Technical Writing - Engineering Reports

Engineering 100W (ENGR 100W) is the required discipline-specific writing course for the College of Engineering.

Engineering 100W combines two distinct areas of study: technical writing and environmental impacts.  The course must be passed with C or better to satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR). It satisfies GE/91 Studies Areas R (Earth and Environment), and Area WID (Written Communication II).  It is required for all engineering majors.  Engineering 100W is also the prerequisite for the Senior Design Project course.

The goal of the ENGR 100W course is for engineering students to understand the effects of environmental factors, both natural and induced, as they relate to products, systems, and processes -- while integrating technical communication skills that will prepare them for the 21st Century workplace. ENGR 100W is organized around specific objectives and outcomes. 

Modes of Course Delivery:

  • Traditional (face to face) in classroom on campus.
  • Online (several modes including asynchronous, synchronous, or synchronous with occasional class meetings depending on the instructor.)

During Fall and Spring Semesters, each class meets two times a week for a total of 5 hours. Friday classes are once a week for 5 hours.  


Student FAQs 

Requirements and Prerequisites

Is ENGR 100W a required course? Why do I have to take it?

Yes, ENGR 100W meets the following requirements:

  • University graduation requirement (CSU Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement GWAR.)  All students must demonstrate competency in writing skills as a requirement for graduation.
  • Your major engineering degree program requirement.

Is ENGR 100W a prerequisite for any engineering course?
Yes, ENGR 100W is a prerequisite for Senior Design Project I.

What are the prerequisites for taking ENGR 100W?

  • Upper division standing
  • Completion of core GEs
  • ENGL 1B or equivalent second semester composition course. Must be passed with a  grade of C- or better.
  • Completion of the Upper-Division Writing Directed Self Placement (WST-DSP) exercise or completion of ENGL 100A / LLD 100A,  (must be passed with C or better).  


What is the WST-DSP?

The traditional Writing Skill Test (WST) exam has been eliminated and students must complete the Upper-Division Writing Directed Self Placement (WST-DSP). The online WST-DSP in an exercise (not a test) that helps students place themselves in the appropriate writing course at 91.

More information here.


Enrolling in ENGR 100W

How many units is ENGR 100W?

ENGR 100W is a 3-unit course. When you register you will see two section numbers. One of the sections represents the lecture, and the other the lab. Both sections are held in unison. The lab represents the writing/communications part of the course. For example, the sections 17/18 represents the lecture and lab. You only need to register under the first number, 17, and you will be enrolled in both the lecture and the lab.

When should I take ENGR 100W?

You should take it after you have earned 60 credits and before you begin your senior design project courses, preferably first semester of your junior year. Your advisor will help you with this process. If you are a transfer student, after taking the WST plan to enroll in ENGR 100W the following semester. Discuss this with your advisor.

ENGR 100W is a popular course and the sections fill quickly, especially summer courses. If you are trying to graduate in four years, it is suggested you take the course in first semester of your junior year.

Can ENGR 100W be waived?

No, not for engineering students because it is the requirement for your major and your general education requirements (Areas R and WID).

Can ENGR 100W be waived if I have taken and passed an equivalent course at another university?

Some requirements may be met by another course from anther CSU campus. Please consult your advisor.

Is ENGR 100W offered in the summer session?

Yes. Enroll as soon as registration opens because the classes fill quickly.

What declared majors can take ENGR 100W?

All Engineering, Aviation, and Industrial Technology majors.

Can I still take ENGR 100W if I have a major in another 91 college?

College of Engineering allows Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics students from the College of Science to take ENGR 100W.   Your college may have its own 100W course. Please check with your advisor.

What is a passing course grade in ENGR 100W?

You must pass with a C. Any grade below C means you fail the course and you’ll have to repeat it.

What if my department allows me to pass ENGR 100W with a C-?

The universityrequirement for passing ENGR 100W is C. The university/graduation requirement supersedes the department requirement, so a grade of C is required. Please talk to your advisor.

How many times can I repeat ENGR 100W?

You are allowed to repeat ENGR 100W as many times as you like. After the second attempt, however, your enrollment requires special approval. You will need to complete the “Petition to Enroll in a Course More Than Two Times” form which you can obtain from the Registrar. The instructor and your department’s chair will need to sign the form. 

Why can’t I register during the regular enrollment period if I am repeating ENGR 100W?

To be fair to the students taking the course for the first time, those repeating have to wait to register.

Where can I go for writing help?

See the list below:

  • 91 Writing Center Tutors[BROKEN LINK]
  • Peer Counseling in Clark Hall
  • Tutor in the Engineering Success Center
  • Meeting with instructor during office hours

Can I take ENGR 100W at the same time as I take my first senior project course?No, the system will not let you enroll in the senior project course unless you have completed the pre-requisite which is 100W. Also, the writing skills you learn in 100W are designed to help you complete the writing tasks for your senior design project courses. 

Can graduate students take 100W?

Yes, but this class won’t meet GWAR requirement for you. Check with your major advisor about GWAR courses in your department.

How does ENGR100W differ from other campus 100W Writing Courses?

ENGR 100W is a required course for engineering majors. It also is a general education  requirement.  (Areas R and WID) 

Where can I go for writing help?

  • 91 Writing Center[BROKEN LINK] Tutoring
  • ENGR 100W Writing lab
  • Peer Counseling in Clark Hall
  • Your instructor – Office hours

Can I audit ENGR 100W

No,  you need a grade in 100W to meet the graduation requirement for your major.

Can I take ENGR 100W as credit/no credit?

See more information at this .

Can I take 100W through Open University?

Yes, only if there is space in the section and the instructor provides you a permission code. It can be difficult to get the permission code, however, because graduating seniors and waitlisted students have higher priority.


Problems with Registration and Enrolling in ENGR 100W

Why can’t I enroll in ENGR 100W?

There may be many reasons. One common one is you have not met the prerequisites or if you are a transfer student and although your transcripts show you have completed the prerequisites they may not have been uploaded into PeopleSoft yet.

There can be other reasons:

  • You have taken course before
  • You have a hold on your account
  • You have a time conflict

  • Please check the common registration issues on the 91 Registrar’s website for more information. Work with registrar and your advisor to resolve the issue.

I have completed the WST-DSP for ENGR 100W, but I still cannot enroll.

Please see the points under the previous question for issues associated with enrollment. For more specific questions contact an advisor in the ESSC.

How do I get on wait list if the class is full?

During the enrollment period you may put yourself on the wait list.

I received a permission code, but I can’t register in mysjsu. What is the problem?

Please check the common registration issues on the 91 Registrar’s website. Work with the registrar and your advisor to resolve the issue.

My instructor provided a permission code, but I got an error message saying, “You have already taken this class.”  How do I get permission to repeat the class?

You are allowed to repeat ENGR 100W as many times as you like. After the second attempt, however, your enrollment requires special approval. You will need to complete the “Petition to Enroll in a Course More Than Two Times” form which you can obtain from the Registrar. The instructor and your department’s chair will need to sign the form. 

I enrolled in ENGR 100W, but I was dropped from the roster because of a hold on my account or non-payment of fees. What can I do to get re-enrolled?

Work with the registrar to remove the hold on your account as soon as possible. Then you’ll need to get a permission code from the instructor. If the class fills up, you will need to find an open seat in another section.