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This velocity will be compared to the value calculated using an orifice plate to determine the accuracy of our anemometer. During this lab, divide into three groups to perform the three tasks below. They do not need to be completed in order the teams will rotate. Work in groups of two or three on each task. Task 1 Read the entire procedure before starting this task. Procedure Fill the electric kettle almost to the max line. Put the top back on, and turn on the kettle. If the top has been put back on, the kettle will automatically turn off when the water starts to boil. After the water starts to boil, carefully pour it into the orange insulated cup, almost to the top. Put the cylinder in the water. The water should go almost to the top of the cylinder. A T-type thermocouple is embedded in the center of the cylinder. Thermally conductive epoxy surrounds the thermocouple, ensuring that the thermocouple temperature is close to the actually cylinder center temperature. Monitor the thermocouple temperatures (Make sure that the reader is set up for T-type thermocouples. It should have a little T up top on the screen.). You should not remove the cylinder until its center temperature stops increasing (probably around 80C). During this time, zero the manometer used with the orifice plate. Do this by turning the knob on the right side of the manometer and moving the scale until the 0 point lines up with the bottom of the red fluid. Then turn on the wind tunnel. Put the Variac at a reading of 100%. This means that the fan will be operating at 100% of its rated speed. First turn the Variac to 140%, and then turn back down to 100%. Once the cylinder center temperature stops increasing, remove it from the water, dry it, and place it in the wind tunnel. If you dont dry it, evaporative cooling will make it cool faster than expected. Also, if you remove the cylinder from the water before a fairly steady center temperature is reached, you will see the center temperature continue to increase after placing it in the wind tunnel, which will skew your results. Record the thermocouple temperature as soon as possible after placing it in the wind tunnel. Record additional temperature readings for a total of 600 seconds (10 minutes). Record temperatures every 10 seconds for the first minute and every 20 seconds after that. Measure the pressure drop across the orifice plate using the manometer. Estimate how accurately you can read the manometer. From this pressure drop, you will be able to determine the air velocity. Also measure the air temperature in the wind tunnel using the other thermocouple in the test section. Measure the ambient air pressure and temperature using the barometer and thermometer, respectively near, near the door of Room 113. Now repeat the experiment the experiment using a real hot dog. You will need to measure the diameter. Think about where the thermocouple should be located and how best to insert it. Task 2 If you have already completed Task 1, you may substitute your actual data for the hypothetical data given here. Only calculations with the actual data need to be included in your report. Calculate the air density if the air temperature is 20C and the barometric pressure is 700 mm Hg. You can use the ideal gas law. Calculate the mass flow rate and velocity of air in the test section if the pressure drop across the orifice plate is 1.0 inch of water. If the uncertainty of the manometer is +/- 0.05 inches of water, what percentage change would this give to your calculated velocity? Try re-calculating the velocity using an orifice plate pressure drop of 1.05 inches of water, and see what percentage your results change. If the uncertainty of your temperature measurement is +/- 1C, what percentage change would this give to your calculated velocity? Using an orifice plate, is it more important to have an accurate pressure reading or temperature reading? Task 3 If you have already completed Task 1, you may substitute your actual data for the hypothetical data given here. Only calculations with the actual data need to be included in your report. Assume that your initial temperature is 80C, and the temperature at 600 s is 50C. The air temperature is 20 C Cylinder properties are given on the data sheet. Calculate qo and the Fourier number. Use the Heisler charts or corresponding equations to estimate the Biot number. From the Biot number, determine the heat transfer coefficient and then the Nusselt number. If you have a powerful enough calculator (or a laptop) with you, use an empirical correlation for the Nusselt number for flow over a cylinder to back out the Reynolds number and then corresponding air velocity. Make sure that your final answer is realistic. A common problem with this lab is that students use the wrong properties for either the Biot number or Nusselt number. Make sure to ask yourself if you should be using the plastic properties or air properties in each case. It makes a big difference!! Calculations Most of these calculations have been performed under Tasks 2 and 3. You may have to merely substitute the actual data for the hypothetical data. a) Plot the temperature of the center of the cylinder and hot dog versus time. Show the air temperature on this plot as a horizontal line. From this graph or your raw data, determine the value of the non-dimensional temperature, qo, at a time of 600 s. b) Do some research to estimate the needed properties of the hot dog. In your report, explain why you chose those properties. Use the time from part a) to determine the Fourier number for both the hot dog and cylinder. Use the Fourier numbers, qo, and the either the Heisler charts for a cylinder or the corresponding equations to estimate the Biot number for both cases. From the Biot numbers, you can determine the heat transfer coefficients and Nusselt numbers. Properties are listed on the next page. If you use the Heisler chart, enlarge the chart using a photocopier to be able to read it more easily. c) Use an empirical correlation for the Nusselt number for flow over a cylinder along with the results from part b) to estimate the Reynolds number and the corresponding air velocity for both cases. d) Calculate the air velocity in the test section using the orifice plate. Estimate the uncertainty in this velocity due to the manometer reading and also due to the temperature reading (See Task 2.). Using an orifice plate, is it more important to have an accurate pressure reading or temperature reading? e) Compare the velocity from both the real and plastic HDAs to those determined from the orifice plate and discuss the possible sources of difference. Estimate how much of an effect the uncertainties of the manometer, temperature readings, and hot dog properties and using the Heisler chart have on your HDA velocity. For the temperature uncertainty, change your temperature difference by 2C. How much (what percent) does it change your final velocity from the HDA? If your Nusselt number correlation has an uncertainty of 15%, how much does that affect your final velocity? If the cylinder properties are off by 10%, how much does that affect your answer? Do you think the HDA is a practical method of obtaining air velocity? Orifice plate calculations Here the mass flow rate will be in kg/s if  : p    ) > #,SUV)167CMntοοΰ}sHh Qhwh9 hhh h9>*h9h9>*h(A[h(A[\h4qhw\cHdhQh-\Nhw\cHdhQh(A[hw\cHdhQ"h(A[h(A[hw\cHdhQh4qhwcHdhQ h4q6]h_h]7h4q-=>Gq r ]^gd$a$gd9$a$gd(A[$a$$a$ :?EZ]^23=[ŸࠑyrngncnchC h_h0!h0! h8 G5>* h0!5>*h0!h0!5>* h_h_h+Ih h_hhh_ hh h_>*h_h_>*h_hwcHdh Qh_hhwcHdh QHh QhwhHh Qhwh4qh4qhwcHdh Q&\  % & $a$gd0! $ & Fa$gd0! & Fgd0!gd0!$a$gd0! & Fgd_gd_gd$a$gd_(*0]^  $ & """""$"2"4"8".###$$$$$"$($0$$%B%D%%%þݺ~qh4qhA"cHdhQh_hA"cHdhQh4qhA"cHdhQh4qhocHdhCQ'h h4qH*h4qOJQJh_h4q h4q>*h0!h0!>* h(A[5 h(A[>*h0!h4q>* h0!h0! h0!H*h0!OJQJ hChChCh0!,& 0"2"z&{&C'D'w(x(R+S+o+p+R:::::: $$Ifa$gd(A[$a$gd0!$a$gd(A[%%%&x&y&1'@'D'' (v(w(y(((((((((()Q)R)g)i)m))))))))=*J*L*** +R+S+T+p+,::L:N:R:T::Ǻjh4qUh ^h ^H*h ^h ^OJQJUh ^h4qhA"cHdhQhhA"cHdhQh_hA"cHdhQHhQhA" h4q5\ h_h(A[huh(A[hh_h4q5DP is in Pa and the density is in kg/m3.  EMBED Equation.DSMT4  HDA Lab Raw Data (Plastic Cylinder) MeasurementsTair (C)Pair (in or mm Hg)DPorifice plate (in H20)manometer uncertainty estimate +/- ______ in H2OTime (seconds)Temp (C)102030405060 (1:00)80100120 (2:00)140160180 (3:00)200220240 (4:00)260280300 (5:00)320340360 (6:00)380400420 (7:00)440460480 (8:00)500520540 (9:00)560580600 (10:00) Cylinder properties: diameter=0.0254 m, k=0.25 W/mK, a=2.16x10-7 m2/s, length = TBD :::::::::;;6;8;:;H;J;V;`;b;f;h;l;;;;;< <<<<<$<(<.<2<8<J<P<T<Z<`<f<z<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<==="=(=.=B=H=N=T=Z=`=t=ŽŹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹֹhwh_h_H*h_h4qOJQJ h4qH*h4qh_jh4qUjh4qEH*UjA h4qCJUVaJI::; ; $$Ifa$skd $$Ifl0tpp064 la ; ;2;4; $$Ifa$skd $$Ifl0tpp064 la4;6;h;j;} $$Ifa$$Ifskdy $$Ifl0tpp064 laj;l;;; $$Ifa$skd $$Ifl0tpp064 la;;;< $$Ifa$skdg $$Ifl0tpp064 la<< << $$Ifa$skd $$Ifl0tpp064 la<<<< $$Ifa$skdU $$Ifl0tpp064 la<< <"< $$Ifa$skd $$Ifl0tpp064 la"<$<*<,< $$Ifa$skdC $$Ifl0tpp064 la,<.<4<6< $$Ifa$skd $$Ifl0tpp064 la6<8<L<N< $$Ifa$skd1$$Ifl0tpp064 laN<P<V<X< $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 laX<Z<b<d< $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 lad<f<|<~< $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la~<<<< $$Ifa$skd $$Ifl0tpp064 la<<<< $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la<<<< $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la<<<< $$Ifa$skdr$$Ifl0tpp064 la<<<< $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la<<<< $$Ifa$skd`$$Ifl0tpp064 la<<<< $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la<<<< $$Ifa$skdN$$Ifl0tpp064 la<<== $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la=== = $$Ifa$skd<$$Ifl0tpp064 la ="=*=,= $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la,=.=D=F= $$Ifa$skd*$$Ifl0tpp064 laF=H=P=R= $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 laR=T=\=^= $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la^=`=v=x= $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 lax=z=== $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 lat=z=================>> >h>j>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>̱h4qhocHdhDQ'5hA"hwhocHdhDQ'Q*B*phhwhocHdhDQ' h4qH*hI-h4qOJQJh_HhQhA"hwh4q$==== $$Ifa$skd}$$Ifl0tpp064 la==== $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la==== $$Ifa$skdk$$Ifl0tpp064 la==== $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la==== $$Ifa$skdY$$Ifl0tpp064 la==== $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la==== $$Ifa$skdG$$Ifl0tpp064 la==>> $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la>>>> $$Ifa$skd5$$Ifl0tpp064 la>>>> $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0tpp064 la>> >>>>$a$skd#$$Ifl0tpp064 la5 01h:p_/ =!"#$% 9 01h:p_/ =!"#$% P  Dd P(0J  C A? 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