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Students will develop college-level reading abilities, rhetorical sophistication, and writing styles that give form and coherence to complex ideas and feelings. Required Texts/Readings Textbook Giltrow, Janet Academic Writing: An Introduction, 2nd Ed. Other Readings Most other readings are in the Content area in Desire2Learn.com Other equipment / material requirements Computer and printerkeep lots of ink!(printer problems not accepted) Composition notebook and binder paper for class work Flash drive for work done in IS134 (computer room) All essays must be turned in to D2L in MS word.  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.desire2learn.com" www.sjsu.desire2learn.com For more information about policy and course requirements go to the English Department website at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/english/comp/policyforsyllabi.html" http://www.sjsu.edu/english/comp/policyforsyllabi.html Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives You shall demonstrate your writing competence in complete essays that reveal college-level proficiency in all of the following: Clear and effective communication of meaning. An identifiable focus, tailored to a particular audience and purpose (argumentative essays will state their thesis clearly and show an awareness, implied or stated, of some opposing point of view). The ability to perform effectively the essential steps of the writing process (prewriting, organizing, composing, revising, and editing). The ability to explain, analyze, develop, and criticize ideas effectively. Effective use within their own essays of supporting material drawn from reading or other sources. Effective organization within the paragraph and the essay. Accuracy, variety, and clarity of sentences. Appropriate diction. Control of conventional mechanics (e.g., punctuation, spelling, reference, agreement). Student Learning Objectives: SLO 1: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to perform effectively the essential steps in the writing process (prewriting, organizing, composing, revising, and editing). SLO 2: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to express (explain, analyze, develop, and criticize) ideas effectively. SLO 3: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to use correct grammar (syntax, mechanics, and citation of sources) at a college level of sophistication. SLO 4: Students shall write complete essays that demonstrate the ability to write for different audiences. Information available online You are responsible for reading the following information online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/english/comp/policyforsyllabi.html" http://www.sjsu.edu/english/comp/policyforsyllabi.html Course guidelines Academic policies (academic integrity, plagiarism, ADA and DRC policies) Adding and dropping classes Classroom Protocol You will come to class on time--both awake and willing to engage. Respect yourself and your fellows by contributing in every way you can to your own education. Bring your book, the article you are working on, and your binder with course handouts to every class! Electronics are allowed if not abused. No cell phones, texting, or sleeping. Make doctors appointments for days you dont have class! Assignments and Grading Policy Grading: A-F. This class must be passed with a C or better to move on to CORE GE Area C3 and to satisfy the prerequisite for English 1B. A passing grade in the course signifies that the student is a capable college-level writer and reader of English. Grades will be assigned by points as follows: A = 920- 1000 A-= 890- 919 B+ = 860- 889 B = 820- 859 B- = 790- 819 C+= 760- 789 C = 720- 759 C- = 690- 719 D+ = 660 689 D = 620- 659 D- = 590- 619 1A Reflective Analysis Assignment This assignment is designed to get you thinking about what kind of writer you are, how you best learn writing essentials and techniques, and what you can do to improve your writing in the future. This type of assessment falls under the category of reflective learning. Its the type of learning that starts after the fact, when the course enters its final weeks and nearly all your essays have been revised and turned in for a grade. What better time to reflect on what youve accomplished? For this assignment, you are being asked to write a process analysis, or reflection, of your writing. The goal is to discover something new about you as a writer and thinker. Along with the process analysis, you will need to embed relevant examples that highlight your process in writing an essay and evaluating, work-shopping, editing and revising that same essay. These examples must be included in the paragraphs in your essay, not attached as an appendix. Remember, the focus here is on the process and not the product. Process Analysis/Reflection: Consider your strengths and weaknesses as a writer when you began English 1A. Think about what you learned over the semester and what skills you will use in future coursework and beyond. Write a 1000-1200 word essay that analyzes your writing and yourself as a writer. Your response must be in standard essay format, NOT numbered or Q&A format. You can address the topics in any order that helps you make your point. Include the word count at the end of your essay. First write about your writing habits: Where do you do your best work? What tools are helpful when writing? What time of day or under what conditions (at home, in the library, at a cafe) do you write best? Analyze what you think these preferences say about you as a writer and learner. And, address two of the three areas in the chart: Area of ReflectionQuestions to Prompt Your ThinkingWriting StrategiesIdentify writing habits and practices you have formed that work well and that you will continue to use in your future writing. Illustrate with samples from your semesters writing.FeedbackWhat advice did you receive (from peer review, tutoring, workshop, instructor feedback) that was particularly helpful when revising your work? Illustrate using at least two examples from past assignments, including the comments. How can you apply that advice to future writing?RevisionAnalyze how you revised a specific paragraph. Include the paragraph in the paper. Describe the choices you made and why Reflection Essay Grade: You are being graded on the following: Did you answer at least three questions (including the first one that everyone answers) and include appropriate examples? Does your reflection demonstrate serious consideration of your work? Do the examples you include support your reflection? Is the overall presentation of the reflection clear and professional? Does your writing reflect college-level syntactic variety and diction and demonstrate your fluency with the competencies established in first-year composition (grammar, mechanics, usage, etc.)? The reflective analysis counts for 10% of your final grade. Assignments Points 1. MegacognitionDiagnostic (E1): 3 hand written pages total; 750+ words; SLO 1-3; Grade given represents assessment of work done but is not counted in course grade 2. Summary (E2) 4 typed pages; 1000 words; SLO2 100 3. Critical Analysis and revision (E3) at least 4 pages; 1000 words; SLO 1-3; 100 4. Synthesis and imagination (E4) at least 6 pages (1500 words), SLO 1-4 150 5. Complete essay revision for Portfolio (E5) 6 pages; 2000 words; SLO 1-4 150 6. Metacognitive review (final exam) of writing and reading practice (E6) at least 2-3 typed pages (1000 words) SLO 1-4 200 7. Writing issues table and writing patterns discussion (E7) included in Portfolio: 1000 words (about 3-4 pages) SLO 1-4 100 All other course work (discussion, peer review, quizzes, portfolio) SLO 2 200 TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE 1000 Learning Assistance Resource Center The Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARC) is located in Room 600 in the Student Services Center. It is designed to assist students in the development of their full academic potential and to motivate them to become self-directed learners. The center provides support services, such as skills assessment, individual or group tutorials, subject advising, learning assistance, summer academic preparation and basic skills development. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/larc/" LARC website is located at http:/www.sjsu.edu/larc/. 91 Writing Center The 91 Writing Center is located in Room 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by professional instructors and upper-division or graduate-level writing specialists from each of the seven 91 colleges. Our writing specialists have met a rigorous GPA requirement, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all disciplines to become better writers. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/" Writing Center website is located at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/" http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/. For English 1A, Spring 2012, Course Schedule The schedule will change to accommodate our pace this semesterHowever: all changes will be noted in class WeekDateIn class topicHomework due: read and bring1W 1/25Your experiences, contract and quiz Bring book, notebook and pens, 2M 1/30IS 134: E1 Metacognition, genrebring article, bring flash drive.W 2/1Note takingChapter 1 and 93M 2/6Academic reading and writingbring articleW 2/8Matrix and reflection (E1 returned) Discussion of new articleArticle marked up and read Chapter 4, 4M 2/13IS 134: E2 summary of article flash drive and articleW 2/15Supporting ideas, in your own wordsPrint out of E25M 2/20Reading others writing (peer review)Chapter 2, full draft of E2W 2/22TBA6M 2/27E2 Due, identifying topics, thesisChapter 7, Revised E2 per matrix and peer notesW 2/29IS 134: E3 analysis of ideas in E27M 3/5Reading academic writing part IIChapter 10W 3/7E3 PeerWrite draft of E38M 3/12(E2 returned) Matrix and reflectionW 3/14E3 Due, Review of difficulties, E4 articleRevised per peer review and matrix notes9M 3/19Sociological imaginationwhat is it?Bring E1, E2, E3W 3/21Essay 4synthesizing ideasBring notes for Essay 4M 3/26-28Spring breakChapter 14,10M 4/2IS134-Matrix and reflection E3 returnedBring annotation flash driveW 4/4E4peer review Bring printed E411M 4/9E4 due, Revision strategies for E5E4 Revised per Peer review and matrix notesW 4/11TBA12M 4/16(E4 returned) matrix and reflection, E5W 4/18IS134: E5 Revision workshopBring flash drive with essay to be revised13M 4/23E5 DueW 4/25E6 final essay discussion14M 4/30(E5 returned) matrix and reflection, E6 contdChoose the questions youll answerW 5 /2IS134-E6 MetacognitionBring Pre-work, flash drive15M 5/7E7 discussionmatrix and reflectionsBring completed matrix and reflectionsW 5/9Course review, discussion, portfolio prepBring essays for portfolio16M 5/14E7 and portfolio DueFinish Matrix and reflection essay, gather portfolioE6-7 returned after holistic gradingEssay topicsin brief E1diagnostic E2summary of article E3analysis of data/claims in the article (and presentations) E4synthesis of ideas from previous essays and the article you choose (sociological imagination) E5Choose an essay to revise and edit extensively per matrix, peer review, and our assessment notes E6 final essayabout your writing E7 analysis of your own writingwhat went well, what you might improve (with a matrix table of issues in each essay) 91 Calendar Wednesday................... January 25.....................First Day of Instruction Classes Begin Monday......................... February 6 .....................Last Day to Drop Courses Without an Entry on Student's Permanent Record (D) Monday......................... February 13 ...................Last Day to Add Courses & Register Late (A) Tuesday........................ February 21 ...................Enrollment Census Date (CD) Monday-Friday.............. March 26-30 ..................Spring Recess (*SPRING RECESS*) Friday............................ March 30 .......................Cesar Chavez Day Observed - Campus Closed (CC) Tuesday........................ May 15...........................Last Day of Instruction Last Day of Classes Saturday ....................... May 26...........................Commencement (C) Monday......................... May 28 ..........................Memorial Day - Campus Closed (M) Tuesday........................ May 29...........................Grades Due From Faculty - End of Spring Semester (G) Tuesday........................ May 29...........................End of Academic Year     English 1A, Spring 2012 Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 6  $%'(/034?@JKLVX_`bcdosxyz{    ɶɮɶɶɦɶhFh5_h2PhU2@hLD hmhLDhrh 5h1hrheY5 hHheYh hHh hRF hHh&Na hHhU2@ hHhLDAUkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na (($Ifgd2P (($Ifgd2PgdH ;Ukd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na (($Ifgd2P (($Ifgd2PUkdX$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na  # M N _ ;Ukd`$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na (($Ifgd2P (($Ifgd2PUkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 layt&Na   # 9 = L N S T U Y Z _ p q {         ! # $ , - 7 8 > ? 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