Microelectromechanical Systems Lab
Welcome to the MEMS Lab!

Meet the Lab Director - Professor Sang-Joon (John) Lee
John Lee conducts predominantly experimental research on microscale systems, for which applications over the years have included tissue mechanics, energy materials, additive manufacturing, and display technologies.
Recent Projects & Facilities

Instron ElectroPuls E1000
This dynamic testing system has been used to measure fatigue softening of composite polymer electrolytes, to understand potential degradation mechanisms in all-solid-state batteries.

Agilent 5500
This atomic force microscope has been used to characterie the nanoscale surface topography of plasma-treated microchannel surfaces for biosensing.

Airbus RPM 2.0
This random positioning machine is presently being used to conduct studies on vascular flow and its effects on cells in simulated microgravity for space applications