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By the 2nd class period you should either show a class schedule that shows that you are taking ME 114 this semester or an unofficial transcript showing that you took it previously.Class Website: HYPERLINK "http://stage.sjsu.edu/people/nicole.okamoto/courses/me_115/index.html" \t "_blank" http://stage.sjsu.edu/people/nicole.okamoto/courses/me_115/index.htmlCourse Schedule Mtg.Dates Topic:Location:1Aug. 26, Sept 3Introduction/ Air Conditioning ExperimentENG 1132September 9, 10 Air Conditioning Experiment ReportENG 1133September 16, 17Spark Ignition Experiment ENG 1134September 23, 24Spark Ignition Experiment ReportENG 1135Sept 30/Oct 1Piping / Pump ExperimentsENG 1136October 7, 8Piping / Pump Experiments ReportENG 1137October 14, 15Steam Turbine ExperimentENG 1138October 21, 22Steam Turbine Experiment ReportENG 1139October 28, 29 Finite Difference Project ENG 11310November 4, 5Hot Dog Anemometer Experiment ENG 11311November 12, 18Hot Dog Anemometer Experiment ReportENG 11312November 19, 25DOE/Heat Exchanger ExperimentENG 11313November 26, Dec 2Heat Exchanger Experiment ReportENG 11314December 3, 9Central Plant Tour or MakeupENG 113/ Cent. Plant Tuesday September 3 Last Day to Drop Courses Without an Entry on Student's Tuesday September 10 Last Day to Add Courses & Register Late Copies of the course materials such as the syllabus, major assignment handouts, etc. may be found on the class website. You are responsible for regularly checking email for messages. Read all read labs material on the website for the scheduled lab for the week before class. If you do not participate in the report-writing session, your grade on the lab report that you submit will be reduced by 10% unless you have made prior arrangements with your instructor or you have an unavoidable documented emergency. By the end of this course, students should be able to: Explain how thermocouples, manometers, orifice plates, rotameters, wind tunnels and other basic laboratory equipment work and use them correctly Write professional laboratory reports Design and conduct a simple lab experiment Describe the operation and performance of a spark-ignition engine using correct terminology Describe how and why engine performance changes with RPM Calculate important engine parameters such as specific fuel consumption, brake power, and torque using experimental data Describe the operation and performance of a steam turbine using correct terminology Analyze a steam turbine and condenser using the first law of thermodynamics and appropriate properties Describe the operation of an air conditioner Analyze an air conditioner using the first law and appropriate properties for air/water mixtures Derive finite difference equations Use the finite difference method to analyze steady-state two-dimensional heat transfer Properly use one-dimensional transient conduction and convection equations to calculate experimental heat transfer parameters. Perform energy balance calculations on a water to air heat exchanger Describe how heat exchangers are characterized Calculate important heat exchanger characterization parameters Reports Summary Reports are required for each of the lab experiments. The report requirements for the finite difference project will be discussed during that lab session and typically include Excel sheet result printouts, hand derivation of one cell equation, and a brief paragraph of what you did and your results. For all labs, representative calculations must be included in an appendix in a clear, organized, manner. All equations must be shown. If you use a program such as Excel for your calculations, also include sample calculations showing the equations used and how the calculations were performed. Professional reports are required. The summary report guidelines can be found at class website. Lab reports are due by 5:00 pm in the instructors mailbox two school days after your last lab for a given topic, unless otherwise instructed during class. Bring your textbook and calculator to class. You are welcome to use either your own laptop or one of the lab computers. You will work in groups during each lab except for the finite difference lab. Each group should have two to four students. No teams of more than four students are permitted. Classroom Protocol / Attendance If you know that you must miss a lab, you may be able to attend a different lab session if space permits and you make advance arrangements with the instructor. You must spend both weeks for the given lab in that section. If you miss a lab unexpectedly due illness (with a note from the medical center or a hospital) or other emergency, please contact your instructor as soon as possible to discuss your options. Success in this course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum of forty-five hours over the length of the course (normally 3 hours per unit per week). The lab itself can count for 1.5 hours per unit per week with the additional 1.5 hours for analysis and report preparation. Grading Policy Grading sheets for the Summary Reports are posted on the course website. Course grade breakdown is as follows: six (6) Team Summary Reports, 15% each, one (1) Individual Finite Difference summary, 10%. A confidential peer evaluation form may be completed for each lab. You will not get credit for a lab if you do not participate in both the experiment and calculations or have made arrangements with your instructor to make up your work due to emergency. Poor participation can lower your grade up to an entire letter grade. Letter Grades A 93.0-100 A- 90.0-92.9 B+ 87.0-89.9 B 83.0-86.9 B- 80.0-82.9 C+ 77.0-79.9 C 73.0-76.9 C- 70.0-72.9 D 60.0-69.6 University Policies Per University Policy S16-9, university-wide policy information relevant to all courses, such as academic integrity, accommodations, etc. will be available on Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Programs  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/gup/syllabusinfo/" Syllabus Information web page at http://www.sjsu.edu/gup/syllabusinfo/     ME115, Thermal engineering Lab, Fall 2019 Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 3 01@NOPTYZa     ! $ + 0 2 B L S T ~  ֬ȞȗȥjhwDh`U hwDh N hwDhRn hwDhJ0 hwDhGY hwDh` hwDh< hwDh"o hwDhO hwDhm) hwDh#W hwDh hwDh@ hwDh#} hwDh hwDhLD hzhLD3Za    2  }ttt $IfgdIX $IfgdIXUkd$$Ifl0%6 . td&44 layt$ $Ifgd $IfgdO $Ifgdggd %           ̼}`H/hzh$5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphUUU8jhzh$5B*CJOJQJU\^JaJphUUU hzhi hzh1us h<hIX hzhIX hzhJ0 hzhm) hzhRn hzh` hzh hzh1hwDh10JjhwDh1U hwDh1 hwDhGY hwDh`jhwDh`UhwDh`0J    M 6Ukd$$Ifl0%6 . td&44 layt$ $IfgdwD $IfgdIXUkdX$$Ifl0%6 . td&44 layt$ $IfgdIX CUkd`$$Ifl0%6 . td&44 layt$Ukd$$Ifl0%6 . td&44 layt$ $Ifgdq $Ifgd' _ ` p u | wdww$ !$Ifa$gdl $ !$Ifa$gdn(# $a$gd1Ukd$$Ifl0%6 . td&44 layt$ x$Ifgd1 $Ifgd1  ] ^ _ ` o p u z {    $ 㾷{rf{^SKSDSDSKSDSDSK hzh1hFdmH sH hzh1mH sH hzh`G5hzhGY5mH sH hFd5mH sH hzh`G5mH sH .hzhLDOJPJQJ\]^JaJnHtH.hzhm)OJPJQJ\]^JaJnHtH hzhm)hzhm)CJaJ2hzh$5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph8jhzh$5B*CJOJQJU\^JaJphUUU YF3* $Ifgd$ !$Ifa$gdFd$ !$Ifa$gd#qkd$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 layt`G F3$ !$Ifa$gdFdkd$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 layt$ !$Ifa$gd#q    =kdr$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 layt$ !$Ifa$gd#q $Ifgd % @ H I *kd&$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 laytD$ !$Ifa$gd#q $Ifgd$ !$Ifa$gdFd$ % @ H I U [ \ ~ %&378X`amqr $%CKLXab׺ hzh#qhzhzmH sH hzhXjmH sH hzh#qmH sH hZhFdmH sH  hzh1hzh1mH sH GI K \ ~ $Ifgd$ !$Ifa$gdFd$ !$Ifa$gd#q YF3* $Ifgd$ !$Ifa$gdXj$ !$Ifa$gd#qkd$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 laytD F3$ !$Ifa$gdXjkd$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 laytD$ !$Ifa$gd#q =kdB$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 laytD$ !$Ifa$gd#q $Ifgd%&(8F3$ !$Ifa$gdXjkd$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 layt$ !$Ifa$gd#q8X`ac=kd$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 laytD$ !$Ifa$gd#q $Ifgdcr*kd^$$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 laytD$ !$Ifa$gd#q $IfgdZ$ !$Ifa$gdXj $Ifgd$ !$Ifa$gdXj$ !$Ifa$gd#q YFF=F $Ifgd$ !$Ifa$gd#qkd $$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 layt%CYF3* $Ifgd$ !$Ifa$gdFd$ !$Ifa$gd#qkd $$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 laytCKLObF3$ !$Ifa$gdFdkdz $$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 layt$ !$Ifa$gd#qb=kd. $$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 layt$ !$Ifa$gd#q $Ifgd$ !$Ifa$gd#q !$Ifgd#q$ !$Ifa$gdFd^_rt`YTTTTTKFgdz ^gdzgdLDkd $$Ifl\S W m&e  t0644 layt`G^_2Adqrs^_`a~'˿ߢߢ}rg\g\gQg\ghzh#WCJaJhzhO;CJaJhzhmXCJaJhzhCJaJ hzhLD hzhmXhzhCJaJmH sH hzCJaJhzhzCJaJ *h!kCJaJ *h<CJaJ *hVhVCJaJ *hFdCJaJhzhCJaJhzhLDCJaJhzhIXCJaJhzh1CJaJ`a)P{DqL?~gdmXhgd2 & F !h^hgdmX & F !h^hgd ! 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