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Course Description JS130 surveys the relationship between sexuality and social and criminal justice. Students explore the nature and extent of sexual offenses against adults and children. A critical examination of recent public policies aimed at managing sexual aggression is included. Note: Must achieve a grade of "C" or better to fulfill Justice Studies major requirements. Pre/Co-requisite: Any 100W Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: CLO 1: Demonstrate an understanding of how sex and sexuality intersects with and is treated by various institutions of social and criminal justice. CLO 2: Demonstrate an empirical understanding of the nature and extent of sexual offenses against adults and children. CLO 3: Demonstrate an understanding of various pieces of sex or sexuality related legislation and public policies surrounding sexual offending. CLO 4: Understand the cultural, social and political underpinnings of North American sexuality and how unseen forces shape our perceptions of sex crimes. CLO 5: Demonstrate their knowledge and familiarity with the material during class by contributing meaningfully and respectfully to class discussions. CLO 6: Understand power dynamics of race and gender and how it relates to sexuality and justice. CLO 7: Students should read, write, and contribute to discussion at a skilled and capable level. Required Materials Required Texts/Readings Fradella and Sumner, Eds. 2016. Sex, Sexuality, Law, and (In)justice. Taylor & Francis Additional articles and readings will be posted on Canvas. Websites, Web-Based Videos, and Web-Based Audio Files Required website material, web-based videos, and web-based audio files will be required. Links are posted on the CANVAS website. You must have a computer with appropriate software to support video and audio playback, which is available for free on the Internet. You must obtain the movie Kinsey and watch it on your own. This can be rented, for example, on YouTube for $3.99. Campus Resources CASA Student Success Center The Student Success Center in the College of Applied Sciences and Arts (CASA) provides advising for undergraduate students majoring or wanting to major in programs offered in CASA Departments and Schools. All CASA students and students who would like to be in CASA are invited to stop by the Center for general education advising, help with changing majors, academic policy related questions, meeting with peer advisors, and/or attending various regularly scheduled presentations and workshops. If you are looking for academic advice or even tips about how to navigate your way around 91, check out the CASA Student Success Center. Location: MacQuarrie Hall (MQH) 533 - top floor of MacQuarrie Hall. Contact information:  HYPERLINK "tel:408.924.2910" \t "_blank" 408.924.2910. Website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/casa/ssc/" \t "_blank" http://www.sjsu.edu/casa/ssc/. The CASA Student Success Center also provides study space and laptops for checkout. Library Liaison Silke Higgins,  HYPERLINK "tel:408-808-2118" \t "_blank" 408-808-2118,  HYPERLINK "mailto:silke.higgins@sjsu.edu" \t "_blank" silke.higgins@sjsu.edu Departments Reading and Writing Philosophy The Department of Justice Studies is committed to scholarly excellence. Therefore, the Department promotes academic, critical, and creative engagement with language (i.e., reading and writing) throughout its curriculum. A sustained and intensive exploration of language prepares students to think critically and to act meaningfully in interrelated areas of their livespersonal, professional, economic, social, political, ethical, and cultural. Graduates of the Department of Justice Studies leave San Jos State University prepared to enter a range of careers and for advanced study in a variety of fields; they are prepared to more effectively identify and ameliorate injustice in their personal, professional and civic lives. Indeed, the impact of literacy is evident not only within the span of a specific course, semester, or academic program, but also over the span of a lifetime. Course Requirements and Assignments Success in this course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum of 45 hours over the length of the course (normally 3 hours per unit per week with 1 of the hours used for lecture) for instruction or preparation/studying or course related activities including but not limited to internships, labs, and clinical practica. Other course structures will have equivalent workload expectations as described in the syllabus. Your grade is derived from work in three (3) categories: Homework Assignments -- Homework assignments are designed to review and enhance your learning of the weeks topic by: reviewing key information, learning new details about a topic, practicing the application of a rule, and/or making connections among concepts and readings. They include activities such as answering short essay questions, listing facts or concepts, or posting on the CANVAS discussion board. Homework assignments are completed at home. You must complete your assignment before midnight on the assigned date. (CLOs 1 7) Quizzes -- Quizzes are designed to test your comprehension of a topic. Quizzes will be given at random during the lecture period and may be related to the readings or lecture material. (CLOs 1 4, 6) Final Paper / Book Review-- Students are required to write either (i) an original 8-10 page research paper that addresses an issue of your choosing (in consultation with the professor) related to sexuality and justice. Papers will be evaluated on the quality and organization of their writing, as well as evidence of substantial effort to edit and respond to feedback. This assignment observes that writing is a process; to complete the research paper, students must submit in advance an abstract/proposal, outline, reference list, and a rough draft. Alternatively, students may complete a book review and in-class presentation, details to be distributed in class. (CLOs 1 6) Grading Information: Point and Percentage Values (Approximate and Subject to Minor Changes) Homework 175 (54%) Quizzes 50 (15%) Final Paper / Book Review 100 (31%) Total 325 (100%) Grade PercentageA plus98 to 100%A93 to 97%A minus90 to 92%B plus87 to 89 %B83 to 86%B minus80 to 82%C plus77 to 79%C73 to 76%C minus70 to 72%D plus67 to 69%D63 to 66%D minus60 to 62% Classroom Protocol Communication outside of class -- Check your university email account at least once daily for messages related to the course. I encourage regular communication with me over email and in office hours to clarify and enrich your understanding of the course material. To ensure confidentiality, I am required to communicate with you using only your university account. University Policies Per University Policy S16-9, university-wide policy information relevant to all courses, such as academic integrity, accommodations, etc. will be available on Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Programs website. JS130 COURSE SCHEDULE Week DateTopics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines 1Jan 24Welcome CANVAS Reading: Syllabus2Jan 29Course Overview Textbook: Ch. 12Jan 31Sex/Gender Designations: Introduction CANVAS Readings: None assigned; see HW1 for web material HW13Feb 5Sex/Gender Designations: Constitutional Limits (Equal Protection) Textbook: Ch. 3 @ beginning p. 70 Ch. 4 @ beginning p. 124 3Feb 7Sex/Gender Designations: Equal Protection & Bathroom Bills HW24Feb 12Sex/Gender Designations: Substantive Due Process & the Right of Association Textbook: Ch. 3 @ pp. 70 76; 82 88 CANVAS Video: What is Substantive Due Process? (5 mins)4Feb 14Sex/Gender Designations: Substantive Due Process & the Right of Association Course Material TBD HW35Feb 19Wrap-Up Course Material TBD5Feb 21Regulating Sex Acts: What is Normal? Textbook: Ch. 2 Movie: Kinsey (118 mins) HW46Feb 26Regulating Sex Acts: Morality, Religion, and the Constitution Textbook: Ch. 66Feb 28Marriage and the Constitution Movie: Loving (123 mins) HW57Mar 5Marriage and the Constitution Text: Ch. 9 CANVAS Videos: Same-Sex Marriage at SCOTUS in Less than Two Minutes (2 mins) Jim Obergefell Responds to Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage (4 mins)7Mar 7Marriage and the Constitution CANVAS Videos: A Biblical Perspective on Marriage and Sexuality in Light of Obergefell v. Hodges (26 mins) Kids Explain Gay Marriage (3 mins) HW68Mar 12Legal Constructions of Gender Roles: Marriage CANVAS Readings (POSSIBLE STUDENT PRESENTATIONS): Becoming a Wife (Hartog)8Mar 14Legal Constructions of Gender Roles: Marriage Course Materials TBD HW79Mar 19Legal Constructions of Gender Roles: Pregnancy & Motherhood CANVAS Readings (POSSIBLE STUDENT PRESENTATIONS): The Wrong Race, Committing Crime, Doing Drugs, and Maladjusted for Motherhood: The Nations Fury over Crack Babies (Logan) The Crime of Survival: Fraud Prosecutions, Community Surveillance, and the Original Welfare Queen (Kohler-Hausmass)9Mar 21Legal Constructions of Gender Roles: Pregnancy & Motherhood Course Materials TBD HW810Mar 26Regulating Sexuality: Privacy & Pregnancy In-Class Video: Reversing Roe Textbook: Ch. 3 @ pp. 76 82 Research Proposal Due10Mar 28Regulating Sexuality: Privacy & Pregnancy Course Materials TBD HW9Week 11: Spring Recess No Assigned Material12Apr 9Rape and Related Offenses Textbook: Ch. 5 Outline Due12Apr 11Rape and Related Offenses CANAVS Videos: Christine Blasey Fords Opening Statement at Kavanaugh Hearing (45 mins) Brett Kavanaughs Opening Statement at Sentate Hearing (45 mins) Kavanaugh Hearing Cold Open SNL (13 mins) HW1013Apr 16Criminal Regulation of Sex Offenders Textbook: Ch. 10 CANVAS Readings: New Law Puts Most of S.F. Off-Limits to Sex Parolees (Matier) Jessicas Law Sex Offender Buffer Zone Struck Down (Egelko)13Apr 18The Politics of Sex Offending CANVAS Videos: Sex Offender Advocacy as a Social Movement (66 mins) Judge in Brock Turner Case Faces Recall (3 mins) Leader of the Recall Judge Persky Campaign Reads Emotional Response (1 min) HW1114Apr 23Treating Sex Offenders Textbook: Ch. 12 (POSSIBLE STUDENT PRESENTATIONS) Revised Outline Due14Apr 25Campus Sexual Assault: Title IX & Due Process CANVAS Reading: The Uncomfortable Truth about Campus Rape Policy (Yoffe) HW1215Apr 30Campus Sexual Assault: Title IX & Due Process Course Materials TBD15May 2Sex, Gender, & Sexuality Inside Jails & Prisons CANVAS Readings: California Murder Convict Becomes First U.S. Inmate to Have State-Funded Sex Reassignment Surgery (AP / L.A. Times) Californias Transgender Inmates Could Soon Be Allowed Bras, Cosmetics (AP / CBSNews) CANVAS Videos: In the Gay Wing of LA Mens Central Jail Part 1 (3 mins) In the Gay Wing of LA Mens Central Jail Part 2 (3 mins) Mothers of Bedford (96 mins) HW1316May 7Sex, Gender, & Sexuality Inside Jails & Prisons Textbook: Ch. 11 (POSSBLE STUDENT PRESENTATIONS) Draft Due16May 9Course Wrap-Up Course Materials TBD HW14Final ExamMay 169:45am 12pm Final paper due on CANVAS or in my mail box @ MH524 by 12pm, if Applicable Book Review Project: Requirements and Book Options In lieu of the research paper, you may complete a course project on one of the books below. The project may be completed individually or in groups and has three components: A four-page essay that relates the book to the topics of the course. As with the research paper, I will guide the topics covered in your essay. Each student must turn in an original essay, even if the student works in a group for the second two components of this project. A draft of your essay is due on the date of your presentation. Your final essay is due on the final exam date. An in-class presentation on one or more portions of the book. The presentation must have a visual component (e.g., handout, PowerPoint, video) along with your discussion of the assigned topics. The topics and length of your presentation will depend on the size of your group and the total number of students presenting on the book. I will guide the topics of your presentation. Plan for 12-15 minutes per person. A thoughtful homework assignment based on your presentation/topic to be distributed to the class at the end of your presentation. While this project does not require outside readings, thoughtful homework assignments may include additional news articles, videos, etc. that you find on your topic. Books, Topics, and Presentation Dates Note: These are my approved books. I may approve a different book of your choice on the same topic. The book must be a scholarly one, meaning that it was written according to standards in the relevant academic community (e.g., social sciences, humanities). Topic 1: Legal Constructions of Gender Roles: Marriage Presentation Date: Mar 12 Man and Wife in America: A History (Hartog)  HYPERLINK "https://www.amazon.com/Man-Wife-America-Hendrik-Hartog/dp/0674008111" https://www.amazon.com/Man-Wife-America-Hendrik-Hartog/dp/0674008111 In nineteenth-century America, the law insisted that marriage was a permanent relationship defined by the husband's authority and the wife's dependence. Yet at the same time the law created the means to escape that relationship. How was this possible? And how did wives and husbands experience marriage within that legal regime? These are the complexities that Hendrik Hartog plumbs in a study of the powers of law and its limits. Exploring a century and a half of marriage through stories of struggle and conflict mined from case records, Hartog shatters the myth of a golden age of stable marriage. He describes the myriad ways the law shaped and defined marital relations and spousal identities, and how individuals manipulated and reshaped the rules of the American states to fit their needs. We witness a compelling cast of characters: wives who attempted to leave abusive husbands, women who manipulated their marital status for personal advantage, accidental and intentional bigamists, men who killed their wives' lovers, couples who insisted on divorce in a legal culture that denied them that right. As we watch and listen to these men and women, enmeshed in law and escaping from marriages, we catch reflected images both of ourselves and our parents, of our desires and our anxieties about marriage. Hartog shows how our own conflicts and confusions about marital roles and identities are rooted in the history of marriage and the legal struggles that defined and transformed it. Topic 2: Legal Constructions of Gender Roles: Pregnancy and Motherhood Presentation Date: Mar 19 Book: Misconceiving Mothers: Legislators, Prosecutors, and the Politics of Prenatal Drug Exposure (Gomez)  HYPERLINK "https://www.amazon.com/Misconceiving-Mothers-Legislators-Prosecutors-Politics/dp/1566395585" https://www.amazon.com/Misconceiving-Mothers-Legislators-Prosecutors-Politics/dp/1566395585 Presents a case study of how public policy about reproduction and crime is made. This title uses secondary research and first-hand interviews with legislators and prosecutors to examine attitudes toward the criminalization and/or medicalization of drug use during pregnancy by the legislature and criminal justice system in California. Topic 3: Sex Crimes Policy Presentation Date: Apr 23 Book: Sex Fiends, Perverts, and Pedophiles: Understanding Sex Crime Policy in America (Leon)  HYPERLINK "https://nyupress.org/books/9780814753262/" https://nyupress.org/books/9780814753262/ From Megans Law to Jessicas Law, almost every state in the nation has passed some law to punish sex offenders. This popular tough-on-crime legislation is often written after highly-publicized cases have made the gruesome rounds through the media, and usually features harsh sentences, lifetime GPS monitoring, a dramatic expansion of the civil commitment procedures, and severe restrictions on where released sex offenders may live. In Sex Fiends, Perverts, and Pedophiles, Chrysanthi Leon argues that, while the singular notion of the sexual boogeyman has been used to justify these harsh policies, not all sex offenders are the same and such one size fits all policies can unfairly punish other offenders of lesser crimes, needlessly targeting, sometimes ostracizing, citizens from their own communities. While many recognize that prison is not the right tool for every crime problem, Leon compellingly argues that the U.S. maintains a one-size-fits-all approach to sexual offending which is undermining public safety. Leon explains how weve reached this pointwith a large incarcerated sex offender population, many of whom will be released in the coming years with multiple barriers to their success in the community, and without much expertise to guide them or to guide those who are charged to help them. Leon argues that we cannot blame the public, nor even the politicians, except indirectly. Instead, we might blame the institutions we charge with making placement decisions and with the expertsboth those who have chosen to work in the field and those who have caused its marginalization. Ultimately, Leon shows that when policies intended for the worst offenders take over, all of us suffer. Topic 4: Sex & Gender Inside of Prisons Presentation Date: May 7 Book: Girls in Trouble with the Law (Schaffner)  HYPERLINK "https://www.amazon.com/Girls-Trouble-Rutgers-Childhood-Studies/dp/0813538343" https://www.amazon.com/Girls-Trouble-Rutgers-Childhood-Studies/dp/0813538343 In Girls in Trouble with the Law, sociologist Laurie Schaffner takes us inside juvenile detention centers and explores the worlds of the young women incarcerated within. Across the nation, girls of color are disproportionately represented in detention facilities, and many report having experienced physical harm and sexual assaults. For girls, the meaning of these and other factors such as the violence they experience remain undertheorized and below the radar of mainstream sociolegal scholarship. When gender is considered as an analytic category, Schaffner shows how gender is often seen through an outmoded lens. Offering a critical assessment of what she describes as a gender-insensitive juvenile legal system, Schaffner makes a compelling argument that current policies do not go far enough to empower disadvantaged girls so that communities can assist them in overcoming the social limitations and gender, sexual, and racial/ethnic discrimination that continue to plague young women growing up in contemporary United States.     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