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A novel of the Romantic era (your choice: see list on page 4 of syllabus). Wu, Duncan, ed. Romanticism: An Anthology. Other Useful Texts: Abrams, M. H. Natural Supernaturalism. Stauffer, Andrew M. Anger, Revolution, and Romanticism. Selected Web Resources: General:  HYPERLINK "http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2750" Voice of the Shuttle  HYPERLINK "http://www.nines.org/" NINES: A Networked Interface for Nineteenth-century Electronic Scholarship  HYPERLINK "http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2555" Regency Portraits  HYPERLINK "http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/romantic.html" Literary Resources for Romanticism (Jack Lynch of Rutgers U)  HYPERLINK "http://www.rc.umd.edu/hpfiles/index1.html" Romantic Circles  HYPERLINK "http://www.ron.umontreal.ca/" Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net  HYPERLINK "http://www.users.muohio.edu/mandellc/eng441/urllist.htm" Romanticism Online: URL List (Laura Mandell of Miami U, Ohio)  HYPERLINK "http://english.ucsb.edu:591/rchrono/" Romantic Chronology Authors:  HYPERLINK "http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/janeinfo.html" Jane Austen Info Page (Henry Churchyard)  HYPERLINK "http://www.blakearchive.org/" The Blake Archive  HYPERLINK "http://cla.calpoly.edu/%7Esmarx/Blake/blakeproject.html" The Blake Multimedia Project (Steve Marx, Cal Poly, SLO)  HYPERLINK "http://burneycentre.mcgill.ca/" Francis Burney Center (McGill U)  HYPERLINK "http://www.rc.umd.edu/reference/chronologies/byronchronology/index.html" Byron Chronology  HYPERLINK "http://www.english.udel.edu/byron/bsa/index.html" The Byron Society of America (U of Delaware)  HYPERLINK "http://digital.lib.ucdavis.edu/projects/bwrp/Works/DacrCHours2.htm" Charlotte Dacre, Hours of Solitude, Vol. 2  HYPERLINK "http://www.umsl.edu/%7Esweet/swethman.htm" Chronology of Felicia Hemans and Her Milieu (Nanora Sweet, U of Missouri, St. Louis) Elizabeth Inchbald's Lover's Vows:  HYPERLINK "http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext03/lover10h.htm" Project Gutenberg Version  HYPERLINK "http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/inchbald/vows/vows.html" University of Pennsylvania Digital Library Version  HYPERLINK "http://www.etang.umontreal.ca/bwp1800/plays/inchbald_vows/index.html" University of Montreal Digital Version  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/douglass/caro/index.html" Caro: The Lady Caroline Lamb Website  HYPERLINK "http://www.archive.org/details/glenarvon01lambc" Lady Caroline Lamb's Glenarvon (text)  HYPERLINK "http://www.rc.umd.edu/editions/LB/" Lyrical Ballads: An Electronic Scholarly Edition (Romantic Circles)  HYPERLINK "http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/robinson/biography.html" Mary Darby Robinson  HYPERLINK "http://www.rc.umd.edu/reference/chronologies/mschronology/chrono.html" Mary Shelley Chronology  HYPERLINK "http://www.readbookonline.net/readOnLine/13335/" Percy Shelley's "Epipsychidion"  HYPERLINK "http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2555" Portraits of Regency Writers Topics:  HYPERLINK "http://www.users.muohio.edu/mandellc/projects/aronowml/" British Abolition Movement  HYPERLINK "http://www.rc.umd.edu/praxis/circulations/index.html" Romanticism and the Black Atlantic  HYPERLINK "http://www.litgothic.com/" Gothic Literature  HYPERLINK "http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/%7Edougt/gothic.htm" Gothic Literature: What the Romantic Writers Read (Douglass Thomson, Georgia Southern U) Course Description: Literary romanticism was born in revolution. Wordsworth was in France in the aftermath of the French revolution, and his partnership with Coleridge in publishing Lyrical Ballads grew out of their shared intention to remake their lives by moving to America. Many British writers of the Romantic era were imaginatively engaged with other countries, including France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Greece, Albania, and the Middle East. This course will focus on Orientalist and other works of the period that reflect this fascination with the foreign and alien, or other, while surveying significant works of Romantic literature and probing their major themes Those themes include the turn inward toward psychological realism and Kantian psychology, the celebration of the individual with its consequent political liberalism, a validation of Nature as divine communication, recognition of the importance of childhood, and the reinvention of literary forms in light of the speechlessness produced by the writers confrontation with the "sublime." Wordsworths words are often quoted to illustrate some of these themes, especially that of Divinity as a presence that disturbs me with the joy / Of elevated thoughts, a sense sublime / Of something far more deeply interfused, / Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, / And the round ocean, and the living air, / And the blue sky, and in the mind of man / A motion and a spirit that impels all thinking things. . . . (Tintern Abbey ll. 95-102). Paying attention to the canonical male poets, this course will also give substantial consideration to the poetry, drama, and prose of important female writers of the periodincluding Lady Caroline Lamb, a specialty area of interest for the instructorand the Romantic writers response to Italy. Grading and Written Work: Your course grade will be weighted in this manner: Short Paper 15% Novel Club Paper 10% Report on Dante and Italy in British Romanticism 10% Reading Responses & Quizzes 15% Participation 15% Midterm 15% Research Paper Proposal and Final Draft 20% When you have a schedule problem, please let me know so I can work with you. Late work may be lowered one full grade. The following statements have been adopted by the Department for inclusion in all green sheets: 1. The Department of English reaffirms its commitment to the differential grading scale as defined in the 91 Catalog ("The Grading System"). Grades issued must represent a full range of student performance: A= excellent; B= above average; C= average; D= below average; F= failure. Courses graded according to the A, B, C, No Credit system shall follow the same pattern, except that NC (No Credit) shall replace D or F. In such classes, NC shall also substitute for W (Withdrawal) because neither grade (NC or W) affects students' GPA. 2. In English Department courses, instructors will comment on and grade the quality of student writing as well as the quality of the ideas being conveyed. All student writing should be distinguished by correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate diction and syntax, and well-organized paragraphs. Academic Integrity: The University's Policy on Academic Dishonesty is summarized in the 1998-2000 University Catalog. Dishonesty includes cheating, copying, submitting work done in previous courses, and plagiarizing (see pp. 430-31). All work you present in this course must be your own. I will follow the University's policy by taking specific action myself (lowering grades or turning in a failing grade for the course) and by reporting all cheating or plagiarism to the Dean of Student Services. Description of Assignments: 1. Short Paper: A two-to-three page paper offering a critical reading of a poem, group of poems, or other work assigned. Your paper will be presented to the class on the date the work is discussed. The purpose is to start you thinking about the works, help develop your approach to the subject, and provide stimulus for class discussion. Submit in electronic form as a text document (not PDF). Sign up for date to present. 2. Novel Club and Short Paper: Select a Romantic-era novel from the list attached to this syllabus and persuade at least one other class member to read it with you (or allow yourself to be persuaded to read a novel preferred by at least one other class member). You will read this novel over the course of the semester, and meet three times in class to discuss it. You will also write a short, two-to-three page paper on some aspect of the novel, and present this paper to the club member(s) at the third and final meeting, then turn it in to the instructor in electronic form as a text document (not PDF). 3. Report on Dante and Italy in British Romanticism: Teaming up with two other class members, create a presentation on one of the chapters in Dante and Italy in British Romanticism, offering a critical perspective. At the minimum, your team should prepare an outline of the chapter (no more than one page), and a list of key terms. Do whatever research is necessary to help you achieve a mastery of the article's content and thesis. Team's Oral Report Length: maximum five minutes per person. Avoid reading what is on the handout. The oral report should demonstrate mastery of the material through extemporaneous speech and dialogue. Sign up, then consult the syllabus to find the date on which you will make your presentation. 4. Reading Responses, Quizzes: At randomly scheduled intervals you may be asked in class to take a short quiz or to write an informal, thoughtful response to the reading, including any pertinent questions or confusions with which you are struggling. 5. Participation: Lectures will provide some background, but this course will rely a great deal on discussion. Come having read the days assignment, including the head note for particular authors. In class, find opportunities to contribute to the discussion and demonstrate understanding of the text. 6. Midterm Examination: Essay and short answer format. 7. Research Paper: A 6-8 page paper on a topic you propose to the instructor with a brief description (a paragraph or so) and short bibliography of secondary sources (five or more citations). See calendar for due dates for proposal and paper). ======================================================= Novel Club Choices: Novels of the Romantic Era Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey (1818). Burney, Fanny. Evelina (1778). Dacre, Charlotte. Zofloya (1806). Edgeworth, Maria. Castle Rackrent (1801). Godwin, William. Things as they Are, or the Adventures of Caleb Williams (1794). Lamb, Lady Caroline. Glenarvon (1816). Lewis, Matthew. The Monk (1796). Maturin, Charles. Melmoth the Wanderer (1820). Owenson, Sydney. The Wild Irish Girl: A National Tale (1806). Peacock, Thomas Love. Nightmare Abbey (1818). Radcliffe, Ann. The Italian (1797). Scott, Walter. The Heart of Midlothian (1818). Shelley, Mary. The Last Man (1824). ======================================================= Department Student Learning Goals (linked to assignments): Students will demonstrate the ability to read closely in a variety of forms, styles, structures, and modes, and articulate the value of close reading in the study of literature, creative writing, or rhetoric. (1, 4, 6) show familiarity with major literary works, genres, periods, and critical approaches to British, American, and World Literature. (4, 5, 6) write clearly, effectively, and creatively, and adjust writing style appropriately to the content, the context, and nature of the subject. (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) develop and carry out research projects, and locate, evaluate, organize, and incorporate information effectively. (3, 7) articulate the relations among culture, history, and texts. (4, 5, 6) ENGLISH 149: CALENDAR: Spring 2012 Jan. 25: Introduction to the Course: Romanticism and RevolutionBurke (7-15); Cowper, "On Slavery" (18-19). Hunt, "The Sailor Who had Served in the Slave-Trade" (732-35), Shelley, Ozymandias (1079-80). Jan. 30: Review the above texts and read Paine (23-27); Godwin (151-55); Wollstonecraft (276-85); Williams, "On Revolution" (297); Burns, "To a Mouse" (268-69); Coleridge, "France: An Ode"; Blake, "And Did those Feet. . ." (241-45). Feb. 1: Blake, Songs of Innocence and Experience (179-206).* Feb. 6: Blake, Songs of Innocence and Experience (179-206).* Feb. 8: Blake, The First Book of Urizen (223-40).* Feb. 13: Blake, "The Mental Traveller," "The Crystal Cabinet."* Feb. 15: Inchbald, Lover's Vows. Feb. 20: Wordsworth and Coleridge, Lyrical Ballads (330-51): Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and "The Foster-Mother's Tale." Hemans, "Madeline, A Domestic Tale" (1300-2). Feb. 22: Novel Club Meeting #1. Research Paper Proposal Due. Feb. 27: Lyrical Ballads, Preface to the 2nd ed. (495-507); review by Southey (730-31), and poems from 1st ed. (370-74, 407-11). Feb. 29: Wordsworth, from Lyrical Ballads, 2nd ed., and a few other poems (473-81). Mar. 5: Wordsworth, selections from The Prelude (549-70). Mar. 7: Coleridge, 619-29; also review revised version of "Rime of the Ancient Mariner," esp. epigraph and marginal notes (694-711). Mar. 12: Byron's Feminist Canon. Lady Caroline Lamb: A Biography, Chapters 7-9; She Walks in Beauty (848-49). Mar. 14: Byron, Manfred (896-932). Dacre, Hours of Solitude (extracts) (provided for you). Mar. 19: Byron, Manfred (896-932). Mar. 21: Midterm Examination. Mar. 26, 28: No classes: Spring Recess Apr. 2: Novel Club Meeting #2. Apr. 4: Byron, Don Juan, Canto 1 (933-64): Dedication, stanzas 1-101. Apr. 9: Byron, Don Juan, Canto 1 (964-87): stanzas 102-222. Apr. 11: Shelley, A Defence of Poetry (1184-99). Apr. 16: Shelley, Ode to the West Wind (1175-77). Apr. 18: Hemans, "Madeline, A Domestic Tale" (1300-2). L.E.L. The Improvisatrice (1448-50). Apr. 23: Dante and Italy in British Romanticism: Reports. Apr. 25: Dante and Italy in British Romanticism: Reports. Apr. 30: Dante and Italy in British Romanticism: Reports. May 2: Novel Club Meeting #3; Short Paper Due. May 7: De Quincey, "Confessions of an English Opium Eater" (810-20). May 9: Hunt, Story of Rimini, Canto 3 extract (796-801). Lockhart, "Cockney School of Poetry" (1327-31). May 14: Keats, "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" (1390-92), "Ode to a Nightingale" (1395-97). May ??: Final Exam Meeting: Research Paper Due. Listen to the conventional choral setting of "And Did Those Feet. . ." by  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKaJ4b0XYmI" Parry and Elgar on Youtube (it was sung at the recent Royal Wedding); or another version by  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_GteXsRfPc" Billy Bragg, with left-wing visuals. *Please visit the online  HYPERLINK "http://www.blakearchive.org/" Blake Archive to see some of Blake's engravings for his poems. Listen to HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/douglass/music/album-hebrew.html"  Isaac Nathan's setting of "She Walks In Beauty" and other songs from Hebrew Melodies.     DouglassRomantic Period  PAGE 2    +FILM\_adeghjqr~     A }sgjhJCJUhhRhJCJhhrLhR5CJh hRCJh hrLCJh hJCJh hCJh hieCJh huOCJh hJCJh h4XCJhhJ:CJhh{e5:CJhh?5:CJhh5:CJhh5:>*CJhh4X5:>*CJh' ,Fr z {   R S e f . 1$^`gd!1$^`gdI1$^`gdZg%1$gd]1$$1$a$A B C I O Q Y Z z {      " + D P ȾzpkaXQQ h))CJhhJ5CJhhJ5>*CJh hJhh]h]CJhh]h]0JCJh"jh]h]CJUhjh]CJUhhh]CJh h]CJhh]5CJhh]5>*CJhhG5>*CJh hJCJh hJ0J hxV0JjhJCJUhjhJCJUhP Q S a e f x  , - . 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