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Post submission of the revised essay to D2L site (at later date see course schedule).  2 pages each Handwritten 600 words each LO1 LO2 LO3  5%/ 50 points each2.Revised In-Class Essays 5%/50 points each Type in-class essay, making editing and proofreading corrections; Complete in-class work to revise essay; Bring to class scheduled for peer workshop; Revise essay accordingly; and Post submission of the revised essay to D2L site (at later date see course schedule).  2-3 pages each Typed 800 words Each  LO1 LO2 LO3 LO5 5%/ 50 points each3.First Research Paper Historical Research 15%/150 points each (Use The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks for inspiration/inquiry) Format: APA Style (Use Field Guide Sample APA Research Paper pgs 509519) Steps: Preparation and writing Articulate your selected topic. Prepare an essay that addresses specific questions listed below What historical topic do you intend to explore in this paper? Why are you interested in this topic? What is your point of view regarding the issues of this topic? What do you already know about this topic from your previous work/life experience and knowledge base? What do you want to learn about your topic? Write research paper and include the following: Title Page (APA title page ) Body: Divided using one heading level (minimum). Demonstrate weaving of sources technique. Demonstrate transitional phrasing technique. Demonstrate proper in-text citations (both direct quoting and paraphrasing). Demonstrate academic writing in relation to proper grammar, punctuation, spelling Demonstrate solid academic and critical thinking skills References: Minimum of three (3) sources Minimum of two (2) peer-reviewed articles Other sources may come from reputable websites, books, or reputable corporate materials Footnotes: Minimum of two (2) footnotes Supplemental Material: One (1) Table Edit and double check APA format conformity. Post submission of the revised essay to D2L site (at later date see course schedule). Paper must be turned in electronically to Desire2Learn at  HYPERLINK "https://sjsu.desire2learn.com/" https://sjsu.desire2learn.com/ using the Dropbox function. Look for the Attach link.  4 pages 1000 words (Does not include References, Footnotes, Table) LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 150 each4.Second Research Paper Personal Interest 15%/150 points (Use Perfume: The Story of a Murderer for inspiration/inquiry) Format: MLA Style (Use Field Guide Sample MLA Research Paper pgs 468476) Topic: Personal Choice No Title Page per MLA Style Steps: Preparation and writing Articulate your selected topic. Prepare an essay that addresses specific questions listed below What specific topic do you intend to explore in this paper? Why are you interested in this topic? What is your point of view regarding the issues of this topic? What do you already know about this topic from your previous work/life experience and knowledge base? What do you want to learn about your topic? Body: Develop well-conceived and thoughtful thesis for the basis of an argumentative research essay Demonstrate weaving of sources technique. Demonstrate transitional phrasing technique Demonstrate proper in-text citations (both direct quoting and paraphrasing) Include one block quotation Demonstrate academic writing in relation to proper grammar, punctuation, spelling Demonstrate solid academic and critical thinking skills References: Minimum of (5) sources Minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed articles Other sources may come from reputable websites, books, or reputable corporate materials Footnotes: Minimum of three (3) footnotes Supplemental Materials: One (1) Table One (1) Additional Piece of Relevant Material Post submission of the revised essay to D2L site (at later date see course schedule). Paper must be turned in electronically to Desire2Learn at  HYPERLINK "https://sjsu.desire2learn.com/" https://sjsu.desire2learn.com/ using the Dropbox function. Look for the Attach link.  5 pages 1250 words (Does not include References, Footnotes, Table, and Supplemental Materials) LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 15%/ 150 points Each5.Departmental Final/Holistic Exam 20%/200 Points University-Wide Holistic Exam To monitor and assess the effectiveness of Freshman Composition, the Committee establishes topics for a standardized final departmental essay for all course sections. This final essay is graded holistically by a reading committee comprised of all the current Composition instructors.  2-3 pages 800 Words  LO1 LO2 LO3 LO6  20%/ 200 points6.Participation/Homework 30%/300 Points Participation is defined as including unannounced quizzes and writing exercises, unannounced in-class writing assignments and projects, and class conversation/discussion groups. Some quizzes may focus on student knowledge of in-text quotations and non-quotation citations, reference page preparation, ability to properly cite secondary sources, format of headings separating sections of various papers, and paraphrasing. Lectures will be provided in class. Some in-class writing (including unannounced) may focus on assigned readings, including peer-reviewed articles. Further, students are required to take part in a variety of in-class writing exercises, including spontaneous responses to readings and direct participation in the writing processes performed during classroom sessions. Last, students are required to prepare drafts of upcoming assignments and actively participate in peer editing and workshops. All in-class writing will be relevant, important, and required elements in writing preparation and mastery.  Various lengths LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 30%/ 300 points TOTAL Possible Points: 1000     English 1B Composition Spring 2012 Assignment Overview Jacoby  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 +,789DMNQlxϿﯝ}kWH8hh{!5CJOJQJaJhh6mCJOJQJaJ&hh56@CJOJQJaJ#hh?b5@CJOJQJaJh?b5@CJOJQJaJ hhW{@CJOJQJaJ#hhW{5@CJOJQJaJhh5d5CJOJQJaJhh,5CJOJQJaJhhv<5CJOJQJaJhhv5CJOJQJaJhh>5CJOJQJaJ,89MNQaMzkd$$Ifl2 3  t 0 3644 lap yt5d `0@Ys d$*$Ifgd, $da$gd{6| $da$gd,ahlx!$ `0@Ys d$*$Ifa$gd, kd$$Iflr"3+.2.!  t20 3644 lap2yt{6| ( f 3 4 xjd$Ifgd{6|d$If^gd{! & Fd$Ifgd6| & F d$Ifgd6| & F d$Ifgd{!!  `0v8@Y d$*$G$IfgdU^# `0@Ys d$*$Ifgd,   ' F k   ' ( - Q R f i 4 5 8 X d o_hhT06CJOJQJaJhh5d6CJOJQJaJhh{!6CJOJQJaJ"hhW{56CJOJQJaJ"hhT056CJOJQJaJhhiACJOJQJaJhhiA5CJOJQJaJhh{!5CJOJQJaJhh6|CJOJQJaJhh{!CJOJQJaJ$ ijo^M^;#hhBY5@CJOJQJaJ hhiA@CJOJQJaJ hhW{@CJOJQJaJ hhf@CJOJQJaJ hh{!@CJOJQJaJ hh@CJOJQJaJ hh6m@CJOJQJaJ hh)/@CJOJQJaJ hhBY@CJOJQJaJhh{6|6CJOJQJaJh{6|6CJOJQJaJh6m6CJOJQJaJ  `0@Ys d$*$Ifgdod$Ifgd{6|   O ɸweT@.T#hho5@CJOJQJaJ&hho56@CJOJQJaJ hho@CJOJQJaJ#hh?b5@CJOJQJaJ hh1@CJOJQJaJ hho@CJOJQJaJ hh,@CJOJQJaJh?b@CJOJQJaJ hhBY@CJOJQJaJ#hh15@CJOJQJaJ#hh{!5@CJOJQJaJ#hhW{5@CJOJQJaJ .kd$$Iflr"3+.2.! t0 3644 lap2yt{6|  Q y  vvQv%  `0v8@Y hd$*$G$If^hgdf$ & F  `0v8@Y d$*$G$IfgdU^#$ & F  `0v8@Y d$*$G$Ifgdo!  `0v8@Y d$*$G$IfgdU^# `0@Ys d$*$Ifgd,O P Q Y y    # $ E F J M N O P Q R Z ﺪzii[ziL=h{6|5@CJOJQJaJho5@CJOJQJaJh-w@CJOJQJaJ hh-w@CJOJQJaJ hh{6|@CJOJQJaJh{6|@CJOJQJaJ h{6|ho@CJOJQJaJhho6CJOJQJaJ"hho56CJOJQJaJ#hhf5@CJOJQJaJ hho@CJOJQJaJ hhf@CJOJQJaJ  ! 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