ࡱ> 574a %9bjbjڥڥ VR\R\034 4 84,43`2222222$47n2<"<<22<2<201U,:$223<<<<84 > r: ME 115 -- Steam Turbine Experiment Goal The goal of this lab is for you to review important thermodynamics concepts and apply them to the operation of a steam turbine. In addition, you should become familiar with the complexities of running and acquiring data for an actual energy conversion device, in this case a steam turbine. Some of you may have performed a similar web-based experiment in ME 113. This experiment will allow you to see how a real system works and will let you review these important concepts. Apparatus The experimental apparatus is in the Energy Conversion Laboratory in Room E113. The apparatus consists of a Worthington Moore single stage, impulse steam turbine. The turbine has a rated power output of 30 hp. The steam turbine apparatus utilizes process steam from the power plant located here on the campus of San Jose State University. The heat energy of the steam is first converted to velocity energy by expansion of the steam in the turbine nozzles. In an impulse turbine, the turbine is rotated by the force of the steam impinging on the moving blades. In a single stage turbine the steam expands from the initial to the final or exhaust pressure in one nozzle (or set of nozzles all working at the same pressure), and the energy is absorbed in one or more rows of revolving blades. The low-pressure steam from the turbine is then condensed and drained off. The steam turbine is instrumented with the following: Channel: Data Force Index 1: Not connected 2: P2 Steam pressure at turbine inlet (psig) 3: P3 Steam pressure at turbine outlet (psig) 4: Ts Steam temperature at master steam supply valve ((F) 5: Not connected Thermocouple Switch 1: ambient temperature 2: T2 Temperature of steam at turbine inlet ((F) 3: T3 Temperature of steam at turbine outlet ((F) 4: T4 Temperature of cooling water at condenser inlet ((F) 5: T5 Temperature of cooling water at dynamometer outlet ((F) 6: T6 Temperature of cooling at condenser outlet ((F) 7: T7 Temperature of condensed steam at condenser outlet ((F) In addition, the following is measured: RPM Speed of the turbine in revolutions per minute T Torque applied to the dynamometer (ft-lbf) MCW Volumetric flow rate of cooling water in the condenser (gal/min) Lab Organization Form groups of two or three. No groups of four will be allowed. In this lab, some of the groups will take data (Task 1), while the others begin some analysis (see Task 2 instructions below). When the first set of students finish Task 1, switch tasks. After everyone is finished taking data, you can go back to take more data or examine the equipment in more detail. Task 1 Procedure: Follow the procedure below. There will be a lab technician and/or instructor to assist you. Please note that sometimes fluid knocking occurs in the condenser, which can get loud. This is not a cause for concern. Start-Up Turn on the instrument panel with the power switch located on the lower left hand corner of the panel. While part of the group is going through the following procedure, one member of the group should become familiar with the instrument panel, the different switches and readouts. See Apparatus section for further description of the instrumentation. Open the valves for the cooling water supply (dark green) and return (light green) for the condensing heat exchanger and the dynamometer. The valves for the heat exchanger are located to the right of the instrument panel. The valves for the dynamometer are located to the left hand side of the apparatus, behind the instrument panel. Open the master steam supply valve located to the rear of the apparatus. This valve may already be open. Please check with the lab instructor first. Before opening the master steam supply valve, make sure that the main steam supply valve to the apparatus is closed. The main steam supply is located at the rear of the apparatus and has a large blue handle. Open the condensate drain valves. There are six (6) condensate drain valves. These valves have red handles and are located toward the lower rear of the apparatus. There are three (3) valves which control the flow of steam through the turbine nozzles. The valve for the primary nozzle is located toward the rear of the apparatus, near the steam inlet to the turbine. The two valves for the secondary nozzles have silver handles and are located near the rear of the apparatus behind the turbine housing. Make sure that these valves are closed. Wait until the piping between master steam supply valve and the main steam supply valve heats up (about 10 minutes after the master steam supply valve has been opened). If the master steam supply valve was already open, skip to step seven (7). Open the main steam supply valve one turn (blue handle). Gloves should be used since the valve is hot. When the valve is opened and the turbine starts to rotate, condensed steam will start to spray out the seals. This is normal. As the steam comes in contact with the turbine, housing, piping, etc., the steam condenses. Some of the condensate is drained off (remember the red handled valves), some is sprayed out the shaft seals, and some is carried through to the condensing heat exchanger. Stand away from the rotational plane of the turbine to avoid getting wet. Wait until the steam turbine heats up (about 10 to 15 minutes). As the turbine heats up, less of the steam will condense inside the turbine unit. Open the main steam supply valve all the way. The speed of the turbine will increase and there may be more condensate spray from the shaft seals. Wait until the amount of condensate spray is minimal and then close some of the condensate drain valves. As you are facing the apparatus from behind, close the four condensate drain valves to your right at the base of the apparatus (red handle). The other two valves can be left open. Apply a load setting of 20 at the potentiometer on the instrument panel. Open up the valve for the primary nozzle. Do not exceed 3600 RPM. There is a readout for the RPM on the instrument panel. If the speed of the turbine exceeds 3600 RPM, the emergency overspeed governor will shut off the steam supply. To reset, do the following: Close the main steam supply valve (blue handle). Open the condensate drain valves (red handles) on either side of the overspeed valve (as you are facing the apparatus from behind, the two valves to your right at the base of the apparatus). Lift the yellow lever on the governor and reset. Close the valve for the primary nozzle. Reduce the load on the turbine by setting the potentiometer on the instrument panel to zero. Now the main steam supply valve can be opened and the condensate drain valves closed. With the potentiometer on the instrument panel set to 80, adjust the steam flow rate so that the speed of the turbine is approximately 2400 RPM. Wait for steady state. This means that the speed of the turbine is relatively constant (( 50 RPM), and the temperatures of the steam flow and the cooling water flow are relatively constant at each state (inlet and outlet). It may be necessary to open one or both of the valves for the secondary nozzles (silver handles). Wait approximately 5 minutes for steady state. Record data using the attached data sheet. Note: Sometimes the steam inlet pressure is not consistent and can vary from 10 to 80 psi within a few minutes. This causes inconsistency of turbine speed. Steam is supplied from the power plant which is thousands feet away from our lab room. Along the way there are other places that use steam for many other applications. When places close to Engr 113 use the same steam line, our pressure drops. We cannot do anything about the steam pressure supply. If you find this kind of fluctuation occurring, take at five readings per measured item, and use the average. If this occurs, you may not be able to get to a steady state reading. While maintaining the turbine speed at 2400 RM, reduce the load by setting the load potentiometer to 50. Wait for steady state and record the data. Reduce the load setting of the potentiometer to 20. Maintain the turbine speed at 2400 RPM. Wait for steady state and record the data. Repeat steps (13), (14), and (15) at each load while maintaining the turbine speed at 1800 RPM. At the end, data should be recorded for six (6) different operating conditions: (3) different load settings x (2) different RPM. Shut-Down Close valves for primary and secondary nozzles. Close main steam supply valve. Reduce load setting on potentiometer to 0. Open all six (6) condensate drain valves. Shut off power to instrument panel. DO NOT close cooling water valves. The lab technician will do this after everything has cooled down. Task 2 Starting from the first law for an open system under steady-state, steady-flow conditions, derive an expression for the power output of the turbine,  EMBED Equation.3 . Derive an expression for the rate of heat lost by the steam in the condensing heat exchanger,  EMBED Equation.3  Derive an expression for the rate heat gained by the cooling water in the condensing heat exchanger,  EMBED Equation.3 . Assume that the power output of the turbine,  EMBED Equation.3 , is equal to the power output as measured by the dynamometer, calculated using RPM and torque. Assume that the heat lost by the steam in the condensing heat exchanger,  EMBED Equation.3  is equal to the heat gained by the cooling water in the condensing heat exchanger,  EMBED Equation.3 . Assume that the steam at the inlet of the steam turbine is saturated vapor and that both fluid streams exiting the condenser are subcooled liquid. Determine how to convert gal/min to lbm/s for liquid water. Knowing what data you will collect (or already did collect), determine how you will calculate the mass flow rate of steam in lbm/s and the enthalpy at the exit of the turbine (which is the inlet to the condenser). Include all necessary conversions. You may find multiple equations with multiple unknowns. If you finish this task before the other group has finished taking data, start doing your calculations using the following fake data. Once you have completed a set of calculations using this fake data, it will be very quick to substitute the actual data. You do not need to turn these sample calculations in only the calculations with the actual data. RPM: 2300 Cooling water flow rate: 100 gal/min torque: 30 ft-lbf P2: 80 psig P3: 0 psig T2: 330 F T3: 200 F T4: 94 F T5: 102 F T6: 115 F T7: 200 F Calculations You may do your calculations either by hand or using a computer program such as EES. If you use a computer program, make sure to include the program printout in the appendix of your report, and include comments so that it is clear what you are doing. Calculate the quality of the steam at the outlet of the turbine for each operating condition (or give the state if there is no quality). Also find the rate of heat transfer in the condenser in Btu/min and the power of the engine in horsepower. For all calculations, make the same assumptions as under Task 2. In particular, Assume that the heat lost by the steam in the condensing heat exchanger,  EMBED Equation.3  is equal to the heat gained by the cooling water in the condensing heat exchanger,  EMBED Equation.3 . Assume that the steam at the inlet of the steam turbine is saturated vapor and that both fluid streams exiting the condenser are subcooled liquid. Calculate the isentropic efficiency of the turbine for each operating condition. Plot efficiency curves for the turbine. Use the power output as the independent variable (x-axis), the efficiency as the dependent variable (y-axis) and plot for constant RPM. The isentropic efficiency of the turbine is defined as the actual work output, WT, divided by the maximum possible work output, WS, or (=WT/WS where the maximum possible work output is the isentropic work. Are pressure and temperature independent for a saturated vapor, saturated liquid, or a saturated liquid-vapor mixture? Do the transducers at the inlet and outlet of the turbine indicate that pressure and temperature are independent? Why or why not? Why is the apparatus instrumented with pressure and temperature transducers at the inlet and outlet of the turbine? Discuss the errors associated with the experiment. Report: See the class website for the report guidelines. You will turn in a summary report for this lab.     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