ࡱ> WYVa ,)bjbjڥڥ >R\R\ 3tt88T,Ft\\\RFTFTFTFTFTFTF$GHJxF\::"\\xFFRRR\jRFR\RFRRADEblujC&>FF0F8CfK0KLEKE\\R\\\\\xFxF\\\F\\\\K\\\\\\\\\t> : ME115 Lab #6 Air Water Heat Exchanger Lab The following laboratory experiment is open-ended. In other words, there will be no specific instructions telling you what to measure and calculate. Each lab group will be required to design experiments to satisfy the objectives described in this assignment, and do all necessary calculations and documentation. However, due to time constraints, multiple teams may need to take data at the same time. Introduction: Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) is an engineering profession not known to many engineering students. Many are not aware that there is an entire profession devoted to designing, fabricating, installing, maintaining and retrofitting HVAC systems. Professional engineers, project managers, field technicians and many others work together to design HVAC systems while adhering to strict regulations regarding indoor air quality and energy efficiency standards. Some examples of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning design applications include residential or commercial buildings, clean rooms for the high tech industry, food processing factories, and even small units for automobiles. In order to appreciate how heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems work, you will need to understand the basic principles behind these complex systems. Objectives: The objectives of the lab are to: Identify the major components of a hot water heating system Perform energy balance calculations on a water to air heat exchanger Understand how heat exchangers are characterized Use knowledge gained thus far in the lab to design, conduct, and analyze an experiment. Apparatus: The Heat Exchanger Laboratory Testing Unit was a senior project developed by a team of students, faculty and industry sponsors. It models a closed loop hot water heating system found in a typical commercial building. The hot water system comprises of a boiler, pump, valves, expansion tank, in-line air separator, and water to air heat exchangers. There are three cross flow heat exchangers with both fluids unmixed. All three heat exchangers are made of copper tubing and have the same fin density (spacing between fins). The top heat exchanger has copper fins, the middle heat exchanger has aluminum fins with turbulators (which enhance heat transfer) inside the copper tubing, while the bottom heat exchanger has only aluminum fins. Each heat exchanger has its own air handling system which contains sheet metal duct and a variable air volume (VAV) box with damper. Data acquisition will be done via a handheld Fluke 51 single input digital thermocouple thermometer and a Johnson Controls DX-9100 controls system. Lab Day 1: On the first day of lab, your instructor will lecture about experimental design and experimental uncertainty. Then you will have time to examine and sketch the equipment and design your experiment. You should also sign up for a time slot to take data during Lab Day 2. Familiarize yourself with the apparatus. Sketch the components, how they are hooked up, and where all the sensors are located for the top heat exchanger system. At a minimum, you should sketch: The geometry of the pipes and air duct The boiler(s) and fan(s) The flow rate and temperature sensors for the air and water side The heat exchanger an example where you can see the inside of the heat exchanger is located on the table across from the apparatus In addition, examine the Johnson Controls DX commissioning software on the computer screen. For this lab, we only run one of three HX to collect data. For example, the following measurements are indicated for the top heat exchanger assembly: AI 1 VAV-1 Differential Pressure: The differential pressure on the air side of the heat exchanger is measured, and converted to volume flow rate. The units are CFM. AI 5 VAV-1 Discharge Temperature: The discharge temperature of the air is indicated in (F. DI 1/DI 3 Boiler Status: During your next lab session, both should be ON. AO 1 HW Valve VAV-1: This indicates the percentage of hot water being diverted to the top heat exchanger. The following input can be changed through the software: AO 3 VAV-1: This indicates the percentage the damper is open for the air side. Reducing the percentage reduces the mass flow rate of air. You will be able to vary this parameter by clicking on it, entering a new percentage, and clicking override. You may vary this value between 20 and 95% for your experiment. (Hint: Make sure that you take at least two data points in the 20-40% open range.) Note the location of the thermocouple panel. The top row of connectors corresponds to the top heat exchanger. The first three measure the upstream air temperature, the next three the downstream air temperature, the seventh measures the temperature of the hot water supply, and the eighth the temperature of the water return. Look inside the Plexiglas panel on the back of the apparatus to see where the thermocouples are installed. The water flow rate is indicated on the flowmeter attached to one of the water pipes near the bottom left of the unit. You will not be able to vary the flow rate for your experiment. It will remain relatively constant between 1.22 and 1.28 gpm. Each lab group will come up with their own diagram of the apparatus. Ask your instructor if you have any questions. After youve had a chance to examine the apparatus with your group members, design an experiment that will allow you to confirm that the energy leaving the water equals the energy transferred to the air. Your experiment should be able to demonstrate that this is true for a range of airflow rates. You will also need to plot important heat exchanger parameters, for both the e-NTU method and LMTD method, as a function of flow rate. You will need to decide which parameters are important and should be presented. In addition, you will be asked to determine the uncertainty of your measurements and explain any discrepancies, if applicable. Below are some questions that you should answer during your design. What heat exchanger parameters should be plotted? What types of data will you need to measure? How many airflow rates do you need to look at? How will you know if steady state has been reached? What will you do if a parameter is fluctuating? Due to the long warm-up times for the heat exchangers, all experiments for this semester will be conducted on the top heat exchanger. The instructor will warm up the apparatus before the start of the lab, so that it will be close to steady state operation at the conditions under which you would like to take data. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, you will have a limited time per group to take data, so this really limits how many data points you can take. It takes approximately 10 minutes to come to steady state between data points. The lab report should be written in teams of 2 or 3, as usual, but you may need to take data with another team. Your instructor will help you schedule your time to take data. Lab Day 2 Take your data and begin analysis. If you find that you have not collected enough data, you may request additional time during the week of Thanksgiving. Otherwise, no lab sessions will be held during that week. Lab Day 3 Continue to work on your analysis and report. Lab Report You need to write a full lab report for this experiment. Make sure that you include the following in your report. Justify the design of your experiment, and show how your data support the energy balance analysis. Estimate the accuracy of your measurements and calculations. Explain any discrepancies in your data. Do your heat exchanger parameters vary as you expect with flow rate? If there is little change, speculate why. Compare your values based on experimental data to theoretical values. How well do they compare? If there are significant differences, what may be the causes? Figures Schematic of apparatus Graph/table(s) that indicate how well your data satisfy the energy balance. Also, indicate the uncertainty of your calculations if you can. Graph(s) of important heat exchanger parameters as a function of flow rate or as a function of other parameters that may better characterize the data Apparatus designed and implemented Senior Design Team (D. Wong, R. Giron, J. Diaz, AY 2003-2004) with assistance from Dr. Okamoto. Lab handout developed by Dr. Okamoto, Dr. Rhee and D. Wong.     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