ࡱ> $&#_ 'bjbj:: .4X{9\X{9\*$2. ^s0]l> Z: Internal Combustion Engine Full Load Peformance ME 115 Lab Handout Introduction The power plant in todays hybrid cars, such as the Toyota Prius, have an internal combustion gasoline engine, an electric generator, storage batteries, an electric drive motor, and power electronics to control the electrical power to the drive motor. The gas engine is coupled to the generator, not the mechanical drive train as in conventional cars. When the engine is charging the storage batteries, it is beneficial to adjust the engine speed and load to maximize the fuel efficiency and therefore increase the overall miles/gallon capability of the car. The fuel efficiency can be maximized when the engine output (brake horsepower or watts) is high and fuel consumption rate (kg/sec) is low. Gasoline fuel has an energy content of approximately 44,000 kJ/kg. With a 100% conversion efficiency, 1 kg fuel is equivalent to 12 kWh of electrical energy to drive the motor (equivalent to running your hair dryer for 12 hours). Mechanical engineers are familiar with the Carnot cycle efficiency as the maximum for an ideal thermodynamic cycle. For a typical internal combustion engine, the thermal efficiency is a function of engine compression ratio, air specific heat ratio, k. The maximum thermal efficiency of the 3.5 HP engine in the ME 115 lab is approximately 20% and varies with speed, load, and fuel mixture. The carburetor design establishes the fuel consumption rate; however the Cussons engine test apparatus has the ability to adjust the fuel mixture from rich (too much fuel) to lean (too little fuel). In this lab, we will keep the fuel mixture on rich. The fuel and air flow rates can be measured and Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) and specific fuel consumption (SFC) calculated for the mixture range. Purpose The main objective of this lab is to develop an understanding of basic internal combustion engine performance. Along with that, one of the interests of this lab is to determine the speed, load, and fuel flow rate producing the maximum brake thermal efficiency. First, the speed and load can be varied to find the peak on the HP vs. speed curve. Second, with the speed and load maintained constant, the fuel mixture can be decreased and the throttle opened (to maintain constant speed) to minimize the fuel input. It is of interest to have each ME115 lab team run the engine and make speed, load, and mixture adjustments, collect data, and plot curves to see which team finds the maximum fuel efficiency point. The team finding the highest efficiency will need to demonstrate it to the class to show repeatability of the results to the satisfaction of the other teams. Theory See the attached handout from the Cussons Technology instruction manual Procedure Before starting the engine, record the room temperature and relative humidity as well as the zero point for the orifice plate manometer. Also, make sure that the fume hood is turned on (switch by the door to the hall the red light on top of the hood will turn on). Open the back door and turn on the big fan, too. Your lab instructor will help you start the engine. 3.1.Starting Procedure a) Set the load control to the minimum position (fully anticlockwise). b) Set the choke lever on the carburetor to the choke position (in line with the carburetor air flow). c) Set the mixture control needle to close position (fully clockwise). d) Open the throttle about half way. e) Set the RUN/MEASURE switch to the RUN position. f) Switch on the mains electrical supply. g) Grip the handle below the engine with one hand, and pull the engine starting cord with the other hand. Make sure that you hold the handle, or else you may pull the engine mount off of its springs. h) When the engine has started, set the choke position to be at approximately 90 to carburetor air flow, and adjust the engine speed to about 40 rev/s using the throttle and load controls. i) Allow the engine to warm up for about 2 minutes before starting to take data. 3.2 Lab Procedure Engine Performance as a Function of Engine Speed a) Increase the throttle/rack control to the maximum position while adjusting the load control to keep the speed constant at about 30 rev/s, and hold the condition for several minutes (2-5) until conditions have stabilized. b) Record all data: voltage, current, engine speed, fuel consumption, airflow rate, and exhaust temperatures. To record fuel measurement, follow the instructions given in section 3.3. Note that the fuel measurement units are in ml, and the orifice plate pressure drop is in mm of water. c) Record ambient relative humidity and temperature. d) Maintaining maximum throttle, adjust the speed to 40, 50, and then 60 rev/s. Allow some time (2-5 minutes) for stabilization at each speed before repeating the readings in b). e) After completion of readings, move to Section 3.4 3.3 Fuel Flow Measurement a) Check that fuel flow burette is full of fuel. b) Turn the RUN/MEASURE switch to MEASURE. c) As the fuel level in the burette drops past a convenient measuring gradation, start a stopwatch. When the fuel level in the burette drops past a further convenient point, stop the stopwatch and return the RUN/MEASURE switch to RUN. Sometimes the fuel will seem to raise and drop in the burette due to air getting into the fuel. If that occurs, take several readings and use the average. (On Mondays lab two groups got good fuel flow data, but for the third they had too much trouble with air getting in. If this occurs, it is not your fault; talk to your TA about how he/she wants you to handle this.) d) The fuel flow rate can then be calculated using the fuel used from the burette, i.e. difference in burette readings, and the time taken for the fuel to be used as given by the stopwatch. Fuel flow rate in liters/hour is equal to  EMBED Equation.3  where volume is the graduated volume in milliliters, and time is the time in seconds. To convert this to a mass flow rate, use the fuel density of 0.75 kg/liter. 3.4 Lab Procedure Peak Engine Efficiency With the speed and load maintained constant, the fuel mixture can be decreased and the throttle opened (to maintain constant speed) to minimize the fuel input. a) Each ME 115 lab team should run the engine and make speed and load adjustments to try to achieve the peak brake thermal efficiency. In your team, you will need to think through how to adjust the speed and load to map out the engine performance curve. b) Record voltage, current, engine speed, fuel consumption, airflow rate, and exhaust temperature Data Analysis and Results a) Calculate brake power (corrected for ambient conditions, as discussed in Section 6.4), torque, specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, and AFR for each speed. Remember that AFR, the air-fuel ratio, is the ratio of the mass flow rate of air to mass flow rate of fuel. See the attached Section 12 to calculate the flow rate of air. Watch your units carefully during this calculation! Plot these parameters, as well as exhaust temperature, versus engine speed. (If your fuel flow and orifice plate pressure drop readings give you trouble, you may not see a nice trend for these data.) How do these results vary with engine speed? Why do these results behave the way they do? Find typical values of SFC, brake thermal efficiency, and AFR for spark-ignition engines through internet or book research. Do your values look reasonable? Make sure to include your references in your report! b) Also calculate brake thermal efficiency for your results from Section 3.4, above. What is your peak thermal efficiency, and at what conditions does it occur? Using the exhaust temperature as your maximum temperature, also calculate the Carnot efficiency for this peak condition. How do these results vary with engine speed? Why do these results behave the way they do? How does engine power behave near maximum speed? 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