: 5\ h#nh: hdh(h(5h#nh(6h( h(6h#nh(5#3U^ "" ###$Ifgddl gdd 1$7$8$H$gd@Uzgd#ngd#n & F7$8$H$gd#n3U]^4Ho'Y׮׮ת}sis`\Xh7'h9h7'h$3aJh? h? 56h7'h7'56h7'h,V56h9P!h@Uz0Jjh@UzU h@Uzh@Uzjh@UzUh@Uzh,VhiF5CJOJQJ^JaJh(5CJOJQJ^JaJ h@Uzh$3h$3h#n5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hiFhiF5CJOJQJ^JaJh#n   !!!!!!!>""ȹ޲Ȟqqq]I&h;OJPJQJ^J_H aJnH tH &h9OJPJQJ^J_H aJnH tH )h@Uz6OJPJQJ^J_H aJnH tH /hiFh@Uz6OJPJQJ^J_H aJnH tH &h@UzOJPJQJ^J_H aJnH tH  h9h9h95CJOJQJ^JaJhiF5CJOJQJ^JaJ h9h,Vh9h7' h?5h7'h7'5H* h7'5 h? 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