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The course will be taught using a combination of reading, discussion, written response and writing workshops. In the discussion, contemporary and historical published works will be closely read and analyzed. In the writing workshops, creative work written by class members will be analyzed and critiqued for revision. Written responses will display analytical acumen, personal sensibility, and serious engagement with the text. Required Texts and Materials A Garden of Forking Paths. Anstandig, Beth, and Eric Killough, eds. Steering the Craft. Le Guin, Ursula K. Course Booklet (purchase in class) 1 Mead Composition Book, College Ruled. (Marble) This course ONLY 1 double-pocket folder: This course ONLY Stapler: All work stapled before class The ability to print 6 copies of assignments for workshop, often 4+ pages. Course Requirements WRITING AND WORKSHOP Each student will revise and submit the following new writing. This includes bringing copies for workshop and participating in workshop. (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) Self-Portrait Diagnostic Incoming, outgoing. Nonfiction: Memoir piece, including library research and MLA bibliography (approximately 4-10 pages) (LO 4) Short-short (<500 words) Setting Sketch (2 pages) Fiction: Short story (approximately 4-10 pages) Character Sketch (2 pages) Poetry: 4 poems (English Sonnet; Narrative; Ghazal; Free Verse)Poems to be presented in a final, revised packet at the end of the semester. (LO 2) Daily Reading Assignments: Selections chosen from our texts, visiting authors, and selected outside material are required not only for your success in this class, but your success as a writer. Regular written responses are required. (LO 1, 2, 3, 5) Memorization Piece: Chosen from Poetry Out Loud website; click Poems, 25 lines or fewer; Minimum 10 lines. www.poetryoutloud.org To be recited in class sometime before the end of the semester. No duplicates. No Reading. (LO 2, 5) Journal: You are required to keep a journal/notebook in which you will do assigned creative writing activities inside and outside class. You will also record your responses to the assigned readings here. You are urged to write down quotes from your readings that you may want to share with your classmates. You can also use your journal to develop drafts of new material or simply to react to what is working in your imagination as you respond to ideas and work presented by others in the course. Your notebook is due at the end of each section. You will be graded on the quality and quantity of your entries. (LO 1, 2, 3, 5) 2 Literary Event Response Papers: You must attend two literary events this semester on or off campus. Write a 1-2 page paper that focuses on your personal response to the event: What did you like and why? What did you learn? What surprised you and why? What did you find interesting and why? What questions did it raise? Would you attend a similar event again? Why or why not? Etc. At the top left of your paper list the title of the event, and the day, time and location. (LO 1, 3, 5) For information about literary events see: www.litart.org (Center for Literary Arts at 91) http://www.pcsj.org/calendar.html (Poetry Center San Jose) http://www.sjsu.edu/english/events (English Department Events listed) http://www.kemblescott.com/most-recent-newsletter.shtml (Bay Area Literary Arts Newsletter) (You may attend more for Extra Credit; each one adds 1% to your grade if the paper fulfills the assignment, is well-written and virtually error-free. Write EXTRA CREDIT at the top.) Assignment Format All prose assignments handed in (except the journal/notebook) should be typed 12 pt. font and double-spaced with page numbers. Poetry is single spaced. Multi-page assignments must be stapled. Your name, my name, the assignment title, and the date single-spaced should be included at the top Left of the first page(MLA format). Failure to adhere to these simple regulations will damage your grade in the course. Please buy a stapler. (LO 3, 5) Class Workshop Procedures: For each unit (poetry, fiction, nonfiction) the class will divide into groups of approximately five students each. These will serve as your workshop groups. Your workshop group will consist of different students each unit, so you will get to read work by all of your classmates. Every time you turn in a piece of your work, you will bring enough copies for everyone in your workshop group and your teacher and yourself (six copies, usually). We will critique the pieces at home (writing directly on the manuscripts) and discuss them in workshop groups during the following class period. At the end of the discussion, you will get to keep the marked-up copies of your work. I have zero tolerance for late arrival to Workshop: you will be asked to leave. (LO 1) Grades Grades will be based on the quality and quantity of writing you do as well as the quality and constructiveness of the criticism offered during the workshops. (see: Grading, pg 5-6) Creative writing, though subject to the instructor's individual subjectivity, can be evaluated according to general standards used to determine how well a piece of writing works. These include: 1) Textual and/or technical competence and eloquence. 2) Imaginative risk. 3) Energy and freshness of language. 4) Effective use of metaphor and other forms of figurative language. 5) Clarity and precision of detail. 6) Capacity for mixed feelings and uncertainty. 7) Effective use of grammar, syntax, rhythm; also meter, rhyme, and other elements of poetic style and form. 8) Naturalness and believability. 9) Appropriateness of style to subject. 10) Compelling audience interest. Final grades will be the product of the following factors: Fiction* 20% Poetry* 20% Non-fiction* 20% Journal 20% Class participation*, Quizzes, Conference** 10% Recitation and Event Papers 10% *Full participation in scheduled Workshop effects BOTH genre grade and participation grade; **A minimum of one meeting in my office, scheduled by YOU, is required during the semester before the last full week of classes. GOOD teacher/BAD teacher: Attendance and Classroom Policies If you anticipate being absent or if you are ill, please let me know your situation so we can work together. Two unexplained absences in a row will arouse suspicion that you are not taking the course seriously, and you will not be allowed to make up missed work. Late Work. Late work receives a reduction of 1 grade per class session it is late. (For instance, a B piece that is due Monday in class but is turned in any time between after class on Monday and the next class on Wednesday would receive a C. If it were turned in the following Tuesday it would receive a D. After that, it could only receive an F.) If you are sick or have to miss class for any other reason on the day something is due, arrange to have a classmate turn it in if you do not want a grade reduction. No electronic devices are to be on/used/visible during class. No cell phones, iPods, texting, internet, etc. during class. Infractions will result in your being asked to leave class for the day. No Work by Email. No work in my mailbox. Contact me. I do not accept work by email or in my campus mailbox. If you need to miss a class session, ask a classmate to turn in your work and to collect handouts and assignments for you. Please eat before class. ***If you are late on Workshop days, you will be asked to leave class.*** Meet with Me! Im hanging out in my office hours just for YOU! Try and come in throughout the semester to discuss your prose and poetry. An appointment is recommended even during office hours so you dont have to wait around. Take advantage of some one-on-one time. Academic Integrity Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jos State University, and the Universitys Academic Integrity Policy requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The Policy on academic integrity can be found at: http://sa.sjsu.edu/student_conduct. Avoiding Plagiarism Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of somebody elses words or ideas and is considered an instance of academic dishonesty that instructors must report. Dont do it. You commit plagiarism by: buying, stealing, or borrowing a paper (or story, poem, etc.); hiring someone to write a paper (or story, poem, etc.); building on someones ideas without providing a citation; copying from another source or using a source too closely when paraphrasing. In other words, submit only your own work. LARC (Learning Assistance Resource Center) The Learning Assistance Resource Center is an on-campus facility that provides peer tutoring for San Jos State University students. LARC offers assistance with writing, and if you feel as if you need intensive help beyond what I can offer during office hours, please request a writing tutor. The Center is located in The Student Services Center in the 10th Street Parking Garage, Room 600. The phone number is (408) 924-2587. Disabilities Policy If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities register with the DRC to establish a record of their disability. GRADING: ENGLISH DEPARTMENT GRADING STATEMENT: In English Department courses, instructors comment on and grade the quality of writing as well as the quality of ideas being conveyed. All your writing should be distinguished by correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate diction and syntax, and well-organized paragraphs. Grades given conform to the English Department and university grading policy. The Department of English is committed to the differential grading scale as defined in the official 91 Catalog (The Grading System). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A = excellent; B = above average; C = average; D = below average; F = failure. (Grading continued) A: Creative writing that receives an A is likely to: Fulfill all assignment requirements Demonstrate complex, unique and/or insightful approach Function well as a whole Demonstrate engaging voice Incorporate strong word choices Incorporate, where appropriate, striking imagery Lack clichd or over-used language Incorporate unusual/unique associations that fit the tone of the piece Lack spelling and punctuation errors, typos, etc. B: Creative writing that receives a B is likely to: Fulfill the assignment requirements Demonstrate insightful approach Function generally well as a whole Demonstrate a generally engaging voice Incorporate some strong word choices Use some concrete imagery Mostly lack clichd or over-used language Mostly lack spelling and punctuation errors, typos, etc. C: Creative writing that receives a C is likely to: Meet the assignment requirements Be derivative of other works Not completely function as a whole (some parts may be underdeveloped) Incorporate some strong, and some weaker, word choices Lack concrete imagery Include clichd or over-used language Have some spelling and punctuation errors, typos, etc. D: Creative writing that receives a D is likely to: Not fulfill the assignment requirements Not function as a whole Be a cursory response that demonstrates lack of motivation and/or poor understanding of the assignment F: No response. (Note: Graded assignments will be based on this criteria, which will be discussed in class. All assignments, graded and non-graded, will receive written feedback from instructor based on this criteria, as applicable.) The course description and requirements listed above and assignments listed below are designed to meet the following standards established by San Jose State University: ENGL 71 GE Learning Objectives: Decipher and understand the form and content of assigned literary works; Comprehend the historical and cultural contexts of assigned literary works; Recognize the accomplishments of and issues related to writing by men and women representing diverse cultural traditions; Acquire through both individual and collaborative/workshop efforts of a written and oral nature the skills necessary for reading, discussing, analyzing, interpreting, andmost importantlyemulating and writing works of poetry, creative nonfiction, and short fiction; Communicate such skills with clarity and precision; Develop an appreciation of literary works as expressions of human intellect and imagination, and as representations of diverse human cultures; Develop the ability to write literary works that express intellect and imagination and that represent diversity in human cultures; Respond to literature through clear and effective communication in both written and oral work; Read and respond to texts with both analytical acumen and personal sensibility; Appreciate how literary works illuminate enduring human concerns while also representing matters specific to a particular culture; Write works of poetry, creative nonfiction, and short fiction that are of interest and value to the writer, to other students in the course, and to a diverse reading audience. English Dept. Student Learning Objectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to 1) read closely in a variety of forms, styles, structures, and modes, and articulate the value of close reading in the study of literature, creative writing, or rhetoric. 2) show familiarity with major literary works, genres, periods, and critical approaches to British, American, and World Literature. 3) write clearly, effectively, and creatively, and adjust writing style appropriately to the content, the context, and nature of the subject. 4) develop and carry out research projects, and locate, evaluate, organize, and incorporate information effectively. 5) articulate the relations among culture, history, and texts. CREATIVE WRITING Sound & Sense, Sense & Syntax W 1/26 Introduction to the course Purchase all materials: Texts; Required Journal; Pocket Folder EMAIL me TONIGHT: sashton1a@gmail.com M 1/31 SOUND Bring $$ for Course Booklet AND all required materials. LG Introduction & Ch. 1 BK 1 & 2 GFP Borges and I 449 ; A Way of Writing 541 Assign Daily lines; LG Exc. One (in class today only) W 2/2 IMAGE Self Portrait Due, 2 copies BK 3 Moving Water, Tucson; GFP 360 Addonizio, 296 Bell; LG Ch. 2 J Daily lines & LG Exc. Two NONFICTION Tell all the truth but tell it slant ~ Emily Dickinson M 2/7 ELEMENTS OF NARRATIVE: Stranger in a Strange Land GFP 3 Discussion of the Genre; Writing Blindly 532; Quiz; Assign Short-short In-Class J Daily lines: Ongoing all semester *Authors Event: Tuesday 2/8, 7pm. MLK 225/229 Rebecca Solnit Reads W 2/9 CONFLICT & DESIRE Short-short Workshop, 6 copies LG 151-156 Peer Group Workshop; LG Ch. 3 J LG Exc. 3, part 1 & 2 using Short-Short * Authors Event: Thursday 2/10, 1pm. MLK 225/229 Conversation with Rebecca Solnit M 2/14 SETTING Short-short due GFP Gornick 52-53; Karr 67-69; Assign Setting J Map of your first house: GFP 550 The First House of Memory W 2/16 JOURNEY: Whats happening? Setting due, 2 pg Assign Non Fiction piece GFP 116 Vowell; LG Ch. 5 J RR Vowell M 2/21 ARRIVAL: Your conclusion GFP 67-77 Karr J RR Karr W 2/23 REVIEW Nonfiction draft due/copies Reading Handout: Darznik Event *Authors Event: Wednesday 2/23, 7pm. MLK 225 Jasmin Darznik reads *Authors Event: Thursday, 2/24. 7-8:30pm Triton Museum, Santa Clara. Sally Ashton reads M 2/28 Nonfiction workshop including Works Cited page, 6 copies JOURNAL due MLA discussion FICTION Welcome to the Liars Club W 3/2 NARRATIVE ELEMENTS: CHARACTER Nonfiction Piece Due GFP Discussion of the Genre ; A Quintessential: A Private Landscape 129 Quiz M 3/7 POINT OF VIEW Character Sketch due GFP 144 Alexie; LG Chp. 7 J RR 144 W 3/9 PERSON & TENSE Conversion 2 pages due. GFP The Little Knife 173; LG Chp. Six ASSIGN Short story. J RR 173 M 3/14 PLOT BK The End of Something J RR Hemingway; LG Exc Six, Version One & Two W 3/16 SYMPATHETIC PROTAGONIST First page with Outline Due (copies) Peer review for person/tense GFP 197 Johnson J RR 197 M 3/21 THE END Short Story Draft due; copies Elements of literary prose review GFP Strays 269 Quiz W 3/23 Workshop Short Story First Literary Event Paper Due; JOURNAL due BK Hemingway SHORTS-titles SPRING BREAK: NO CLASS Monday 3/28-Friday April 1 # # # # # # POETRY Uncommon Language M 4/4 INTRODUCTION Short story due; Poem title for recitation due. DVD GFP 289-294 Discussion of the Genre; A Quintessential: Thinking About the Poet Larry Levis; BK Neruda; RR on separate paper W 4/6 IMAGE WORKSHOP GFP Dawes 302; Dubie 303; Engman 304; Kunitz & Levis 326 J RR Poems *Author Event: Wednesday 4/6, 7pm. MLK 225. Steinbeck Fellows Reading/ Reception. M 4/11 METRICS AND SCANSION Iambic Pentameter BK/Handouts: Blank Verse W 4/13 SONNET Daily lines in Iambic Pentameter due BK Sonnet pages; GFP 342 Stafford J RR *Author Event: Wednesday 4/13, 7pm. University Theater. Tony Barnstone reads M 4/18 Workshop Sonnet/copies J W 4/20 GHAZAL BK Ghazal GFP Gilbert 308; LG Chap. 4 J words with double meaning M 4/25 Workshop Ghazal/copies J Daily lines W 4/27 NARRATIVE POETRY; Linebreak and the turn. GFP 314 Harrison; 315 Hicok; 318 Hoagland; 324 Kocher; Weigl 344; 325 Komunyakaa J Daily lines; RR *Author Event: Wednesday 4/27, 7pm. MLK 225 Sarah Shun-lien Bynum reads M 5/2 Workshop narrative poem/copies W 5/4 FREE VERSE GFP Bell 296; Boland 297; Burkhard 298; Rich 337; Miller 335 J RR M 5/9 Workshop free verse/copies ASSIGN REVISION of Self Portrait *Author Event: Tuesday 5/10, 7pm. University Theater. E.L. Doctorow reads W 5/11 REVISION Journal due Poetry Recitation continues, alphabetically *Author Event: Wednesday 5/11, 1pm. E. L. Doctorow in Conversation M 5/16 LAST CLASS: Literary Event Paper Due Revision of Self Portrait due; Poetry Recitation continues, alphabetically FINAL EXAM: Thursday, May 19, 9-9:30am Revised Poetry Packet due ENGL 71: Introduction to Creative Writing Diagnostic Writing Write a piece based on the following prompt: Read (aloud) the poem Self-Portrait by Adam Zagajewski. Notice the details included in the text. Notice the order and organization of detailshow they are arranged in the text. Write a poem or a prose piece of at least 250 words that is your self-portrait. Select interesting details as Zagajewski has done, arranging them in such a way as to reveal interesting things about yourself. 5. Put your Student ID number, Name, and Section # in the top left-hand corner DUE:_______________________ (Must be typed using a readable font, such as Times New Roman) SELF PORTRAIT Between the computer, a pencil, and a typewriter half my day passes. One day it will be half a century. I live in strange cities and sometimes talk with strangers about matters strange to me. I listen to music a lot: Bach, Mahler, Chopin, Shostakovich. I see three elements in music: weakness, power, and pain. The fourth has no name. I read poets, living and dead, who teach me tenacity, faith, and pride. I try to understand the great philosopherbut usually catch just scraps of their precious thoughts. I like to take long walks on Paris streets and watch my fellow creatures, quickened by envy, anger, desire; to trace a silver coin passing from hand to hand as it slowly loses its round shape (the emperors profile is erased). Beside me trees expressing nothing but a green, indifferent perfection. Black birds pace the fields, waiting patiently like Spanish widows. Im no longer young, but someone else is always older. I like deep sleep, when I cease to exist, and fast bike rides on country roads when poplars and houses dissolve like cumuli on sunny days. Sometimes in museums the paintings speak to me and irony suddenly vanishes. I love gazing at my wifes face. Every Sunday I call my father. Every other week I meet with friends, thus proving my fidelity. My country freed itself from one evil. I wish another liberation would follow. Could I help in this? I dont know. Im truly not a child of the ocean, as Antonio Machado wrote about himself, but a child of air, mint, and cello and not all the ways of the high world cross paths with the life thatso far belongs to me. Adam Zagajewski (translated by Clare Cavanagh)     PAGE  PAGE 5 Ashton SAshton1a@gmail.com FO 222 Ashton- PAGE 1 SAshton1a@gmail.com FO 222 #%&123=fu ' ( ; t u v   2 3 4    䱩}vrvhP- h\ehP- hP-CJ h0%CJ hDCJ h9cCJ h0CJ h\eCJh9cOJQJhDh9c5h9c5CJaJh9cCJaJ hKhh9chKhhQhQ hB<h9ch(hgh9c hQ5 h9c5hB<h9c5 h\]5,&23f( ; < u v  3 4 B C ` 1Z & Fgd9c 0\ *$gd9c  0\ *$gd9cgdQgd9c$a$gd9c A B C Q ` z 0Gsu&-=>Hcd徲~rjh^CJaJhbQ=h9c>*CJaJh1$h9cCJaJh9c>*CJaJh9cCJaJh:CJaJh]QCJaJh.{CJaJhhh9c6CJaJhbQ=h9cCJaJ hh5 h!9Uh9c h9c6h9c h9c6]hDh9c5 h9c5h9cCJOJQJhP-) .IdLMFG/0 gd9c `^``gd9cgd:gd9c & Fgd9cdkmn AILMfg5EFGYɹ谤xl`XhWCJaJhbQ=h9c6CJaJhbQ=h9c5CJaJhyhyCJaJh[CJaJhyCJaJhDCJaJhy>*CJaJhyhy>*CJaJhC>*CJaJhN?CJaJhSCJaJh:CJaJhbQ=h9cB*CJaJphh9cCJaJhbQ=h9cCJaJhbQ=h9c>*CJaJ$%./07R/RtϻϯϣσufuZhbQ=hMeCJ]aJhbQ=hMe56CJ]aJhbQ=hMe6CJ]aJhbQ=h9c5CJ]aJhx}CJ]aJhMeCJ]aJhbQ=h9cCJ]aJhbQ=h9c5CJaJh9cCJaJhbQ=h9c>*CJaJhbQ=h9cCJaJh]Qh9cCJaJh]QCJaJh]Q5CJaJhW5CJaJ#/uYZopqx./!!","="R"c"" & F 0*$gd9c & F 0\ *$gd9cgd9c & F^`gd9cU\NXZv ,fnopqx$)*,!!\"]"^"_"v"w""""""""""""""###蕝h:CJaJh*wrCJaJh[#CJaJh9cCJaJh5xCJaJhx}5CJaJhh9c6CJ]aJhMeCJaJhJtCJaJhh9c6CJaJhh9cCJaJhh9c5CJaJ6"""####$$&'((()) **!*+++n, 7$8$H$gd9c$a$gd9cgd)>h^hgd9cgd9c 0\ *$gd9c & F 0*$gd9c##Q########### $$$'$@$$$$&&*','j'ûóxjXIxh@(h9cB*CJaJph#h@(h9c5>*B*CJaJphh9c6B*CJaJphh9cB*CJaJph#hd h9c5>*B*CJaJph h9c5hhhpG9hpG95hpG9h9c5h9chhh9c5h'hh5 hh5 hh56hh*wr5CJaJh*wrh9cCJaJhhCJaJh*wrCJaJh*wr5CJaJj'''''''((((((((((((())))vbॴ]U]UL@h]Eh9c5CJaJh9c5CJaJhCih9c>* hF>*&hFh9c56>*B*CJaJphh)>5>*B*CJaJphhj)5>*B*CJaJph h)>h9c5B*CJaJphh@(h9cB*CJaJphh9cB*CJaJphh+5B*CJaJph#h@(h9c5>*B*CJaJphh9c5>*B*CJaJph h^bh9c6B*CJaJph)=)A)R)]) **!*+++a,n,-----///1111111ϼϰϥyng`VgO h-[h9chbQ=h9c5CJ hx}5CJ h9c5CJhDh9cCJaJh]Eh9c5+h.Jfh9c6B*CJOJQJ]aJphh.Jfh9c6CJ]aJh9c6CJ]aJh.Jfh9c6CJaJ%h.Jfh9cB*CJOJQJaJphh.Jfh9cCJaJh.Jfh9c5CJaJ h&/mh9ch9cCJaJh]Eh9cCJaJn,,,,9------///1111124#4\4444`gdpG9 0\ *$gd9cgd9c & F7$8$H$gd9c 7$8$H$gd9c11Y2224#477:::::::::<;=;>;];@@@CCCCCCCCDDʻxtlalalhrh'CJaJh'CJaJh'hph'CJaJhph'>* h9c5\h\eh\eCJaJ h\eh\eh'ph\#GhUhlF h\e5\ h.{5\hpG9CJaJh-[h9cCJaJh|CJaJh.Jfh9cCJaJh9chU h-[h9chi-h9c6"445B5f55556>666666777777888888898998999999::=;;;;<x==;>>?m??@@CCCCDgd' & Fdd[$\$gd.{gd\egd9cD%D-D.D/DDDEDKDLDRDXDZDmDDDDDDDDDDEEEE E%E&E'E8EBECEFEJEcEfEjEkEuEvEEEEEEE FȺȯȤӘӐhQh'6 hh'h.Jfh'>*hZ>h'5CJaJhh'CJaJh :h'CJaJh'5B*CJaJphhrh'CJaJh'CJaJhO6h'B*CJaJphh'5CJaJhPih'5CJaJ/DDDEDDDDEEDEEEEEE)FfFFFFFF-G[GGGGG ^`gd'^gd'gd' F'F)F.F/FKFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGG"G/GOGQGhGGGGGGGGGGHӼӳӏӃwnbhrh'5CJaJhH%5CJaJhZ>'5C''5C'=䴳%䴳=䴳=5C'5C['>*䴳'䴳'䴳'䴳<jh'B*CJaJphhQ h'CJaJ%GG,HmHnHHHHHHII#I$IOIpIqIIJJOJ]JnJvJJJJ ^`gd'gd'HHHH+HmHtHuHHHHHHHHHHHIII#I$I*I+I1I3IGIQIfIoIpIqIrIIIIIIII J JԢݚԑԉ~umhCJaJh5CJaJhHh'CJaJhH%CJaJhH%5CJaJhlKCJaJhZ>h'5CJaJhrh'5CJaJhrh'B*CJaJphh>(oh'CJaJh'5CJaJhrh'CJaJh'CJaJhRh'B*CJaJph* JJJJ J!J)J*J3JFJNJOJQJRJ\J_JmJnJuJvJJJJJJJJJJJȿ࿚돇ti^Uh`Y5CJaJhh'CJaJhnh'CJaJhph'6CJaJ hph'hph'>*^'䴳'5C󰭳'䴳^'56C'5C>'5C^'5C'䴳'䴳'5CJJ!"#KRK[K_KhKqKrKuKKKKKKKKKK L L#L&L6L@LSLTLVLxLLLLLLɽɱthhh'5CJaJhl!)h'CJaJhX:h'5CJaJhrh'B*CJaJphhs.h'CJaJhe:h'5CJaJhnh'5CJaJh]h'5CJaJh'5CJaJh'hrh'5CJaJh'CJaJhrh'CJaJh`Yh'CJaJ(JK"K#K*䴳47+>*䴳%OOOOOOOO08^?^@^hM0JmHnHuh9ch|0Jh|0JmHnHuh| h|0Jjh|0JUhTjhTUh'hdX$]]]]]]]]]]]]]]^ ^^^"^6^=^>^?^@^gddX$a$gd9c$a$gdV $h]ha$gdn<h]hgdn< &`#$gd{xl5 01h:pn</ =!"#$% ^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH Z@Z dX Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ N@2N #< Heading 3dd@&[$\$5CJ\aJDA`D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 4U4 #< Hyperlink >*ph4@4 n<Header  !.)@. n< Page Number4 "4 n<Footer  !\^@2\ n< Normal (Web)dd[$\$B*OJPJQJ^JphH@BH = Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJhQ@Rh o{ Body Text 3  0\ *$5$7$8$9DH$CJOJQJaJnHtHPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORDïV6.lS ֖/[- O ~ueoLz^W/}R;9>֚/_tLKԀccV[ml.;xvWYp1̡czs] _Z3DC]Ř'jQ}h Ê&HMS2>ٱ#侜Ҽѱ0Ő3S񃟎><~%IX^|17/}Qe?|ϟW!}foϞ߿{TxTiL$I>A1cWr2[10-LBTAߜbyǑC\ P>'(Zy'.Ev4$f.&e>ƇU8qۛP7tFsD$D!=.]w/cR$C:rihio6wP*ȡB!aq!Y7L_Oq Ukn з lHA2rt#UM2y!WU]f~?dPjpH3Q;;1&@QwjuL+܌B.pC| ֒ WUl(ԋp'sy O= 1E+/΋K CֽmM/ǔ2rC[aP3'NRu& l GTEд=M$P˶W3Õ5eM}Cb;FAHmhE8++QuյPgV7p+T&6r0y քA+V^3f Hn}x"]$#GZyՍXSDaAOZ[K}ngqR]c{oNuHBlaj2,y+&A>v@*2a`d_nY/Jjt6)V 5)kxL|UvviDξfO(8B#6ܯC S ik)8gIW38;Y3MA*d0o%@JٍrWŤR*z?ۇ@{aΔDž8T4~_@`jD 4\P6, pT4D~"A%}g{%2B&JԊ=" u \{"uSM2`p'}2h&oN%+^tcrihr"lW|-+'fmV# `V ZYڿjmŚx ^(;$G>V/41K@@4Nv&eMNjf}ndg9]4g.;'/ؙ[۱ϞLQ%)i S =$hnPK! 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