ࡱ> 9;8y  bjbj O0{{ NN4b     $v(  ___*  ____ ٹN_0____ __N n: Production Schedule and Overview of Reading/Writing Assignments for English 129 Production Schedule Reading and Writing Assignments (these are due dates) Week 1 Jan 25 Introduction: Syllabus Week 2 Jan 30 First Production Meeting: WL and EDN (30 min) Reading: Prose, Close Reading and BAm Sports p. 4. Feb 01 Reading: BAm Mag, p. 3 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Week 3 Feb 06 Reading: Prose, Words Reading: BAm Mag, p. 195 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Feb 08 Reading: BAm Mag, p. 215 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Reading: BAm Mag p. 315 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication _______________ Week 4 Feb 13 Due: drafts of WL articles due, bring _____ copies Reading: Prose, Character Reading: BAm Sports, p. 12 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Feb 15 WORKSHOP: drafts of WL articles Reading: Truss, Introduction: The Seventh Sense Week 5 Feb 20 WORKSHOP: drafts of WL articles Reading: Truss, Thatll Do Comma Feb 22 Production Meeting: finalize EDN article assignments (15 min.) Reading: Prose, Sentences & page 280-84 of BAm Mag DUE: final WL articles (digital and hard copy) Reading: BAm Sports, p. 227 (submit to Copyeditors and Layout/Design and Graphics teams) Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Week 6 Feb 27 Production Meeting: in class review (15 min.) WORKSHOP: Draft of Profile Essay Proposed layout, design and graphics from LD and G team Reading: Truss, Cutting a Dash Feb 29 Copyedited articles to LD and G team (digital and hardcopy) Graphics to LD and G team (digital and hardcopy) WORKSHOP: LD and Graphics with authors Week 7 March 05 Due: Profile Essay (submit for final evaluation, revised essay & drafts) Reading: Truss, A Little Used Punctuation Mark March 07 Production Meeting: in class review, 15 minutes Reading: Prose, Dialogue proposed layout & graphics of WL Reading: BAm Sports, p. 204 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Reading: BAm Travel, p. 35 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Week 8 March 12 Final copy of WL due to proofreaders (digital and hardcopy) Reading: Prose, Narration Reading: BAm Travel, p. 110 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication _(already covered)_ Reading: BAm Travel, p. 203 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ March 14 DUE: drafts of EDN articles, bring ____ copies Reading: Prose, Details Reading: BAm Mag, p. 467 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Week 9 March 19 WORKSHOP: drafts of EDN articles March 21 WORKSHOP: drafts of EDN articles Week 10 April 02 Reading: Prose, Gesture Reading: BAm Mag, p. 343 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Reading: BAm Mag, p. 493 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ April 04 DUE: EDN articles to copyeditors, layout and graphics teams Reading: BAm Sports, p. 26 Distribution of WL Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Reading: BAm Travel, p. 55 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Week 11 April 09 Production Meeting: in class review of preliminary layout, Reading: Truss, The Tractable Apostrophe design, graphics: LD and G team (15 min.) WORKSHOP: draft of Feature Article April 11 copyedited EDN to LD and G team Reading: BAm Sports, p. 61 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Reading: BAm Travel, p. 225 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Week 12 April 16 Production Meeting: in class review of final EDN layout (15 min.) Reading: BAm Sports, p. 42 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication __(already covered)__ April 18 final copy of EDN to proofreaders DUE: Feature Article (submit for final evaluation, revised essay & drafts) Reading: BAm Sports, p. 138 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ Week 13 April 23 final copy of EDN to instructor Reading: BAm Sports, p. 240 Presentations: Author _______________ ; Publication ______________ April 25 Introduction to Query Letters (readings on handout) Week 14 April 30 WORKSHOP: query letters for final project May 02 DUE: drafts for final project workshops (____ copies) Week 15 May 07 WORKSHOP: revised essay for final project May 09 Distribution of EDN WORKSHOP: revised essay for final project Week 16 May 14 WORKSHOP: revised essay for final project Week 17 May 21 Final Exam: 12:15 DUE: final project to professor; debriefing exercise PvQ [ |  $ * , x y  b k s ? 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