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While reinforcing and advancing the students understanding of the genres, audiences, and purposes of college writing developed in Written Communication 1A and 1B, English 100WB broadens and deepens those abilities to include mastery of the discourse specific to business communications. With an emphasis on critical thinking through scenario-based assignments that utilize both practical and theoretical aspects of organizational communication, English 100WB provides students with opportunities to practice both the oral and the written skills necessary for successful business communications. Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives Learning Objective 1 (LO1): Students shall be able to refine the competencies established in Written Communication IA and IB (as summarized below). IA Student Learning: Students should be able to perform effectively the essential steps in the writing process (prewriting, organizing, composing, revising, and editing). Students should be able to express (explain, analyze, develop, and criticize) ideas effectively. Students should be able to use correct grammar (syntax, mechanics, and citation of sources) at a college level of sophistication. Students should be able to write for different audiences (both specialized and general) IB Student Learning: Students should be able to use (locate, analyze, and evaluate) supporting materials, including independent library research. Students should be able to synthesize ideas encountered in multiple readings. Students should be able to construct effective arguments. Learning Objective 2 (LO2): Students shall be able to express (explain, analyze, develop, and criticize) ideas effectively, including ideas encountered in multiple readings and expressed in different forms of discourse. Learning Objective 3 (LO3): Students shall be able to organize and develop essays and documents for both professional and general audiences, including appropriate editorial standards for citing primary and secondary sources. Student Learning Goals & Outcomes Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to: write documents and make oral presentations that are clear, correct, concise, concrete, coherent, complete, courteous, and culturally appropriate format, compose, and revise written documents for a variety of organizational situations identify and articulate the audience take-away message in every communication utilize a variety of communication tools, techniques, and modes communicate numerical and statistical data appropriately and effectively in both written and oral formats employ advanced research strategies and methodologies and incorporate research appropriately and effectively into both written and oral communications for a variety of organizational and rhetorical situations appreciate the importance of timely communication in organizational settings recognize a variety of organizational communication needs and constraints and employ appropriate communication strategies to meet those needs and/or constraints in a variety of business situations analyze various audiences and compile appropriate options and strategies to communicate effectively with those audiences evaluate and critique communication strategies and techniques for their effectiveness, including the strategies and techniques of their classmates make common-sense communication decisions and use logic to defend those decisions recognize when imagination and vision are appropriate to business communications communicate appropriately and effectively in cross-cultural situations create documents and make oral presentations that are ethically and legally defensible. Required Texts/Readings Textbook The Business Writers Companion, 6th ed., Alred, et.al., Bedford/St. Martins Other Readings Course Materials booklet (provided by instructor ) Readings posted at desire2learn (D2L) Classroom Protocol Eating and drinking in Boccardo Business Center (except water) is prohibited. Students are expected to turn their cell phones off or put them on vibrate mode while in class. They are expected not to answer their phones in class. Students whose phones disrupt the course and do not stop when requested by the instructor will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Officer of the University. In the classroom, students are expected to use computers only for class-related activities. These include activities such as taking notes on the lecture underway or finding Web sites to which the instructor directs students at the time of the lecture. Students who use their computers for other activities will, at a minimum, be asked to leave the class and will lose participation points for the day, and, at a maximum, will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Officer of the University for disrupting the course. (Such referral can lead to suspension from the University.) Dropping and Adding Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drop, grade forgiveness, etc. Refer to the current semesters HYPERLINK "../AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/program files/qualcomm/eudora/attach/Catalog Policies"Catalog Policies section at http://info.sjsu.edu/static/catalog/policies.html. Add/drop deadlines can be found on the  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/academic_programs/calendars/academic_calendar/" current academic calendar web page located at http://www.sjsu.edu/academic_programs/calendars/academic_calendar/. The HYPERLINK "../AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/program files/qualcomm/eudora/attach/Late Drop Policy"Late Drop Policy is available at http://www.sjsu.edu/aars/policies/latedrops/policy/. Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for dropping classes. Information about the latest changes and news is available at the  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/advising/" Advising Hub at http://www.sjsu.edu/advising/. Assignments and Grading Policy Short informal oral presentation Formal written report (term paper) Midterm and final exam Possible occasional, unannounced, quizzes Reading and writing assignments, virtually every class meeting Regular in-class exercises, which cannot be made up if missed Assignments240 points (40%)Midterm60 points (10%)Final Writing Project 150 points (25%)In-class exercises and class participation 90 points (15%)Final Exam 60 points (10%)Total600 points (100%) This course is graded A/B/C/D/F. A passing grade in the course signifies that the student has developed those writing, reading, and research abilities necessary for upper-division work in those majors that comprise the College of Business. The department of English reaffirms its commitment to the differential grading scale as defined in the official 91 Catalog (The Grading System). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A = excellent; B = above average; C= average; D= below average; F = failure. One written assignment prior to the midterm may be revised for an improved grade. In order to resubmit your work, you must engage in substantive re-vision (or re-conception) of that work. Remember, editing and simple changes to style or grammar do not constitute global reconsideration of writing processes and techniques. Writing assignments are subject to a 20% penalty if late. Late work can be handed in up to the next class meeting. Missed work is recorded as a zero. In a participation-intensive course like this one, your consistent, active participation is crucial. Not only does your on-time, focused and engaging presence contribute to your grade, it will also make you a better learner and member of this class. Should an emergency arise, please contact me to see whether alternate arrangements can be made. University Policies Academic integrity Your commitment as a student to learning is evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/S07-2.htm" Universitys Academic Integrity policy, located at http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/S07-2.htm, requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/index.html" Student Conduct and Ethical Development website is available at http://www.sa.sjsu.edu/judicial_affairs/index.html. Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another persons ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include your assignment or any material you have submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that 91s Academic Policy S07-2 requires approval of instructors. Campus Policy in Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the  HYPERLINK "http://www.drc.sjsu.edu/" Disability Resource Center (DRC) at http://www.drc.sjsu.edu/ to establish a record of their disability. 91 Writing Center The 91Writing Center is located in Room 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by professional instructors and upper-division or graduate-level writing specialists from each of the seven 91 colleges. Ourwriting specialistshave met a rigorous GPA requirement, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all disciplines to become better writers. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/" Writing Center website is located at http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/. English 100WB Sec 06, Spring 2012, Course Schedule WeekDateTopics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines1 01/31Syllabus, course overview, diagnostic writing sample. Lecture/discussion: what do we mean by communication? Reading for next meeting: Tough, Sweet, and Stuffy (D2L) Writing assignment: Orwell analysis (300 words 20 points LO1, LO2)2 02/07Lecture/discussion: What Makes Us Sound the Way We Sound? In-class exercise (250 words - 10 points LO1, LO2) Writing assignment: grammatical analysis (300 words 10 points LO1, LO2) Semester blog: Part 1: The Krugman Commentary (600 words 35 points LO1, LO2, LO3); Part 2: The Gaza Fact Finding Mission (100 words 5 points LO1, LO2, LO3); Part 3: Thinking About Sustainability (100 words 5 points LO1, LO2, LO3); Part 4: The Orwell Watch (100 words 5 points LO1, LO2, LO3) See Course Materials, p 5 Reading for next mtg: review Alred, chaps. 9-11 as necessary3 02/14Lecture/discussion: Tough, Sweet, and Stuffy. Writing assignment 1: grammatical analysis of representative passages (300 words 20 points LO1, LO2) Writing assignment 2: Self-introduction (300 words 10 points LO1) Reading for next mtg: Alred, xxiii-xxx and chap. 14 02/21Lecture/discussion: Tough, Sweet, and Stuffy (concluded); Three Aspects of the Communicators Concern (introduced) In-class writing (250 words - 10 points LO1, LO2). Writing assignment 1: Revise student email for clarity, correctness, and cogency (300 words 20 points LO1, LO2) 5 02/28Lecture/discussion: Three Aspects of the Communicators Concern (concluded) Reading for next meeting: Alred, chap 7-7 thru 7-13 Writing assignment: Thinking About Sustainability (300 wds 25 pts LO1,LO2) Topic selection for end-of-term writing projects (annotated bibliography due 03/20; rough draft 04/24; executive summary draft 05/01; final draft 05/08) 6 03/06Lecture/discussion: Preparing a Resume. In-class writing (250 words 10 points LO1, LO2) Writing assignment: Create or revise resume (300 words 30 points LO1, LO2) Reading for next mtg: Alred, chap 6. 7 03/13Library tutorial (TBA) Lecture/discussion: Communicating Routine Information & Good News In-class writing (250 words 10 points LO1, LO2) Writing assignment: routine request letter (300 words 30 points LO1, LO2) Reading for next mtg: Alred, chap 6 contd. 8 03/20Lecture/discussion: Communicating Bad News. In-class writing (250 words 10 points LO1, LO2) Annotated bibliography for research paper DUE (600 words 30 points LO1, LO2, LO3) Writing assignment: refusal letter (300 words 30 points LO1, LO2) Reading for next mtg: Alred, chaps. 1 & 69 03/27SPRING RECESS no class 10 04/03Lecture/discussion: Communicating to Persuade. In-class writing (250 words 10 points LO1, LO2) Writing assignment: persuasive memo Seventh Generation case study (300 words 30 points LO1, LO2)11 04/10MIDTERM EXAM (60 points LO1, LO2) 12 04/17Lecture/discussion: Preparing Longer Reports. Writing Assignment: prepare rough draft for peer review (10 points LO1, LO2, LO3) Reading for next meeting: Alred, chap 3 & 713 04/24Peer reviews of rough draft In-class writing (Peer review: 200 words 10 points LO1, LO2) Continue working on final writing project.14 05/01Peer reviews of executive summary In-class writing (Peer review: 200 words 10 points LO1, LO2) Continue working on final writing project.15 05/08Oral presentation of executive summary (150-250 words 20 points LO1, LO2, LO3) Final writing project due (2500 words 100 points) Final Exam SATURDAY 05/12 12:00 noon 2:15 pm Room assignment TBA 1605/15Final exam post mortem; course wrap-up     English 100WB, Section 06, Spring 2012 Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 6 Z[bdgiost$ ( b c  4 5 6 7 8 N  ~_y@bJLbdn  ^ ۿjhGU* hG0J*jhgxUhgxjhGU hG6H*hG5CJOJQJhGCJOJQJ hG6 hG6CJ hG5hdh(hMh 2hG7uMRkdL$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laRkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la$If$If ORkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la$IfRkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la$If  $ 6 7 B d OF $Ifgd(Rkd|$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la$If$IfRkd0$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 lad e t ORkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la$If$IfRkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la OMKMRkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la$If$IfRkd`$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 la ~* ef}H_@b- & Fd1$ $ @ a$ $$ @ a$ & F$ & Fd1$gddQco[#2e)+o 0p@ 7$8$H$ & F^ _ ` y z V!W!X!h!i!!!I"J"u"v"w""""""""""##%#&###$$$$&&'(((ⱐ~uhG>*nHtHhGnHtHhG5B*phhM#hGB*CJOJQJnH phtH jhGU hG5jhGU* hG0J*j\hgxUhgxhGB*nH phtH hG hG0JjhGUjehGU-""""""#&#P######$If & F  0p@ 7$8$H$###$~~$Ifzkdv$$Ifl0,"LL t0644 la$$$-$~~$Ifzkd$$Ifl0,"LL t0644 la-$.$[$k$~~$Ifzkd^$$Ifl0,"LL t0644 lak$l$x$$~~$Ifzkd$$Ifl0,"LL t0644 la$$$$~~$IfzkdF $$Ifl0,"LL t0644 la$$$%&&(((()*%*,}{ywd1$zkd $$Ifl0,"LL t0644 la (((()))*******++,,,C,D,..s0t0000002222222<3=3?3E3I3J33333#4˺˺˺˺ h#CJ hMCJ hGCJh#jc hGUj hGUhMj hGU hG0Jj. hGUjhGUhG>*CJnHtHhG>*nHtHhGnHtH hG5hG hG5CJ/,./11(3)3\3a3f333fkd2 $$Ifl4rF#`0$    4 la $$Ifa$ 33333 4B44 $If 0$If^`0 0$If^`0 $Ifgd#$If$If#4;4=4@44444444444m555555555555555555666)6*6:6L6\6^6j666666666667777777888/8<8i8#9$9%9'9(9)9*9+9,9A9m999 h=CJ hCJ hVCJ h^ CJ h(CJ hXqCJhG hMCJ hGCJ hG6CJM4444445R566ztne[QQQQ $If $If $IfgdXq$If$Ifkd $$IflF#`0$    4 la 66666677pjd[I 0$If^`0 $IfgdXq$If$Ifkdg$$IflF#`0$    4 la $If7777778>8f`ZQ? 0$If^`0 $IfgdXq$If$Ifkd$$IflF#`0$    4 la $If $If>8w88#9$9&9'9-9^XRI $Ifgd$If$Ifkd$$IflF#`0$    4 la $If 0$If^`0-9z999H:::Akd$$IflF#`0$    4 la 0$If^`0gd# 0$If^`0 `$If^``99999L:N:O:Q:_:c:d:f:::::::::::::::::::x;y;z;|;~;;;;;<<<<<<<<<================>>>>>>>>>>ǿhVhVnH tH hVCJnH tH  hG6CJ hXqCJhG h#CJ hVCJ hGCJ h=CJ h^ CJJ:::::;Q;x; 0$If^`0 $If `$If^`` $Ifgd#$If$Ifx;y;{;|;;;;<ztneSSA 0$If^`0 `$If^`` $Ifgd#$If$Ifkd$$IflF#`0$    4 la<`<<<<<<<<pjd[II 0$If^`0 $Ifgd#$If$IfkdE$$IflF#`0$    4 la $If<Q=======pg^U $Ifgd# $IfgdR $IfgdRkd$$IflF#`0$    4 la $If=======\VPG $Ifgd#$If$Ifkds$$IflF#`0$    4 la $IfgdR 0$If^`0gdR=">V>>>>>>>^XRI $Ifgd#$If$Ifkd$$IflF#`0$    4 la $If 0$If^`0>>>>>>>>>>> ?$?.?M?j?x?????????????=@>@?@@@B@C@D@E@G@H@i@@@@@@@@@@@@ A AA2AlAmAAAAAAAع䲫 hGPJ h^ 5CJ hV5CJ hG5CJ h'lCJ hECJ hG6CJ h#CJ h^ CJ hVCJ hXqCJhGhGnH tH hGCJnH tH  hGCJ>>>>>>>&?{??tneSIS $If 0$If^`0 $Ifgd#$Ifkd$$IflF#`0$    4 la$If??????@=@ztneSEE 2$If]2 0$If^`0 $Ifgd#$If$Ifkd1$$IflF#`0$    4 la=@>@A@B@H@l@@@ztneSEE 2$If]2 0$If^`0 $Ifgd#$If$Ifkd$$IflF#`0$    4 la@@@@@-A7AlAztneSSA 0$If^`0 `$If^`` $Ifgd#$If$IfkdQ$$IflF#`0$    4 lalAmAxAyAAAAztntat $$@& If$If$Ifkd$$IflF#`0$    4 laAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA B BBBBB!B"B(B)B*B+B/B0B:B;B*B*FO!RF contact headingxOJQJ.)@a.  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