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Provide the following The temperature distribution within the panel A list of equations for each type of node The average value of hrad on the surface of the panel The heat transfer from the panel. Typical radiators may dissipate between 100 and 350 W/m2. Is your calculated dissipation rate reasonable? Note that you can use typical finite difference equations, substituting h (for convection) with hrad and Tsurr=T"=0. You will need to iterate your result. Start with an initial guess of hrad. Calculate the temperature distribution, and then calculate hrad based on the surface temperature. Iterate as needed. (The iteration process should be very fast. If it s not, ask your instructor because you may be making it harder than it should be.)  Hints if you use Excel: 1) Set up Excel to perform the iterations under Options, Formulas. Set the calculation to manual, the maximum number of iterations to 10,000, and the maximum change to 0.00001. Check the iteration box. Turn off Recalculate before save. When you wish to calculate your results, hit F9 (or whatever it is on your computer). 2) Save often! If you mistakenly enter an undefined number, it will spread throughout your spreadsheet once you hit F9, forcing you to start over. After making a change to an equation, save before you start to iterate. 3) Before you start entering your formulas, outline your solution space on the spreadsheet. Enter a rough estimate of the final temperature in each cell (make sure your guess temperature is above your air and water temperatures). In some versions of Excel, ifhjl   $ 6   W X $ ' ( . õçÈÈvhVvGhk7CJH*OJPJQJaJ#hz,hz,CJH*OJPJQJaJhz,CJOJPJQJaJ#hz,hz,CJH*OJPJQJaJhCJOJPJQJaJ hk7hk7CJOJPJQJaJhk7CJOJPJQJaJhCJOJPJQJaJ hz,hz,CJOJPJQJaJh7h/CJaJh7hCJaJh@`h/5CJaJh5CJaJhjl 6 X Y JLde3$a$gdpd^p`gdz,hd^hgdz,m$ & Fdgdz,m$ dgdz,  gd $  a$gd@`. 2 IJKLg389ߺߺsecU:4jhz,hz,CJOJPJQJUaJmHnHujhz,UmHnHuUh7h5>*CJaJh7h5CJ\aJh7hCJaJhz,hz,CJOJQJaJjhz,hz,PJU#hz,hz,CJH*OJPJQJaJ hz,hz,CJOJPJQJaJ'hk7hk7CJH*OJPJQJ^JaJhk7CJOJPJQJaJ#hk7hk7CJH*OJPJQJaJf you dont put in an initial guess for all the node temperatures, Excel wont have a value from which to start iterating, and youll have to start over (you cant put in your initial guess after entering the formulas). This may not be a problem with newer versions of Excel, but it certainly doesnt hurt.  QUOTE    3 mm thickness. (If there are nodes on each corner, will you have 3 or 4 nodes across the 3 mm width? 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