Mahendra, Nidhi

Preferred: 408.924.8161
Associate Professor, Communicative Disorders and Sciences
Director, Spartan Aphasia Research Clinic (SPARC)
Associate Director (2018-19), Center for Healthy Aging in Multicutural Populations (CHAMP)
Member and LCOE Representative, Academic Senate Professional Standards Committee
Ph.D. 2001 The University of Arizona
Speech Language Hearing Science; Cognitive Neuroscience
Licenses and Certificates
ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology
California Licensure in Speech-Language Pathology
Nidhi Mahendra is a tenured faculty member in the department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences. Her areas of clinical and research interest are in Dementia and Aphasia, Healthy Aging, Multicultural Issues in Speech-Language Pathology, and in Palliative Care. At 91ÁÔÆæ, she directs the Spartan Aphasia Research Clinic (SPARC) and is a core faculty member of the interdisciplinary Center for Healthy Aging in Multicultural Populations (CHAMP).
She has been a faculty member in the California State University system since 2005 (2005-2016 at CSU East Bay) and came to San Jose State University in Fall 2016. A multilingual speech-language pathologist, she is state-licensed and nationally certified as a practitioner. Her current research is externally funded by the El Camino Hospital and Healthcare District, and the Gary and Mary West Foundation. Other recent research has been funded by The California Wellness Foundation, the Alzheimer's Association, the American Speech Language Hearing Association, and the Masonic Homes of California.
Select Publications
Mahendra, N. (2019). Guest Editorial. Hot topics in speech, language, hearing and swallowing in old age.Speech Language Hearing Journal, 22:1.
DOI: .
Mahendra, N., Hayes, K. H. (2018). Comparing physician and speech-language pathologist perceptions of client understanding about post-stroke aphasia and recovery. Aphasiology, DOI:10.1080/02687038.2018.1487920
Mahendra, N. (2018). Teaching about aphasia: speech-language pathology students' perceptions of different instructional techniques. Aphasiology, DOI:10.1080/02687038.2018.1489122
Bell, C.B., Lopez, R. P., Mahendra, N., Tamai, A., Davis, J., Amella, E., Masaki, K. (2016). Person-centered feeding care: A reassessment protocol to re-introduce oral feeding for nursing home residents on tube feeding. Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging, 20, 1-7. DOI:10.1007/s12603-016-0699-9.
Mahendra, N., Spicer, J. (2014). Access to speech-language pathology services for African American clients with aphasia: A qualitative study. Perspectives on Cultural and Linguistic Diversity, DOI:10.1044/cds21.2.53
Mahendra, N., Namazi, M. (2014). Being bilingual: Circumstantial and elective bilingualism. Invited feature, The ASHA Leader. DOI:10.1044/leader.FTR2.19112014.40
Mahendra, N., Fremont, K., Dionne, E. (2013). Teaching future providers about dementia: The impact of service learning. Seminars in Speech and Language, DOI:10.1055/s-0033-1337390.
Mahendra, N., Apple. A. (2007). Human memory systems: A framework for understanding dementia. Invited feature article, The ASHA Leader. DOI:10.1044/leader.FTR1.12162007.8
Select Book Chapters
Mahendra, N., Hickey E., Bourgeois, M. (2018). Cognitive-communicative characteristics: Profiling types of dementia (Chapter 3). In Bourgeois, M. & Hickey, E. (Eds.). Dementia: from diagnosis to management-a functional approach(2nd Edition, pp. 42 - 80). NY: Taylor & Francis.
Mahendra, N.,Hopper, T. (2017). Dementia and related neurocognitive disorders. In I. Papathanasiou, P. Coppens, C. Potagas (Eds). Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders (2ndEdition). Boston, MA:Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Adult Neurologic Disorders
Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
Alzheimer's Association
Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration
Memory and Aging Center, University of California San Francisco
Stanford Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC)
Aphasia Access
National Aphasia Association
Multicultural Issues
ASHA Office of Multicultural Affairs