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Depending on the lab, you will probably have one table for data and one for important results. All equations used must be shown, and all calculations must be included – either done by hand or using a computer program of your choice. The tables must be word-processed, but equations and calculations may be written by hand. The calculations must be clear and understandable. The format should be more detailed and clearer than the typical homework assignment. The questions given in the lab report should be retyped (or cut and pasted from the lab handout), and your typed answer should follow. On the first page of the report, indicate your name, the date, and the names of your lab teammates. You do not need a separate cover page. Full Report Format (Flotherm) The Flotherm report should include the following sections: Introduction to the project Methods/rules of thumb used to determine the probable best geometry before starting CFD Overview of your first geometry analyzed Grid analysis plot for your first geometry and discussion Overview of the other geometries Summary of results for all three geometries and discussion of why your best geometry worked the best Important Flotherm graphs. Less important graphs can be included in an appendix. This report should be done individually. Full Report Format (Lab 2) This report should be done in groups of two or three. Follow the guidelines for ME 120 lab reports, except that the only required sections for this class are as follows: Title Page Introduction, Theory, and Objectives Experimental Setup and Procedures Results and Discussion References Appendices Make sure to include important equations under “Theory”. Under “Results” include important data and calculated results. All of your raw data should appear in the appendix. The ME 120 guidelines are given at  HYPERLINK "http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/bjfurman/courses/ME120/me120pdf/ME120labreportguide.pdf" http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/bjfurman/courses/ME120/me120pdf/ME120labreportguide.pdf. Full Report Format (Project): See the project description. 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