For Fieldwork Educators
Thank you for providing our students the opportunity to complete their Level II fieldwork at your facility. The investment of your time and expertise contributes immeasurably to the critical bridge from classroom theory to actual practice for our students.
Forms and Manuals
- Level II Fieldwork Educator's Manual [pdf]
- Level II Fieldwork Objectives Agreement Form [pdf]
- Level II Student Learning Outcomes [pdf]
- Level II 4 and 8 Week Evaluation (optional) [pdf]
- Level I Fieldwork Objectives [pdf]
- AOTA Data Form [pdf]
- AOTA Data Form - Word [docx]
- Certificates of Liability Insurance ('24-'25)
Questions? Please contact:
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
Department of Occupational Therapy
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0059
CCB 220
Direct: 408-924-3078
Fax: 408-924-3088