
Tax Reform Hearings of the 112th Congress

Below are links to these hearings, categorized as follows:

Professor Nellen's Major Federal Tax Reform Website - click here.       
AICPA tax reform

Tax Reform Hearings of other Congresses: 115th   113th   
111th    110th
Congressman Camp's proposals -

Administration's Tax Proposals:
JCT, CBO, GAO and other government reports related to tax reform:

Tax Reform and Budget Issues in General

International Consideration

Estate Tax Reform

Internet / Telecom

Small Business Taxation

Retirement Savings

Environment/Energy/Transportation Tax Considerations

Economic Stimulus & Recovery

Tax Administration

Worker Classification

State Tax Reform

SFC =         SBC -            SSCA =           HWM =     

CRS =           SST -        SCST -

HSBC =      SSBE -

JEC -          JCT =      CBO =

HJC =             SHELP =           HCEL =

PSI -       HCOB -               HTIC -

This page last revised on December 7, 2012.                                                                                 Professor Annette Nellen