Graduation from Graduate Programs


The Advancement to Graduate Candidacy [pdf] petition is to graduate students as MyProgress is to undergraduate students. On this form you will list your proposed program with the courses already completed as well as those still in progress or planned. Please note you must maintain a grade point average of 3.00 in your candidacy courses. Contact your academic advisor for details on program requirements and read more under GAPE's website.

In order to advance to candidacy, you must have your candidacy form approved by your academic advisor and the GAPE office. After that, you will receive a My91ÁÔÆæ message with instructions on how to apply for graduation online and the link to apply for graduation under My91ÁÔÆæ will become active for this purpose.

If you are on academic probation or are facing any difficulties applying for graduation, please talk to us by .

Steps to Graduation brochure (2021 version) [pdf]

Graduation workshops were held in February by GAPE (please contact for information).


Commencement is the ceremony most people think of as graduation. You must register to participate in the in-person commencement for Fall 2022. The schedule for days and times by department is TBD.

If you have any questions about commencement (eligibility, attending a ceremony other than Engineering's, tickets, etc.), please contact the Commencement team and include your student ID number.

Spring 2022 Commencement

The ceremony for Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering took place on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at Provident Credit Union Event Center.