Richard T. Sessions

Adjunct Faculty
School of Information Systems and Technology
Lucas College and Graduate School of Business
San José State University
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0244
Preferred: (408) 924-3421
Alternate: 408-981-9573 (Cell)
Office Hours
Fall 2022 - Wednesday 1530-1630hrs or by appointment
Office Location
BT 264
- Bachelor of Science, Cornell Univ-Endowed Colleges, 1971
Richard has thirty-five years of high-tech experience as a cube dweller, applications engineer, salesperson, marketer, mentor, $150M business unit general manager, and leader of a $400M marketing organization as well as several start-ups.Richard is currently the managing partner for Altis Solutions a consulting company focused on Digital Transformation and Agile Strategic Planning to help companies drive profitable revenue growth in today's disruptive environment. Clients have included technology IP, consumer product, and fortune 500 high-tech companies.
Richard is a graduate of Cornell University with a BS in Engineering and is an international lecturer and executive education/graduate school instructor on global new product development, high-tech product portfolio management, and high-intensity strategic planning/execution. He has been a subject matter expert for the American Productivity and Quality Center in Houston for new product development and balanced corporate performance management. Richard is a member of the Industry Advisory Group for Cornell University's Center for Technology Enterprise and Commercialization. He is also on advisory boards for several startups and is a guest lecturer for Santa Clara University's Leavey School of Business, Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Richard has been quoted in numerous articles and books on strategic processes and building the unstoppable financial powerhouse as well as has collaborated on several management books including "Beyond the Financials" and an internal A.T. Kearney, Inc management publication targeted for C-level company leadership. He has expereince designing and implementing various Business Intellegence, CRM, and ERP systems. Richard is listed in the 1999 Quality Year Book and holds several utility and business process patents.