Our Full Time Professors
Professor & Graduate Program Coordinator
Research Interests: finite element analysis, computer-aided design
Office: ENG117B
Phone: 408-924-3845
Email: raghu.agarwal@sjsu.edu
Feruza Amirkulova, PhD Rutgers
Associate Professor
Research Interests: acoustic and elastic wave propagation and scattering, metamaterials,
"invisibility" cloak, dynamic material
Office: ENG310J
Phone: 408-924-2045
Email: feruza.amirkulova@sjsu.edu
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Additive Manufacturing, Design Optimization, Structural Ceramics,
and Functionally Graded Materials.
Office: ENG310E
Phone: 408-924-8354
Email: amir.armani@sjsu.edu
Fred Barez, PhD UC Berkeley, ASME Fellow
Research Interests: electronics packaging, magnetic recording, fiber optics
Office: IS107
Phone: 408-924-4298
Email: fred.barez@sjsu.edu
Saeid Bashash, PhD Clemson University
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Control systems, Mechatronics, Power and Engergy Systems, Internet
of Things
Phone: 408-924-8355
Email: saeid.bashash@sjsu.edu
Winncy Du, PhD Georgia Tech, PE, ASME Fellow
Research Interests: mechatronics, robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition
Office: ENG310F
Phone: 408-924-3866
Email: winncy.du@sjsu.edu
Buff Furman, PhD Stanford, PE
Research Interests: precision machine design, mechatronic systems, mechanical measurement
Office: ENG344D
Phone: 408-924-3817
Email: burford.furman@sjsu.edu
Crystal Han, PhD Stanford
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Microfluidics, biological sample purification, on-chip diagnostics,
lab on a chip, micro total analysis system
Office: ENG217
Phone: 408-924-6040
Email: crystal.m.han@sjsu.edu
Lin Jiang, PhD University of Texas at Dallas
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Mechatronics, Soft Robotics, Medical Devices, Machine Vision,
and Biomechanics
Office: ENG310C
Phone: 408-924-4596
Email: lin.jiang@sjsu.edu
Farzan Kazemifar, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Experimental thermal and fluid sciences, optical and laser-based
diagnostic techniques, multiphase flow and transport in porous media, particle-based
fluid velocity measurement techniques
Office: ENG310B
Phone: 408-924-3822
Email: farzan.kazemifar@sjsu.edu
Hohyun Lee, PhD MIT
Professor, Department Chair (08/19/2024), & ASME Fellow
Research Interests: Thermal system optimization, Energy system in grid interactive
buildings, Fair and equitable power distribution for smart grid, Solid state thermal
energy conversion.
Office: ENG310H, You are welcome to visit me whenever my door is open. To ensure my availability, please sign up here: https://calendar.app.google/mYpYrX3ynyE1Y4E36
Phone: 408-924-3857
Email: hohyun.lee@sjsu.edu
Research Interests: microfluids, soft tissue mechanics, microsystems, experimental
Office: ENG115
Phone: 408-924-7167
Email: sang-joon.lee@sjsu.edu
Yunjian (Jojo) Qiu, PhD
Assistant Professor
Office: ENG310I
Phone: 408-924-3504
Email: yunjian.qiu@sjsu.edu
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Medical robotics, Human-Robot interaction, Biomedical Engineering,
Mechatronic Systems, Intelligent Control, Machine Learning.
Office: ENG310A
Phone: 408-924-3816
Email: mojtaba.sharifi@sjsu.edu
Vimal Viswanathan, PhD Texas A&M
Associate Professor
Research Interests: engineering design, new product development, design creativity
and innovation, mechatronics systems design
Office: ENG310D
Phone: 408-924-3841
Email: vimal.viswanathan@sjsu.edu
Raymond Yee, PhD UC Berkeley, PE
Professor, and Assoc. Dean of Extended Studies
Research Interests: Mechanical Design, Materials Behavior, Fracture Mechanics, Finite
Element Analysis
Office: ENG491F
Phone: 408-924-3935
Email: raymond.yee@sjsu.edu