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Two hose barbs Four feet of rubber tubing You may use any cooling approach and any design component you wish. However, you may use only the pumps and fans provided, and no special means may be taken to increase their speed. You may purchase outside components up to $20.00 total. If you scrounge any components, you must estimate their cost if purchased new; that cost is part of your $20 maximum. Cost estimates must be realistic. Tax and shipping/handling are not included in the $20 maximum. If you machine something (like a heat sink) from scrap materials, you do not need to include the cost of the scrap materials in your total. Your system must be sustainable, i.e. you cannot simply do something like putting liquid nitrogen on copper and cool it temporarily. ALL COMPONENTS MUST BE RETURNED IN WORKING ORDER. The only exception to this is the hose barbs and tubing; please return any hose barbs or tubing still in good condition, but it is expected that some may not be. While some components may fail naturally, and you will not be charged for those, your team will be charged for any components that fail through misuse (such as trying to run the pump with no water or melting of components by turning on the heater with no cooling system attached). Do not attach anything permanently to the components that you are provided. DO NOT POWER UP YOUR HEAT SOURCE EXCEPT IN LAB. You may test your design during lab time on November 16. You may run the rest of your system (pumps, fans) whenever you like. Each member of the team achieving the lowest power/temperature will receive a prize of dubious desirability from your professor. Deliverables: The completed projects must be demonstrated to the class on November 30 during lab time. You must also turn in a report, 10 pages maximum including all figures and calculations. The report is due by 4:00 PM on Dec. 1. Report The organization of this report up to you. Make sure to include the following your final design (including enough detail for anyone to reproduce your design, although detailed design drawings are not required) why you chose this design as opposed to others your estimated power requirement to achieve a temperature of 50C (or estimated maximum temperature if below 50C) based on theory--all theoretical calculations should appear in an appendix (with a discussion in your main text, including the most important calculations) your actual power *.  ^ d f l x  9 L N Y j k l - . 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