ࡱ>  mbjbjO O m-a-a8eS,,,,,$PPPPlPC| "2 2 2 !#w$d$q,$ ! !$$,,2 2 '''$,2 ,2 '$''*.vD~2 Yxu%BryR0CyBQ&Q~~Q,~$$'$$$$$'$$$C$$$$Q$$$$$$$$$ : San Jos State University Department of Health Science and Recreation RECL 170C Internship in Therapeutic Recreation Instructor:Susan Ross, Ph.D., CTRS, RTCOffice Location:MH 508Telephone:408-924-3007, please email firstEmail:susan.ross@sjsu.eduOffice Hours:Tuesdays, 12pm-4pmClass Days/Time:n/aClassroom: Prerequisites: n/a Upper Division Standing, RECL 136, RECL 160, RECL 169, and RECL 170A.  COURSE DESCRIPTION: Supervised 40-hour per week internship program (min of 12 weeks, 560 hours) in one of a variety of approved health agencies (e.g. hospital, rehabilitation clinic, community recreation site, school site, etc). Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisites with a grade of "C" or higher. Scores below a C (70%) do not fulfill course requirement for graduation and will receive an NC (No Credit). Course Goals: Apply classroom knowledge; Test technical skills; Develop professional contacts; Demonstrate understanding of professional competencies that have been mastered and those that need further development; Demonstrate motivation, initiation and self-confidence through engagement in a supervised full-time employment (paid or unpaid) experience. Student Goals and Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: SLO 1 - Interns will acquire requisite knowledge and skills in agency specific interventions for a minimum of entry level practice of Recreation Therapy.Objectives: (a) effective therapeutic intervention skills; (b) case conceptualization and evaluation skills; (c) patient/client/participant risk management and confidentiality. SLO 2 - Interns will acquire therequisiteknowledge and skills in leisure assessmentfor a minimum of entry level practice of Recreation Therapy.Objectives: (a) conduct skilled assessment interviews; (b) using agency specific instruments appropriately; (c) integrate interview, records, and data to provide accurately write detailed leisure assessments. SLO 3 - Interns will acquire requisite knowledge of and respect for cultural and individual diversity for a minimum of entry-level practice of Recreation Therapy. Objectives:ability to monitor and apply knowledge of self and others as cultural beings in all aspects of professional work (e.g., assessment, treatment and interventions). SLO 4 - Interns will acquire the requisite knowledge and skills in consultation and communication for a minimum of entry level practice of Recreation Therapy.Objectives: (a) understanding of and responsiveness to professional consultation questions; and (b) openness to giving and receiving feedback in collaborating with other professionals. SLO 5 - Interns will acquire the requisite knowledge of professional standards, ethics, and legal issues for a minimum of entry level practice of Recreation Therapy.Objectives:(a) ethical and legal practice; (b) management of ethical dilemmas;and (c) ethical conduct with staff, other trainees and/or volunteers. SLO 6 - Interns will acquire the requisite knowledge of the strategies of scholarly inquiry and evaluation.Objectives: (a) consumer of scholarly literature; (b) application of scholarly/scientific knowledge to the specific agency setting; and (c) participation in scholarly inquiry/activity; and participation in program evaluation. SO 7 - Interns will develop maturing professional identities as Recreation Therapists. Objectives:(a)evidence of professional growth; (b)integration of professional ideas and behaviors into own professional identity; and (c) development of realistic career plans. SLO 8 - Interns will acquire knowledge of theories and/or methods of supervision.Objectives:(a) demonstrate knowledge of supervision models and theories; (b) respond appropriately to supervision; and (c) awarenessof professional strengths and limitations. Required Text: Stumbo, N.J.,Folkerth, J.E. (2013). Study guide for the therapeutic recreation specialist certification examination, 4th edition. Champagne, IL: Sagamore. West, R.E., Kinney, T., J. Witman, J. (2008). Competency Assessment and Curriculum Planning for Recreational Therapy, Revised. Hattiesburg, MS, American Therapeutic Recreation Association. The following list outlines the major competencies that will tested on for the national and state based Recreation Therapy certifications exams. National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification  HYPERLINK "http://www.nctrc.org/" http://www.nctrc.org/ Professional Roles and Responsibilities Assessment Planning Interventions and/or Programs Implementing Interventions and/or Programs Evaluate Outcomes of the Interventions and/or Programs Documenting Intervention Services Working with Treatment and/or Service Teams Organizing Programs Managing TR/RT Services Public Awareness and Advocacy California Board of Recreation and Park Certification  HYPERLINK "http://www.cbrpc.org" www.cbrpc.org Administration and Management Disability / Population Characteristics Documentation Legislative / Patient / Consumer rights History and Philosophy Professionalism and Ethics Programming Treatment Modalities Learning Management Tool: This course is supported by a website hosted on the 91 e-campus. Refer to instructor for access. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Refer to the National Council on Therapeutic Recreation Certification and the California Board of Recreation and Park Certification internship standards and traditional activities during entire affiliation for setting goals and markers of achievement. Utilize these documents to set list of achievable activities. Course Delivery and Assignments: 1. Assignment 1: Accurately complete NCTRC National Certification Application forms and submit via postal mail before the end of the semester. SLO 1, 5, 7. Submit the certification application verification form (found on CANVAS) at the end of the term. 2. Assignment 2: Track your Learning: Use the Practicum/Internship Competencies Checklist. SLO 1-8. Please obtain this document in CANVAS or from the department website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/hsr/academicprograms/recreation/recreationtherapy/internships/index.html" http://www.sjsu.edu/hsr/academicprograms/recreation/recreationtherapy/internships/index.html 3. Assignment 3: Submit your final packet of summative materials to the university supervisor during the last week of internship or within 72 hours of completing your internship. SLO 1-8. Summary of achievements (see RECL 170ABC packet). Agency supervisor evaluation of intern (midterm and final). NCTRC Application and verification form. Verification of hours completed. Assignment Information: All assignments, instructions and due dates, are posted on the Canvas course site. All assignments must be submitted via the CANVAS course site. Agency supervisors may choose to fax or mail internship evaluation in lieu of intern submitting through CANVAS. GRADING: Grading will be for credit or no credit based upon total points (180) earned in term. A = 90% and above B = 80-89% C = 70-79 % Scores below a C (70%) do not fulfill course requirement for graduation and will receive an NC (No Credit). AssignmentsPoint ValueSLOAssignment 1 50 points1, 5, 7Assignment 250 points1-8Assignment 350 points1-8TOTAL150 points Grading Policy: Credit or No Credit (must achieve 70 percent of points) Dropping and Adding Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drop, grade forgiveness, etc. Refer to the current semesters  HYPERLINK "http://info.sjsu.edu/static/catalog/policies.html" Catalog Policies section at http://info.sjsu.edu/static/catalog/policies.html. Add/drop deadlines can be found on the  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/provost/Academic_Calendars/" current academic calendar web page at http://www.sjsu.edu/provost/Academic_Calendars/. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/aars/policies/latedrops/policy/" Late Drop Policy is available at http://www.sjsu.edu/aars/policies/latedrops/policy/. Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for dropping classes. Information about the latest changes and news is available at the  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/advising/" Advising Hub at http://www.sjsu.edu/advising/. Class Policies: Assignments: Late assignments WILL NOT be accepted; early submission is fine. An assignment is late if it is not turned in by the due date. All assignments must be submitted electronically in the assignment Canvas drop box tab. Pre-internship conduct policy: 1. Maintain a professional manner at all times. Remember, not only are you creating a reputation for yourself, but you are also acting as a representative of 91 and the Health Sciences and Recreation Department. 2. Arrive to class and scheduled appointments on time and notify the agency (or your instructor) if it becomes necessary to deviate from the specified schedule. 3. Dress appropriately for the agency and activities assigned. 4. Carry out all responsibilities and assignments to the best of your ability. 5. Communicate with your instructor on a regular basis. 6. Adhere to 91 and RECL Policies and Procedures. 7. Ask questionsthis is one of the best ways to learn. They expect you are a learner. 8. Enjoy the experience as much as you can. University Policies Academic Integrity Your commitment as a student to learning is evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/S07-2.htm" Universitys Academic Integrity policy, located at http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/S07-2.htm, requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/studentconduct/" Student Conduct and Ethical Development website is available at http://www.sjsu.edu/studentconduct/. Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another persons ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include your assignment or any material you have submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that 91s Academic Integrity Policy S07-2 requires approval of instructors. Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours.  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/president/docs/directives/PD_1997-03.pdf" Presidential Directive 97-03 at http://www.sjsu.edu/president/docs/directives/PD_1997-03.pdf requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the  HYPERLINK "http://www.drc.sjsu.edu/" Disability Resource Center (DRC) at http://www.drc.sjsu.edu/ to establish a record of their disability. Student Technology Resources Computer labs for student use are available in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.at.sjsu.edu/asc" Academic Success Center at http://www.at.sjsu.edu/asc/ located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall and in the Associated Students Lab on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. Additional computer labs may be available in your department/college. Computers are also available in the Martin Luther King Library. 91 Peer Connections The Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARC) and the Peer Mentor Program have merged to become Peer Connections. Peer Connections is the new campus-wide resource for mentoring and tutoring. Our staff is here to inspire students to develop their potential as independent learners while they learn to successfully navigate through their university experience. Students are encouraged to take advantage of our services which include course-content based tutoring, enhanced study and time management skills, more effective critical thinking strategies, decision making and problem-solving abilities, and campus resource referrals. Peer Connections is located in three locations: SSC, Room 600 (10th Street Garage on the corner of 10th and San Fernando Street), at the 1st floor entrance of Clark Hall, and in the Living Learning Center (LLC) in Campus Village Housing Building B. Visit  HYPERLINK "http://peerconnections.sjsu.edu" Peer Connections website at http://peerconnections.sjsu.edu for more information. 91 Writing Center The 91Writing Center is located in Suite 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by professional instructors and upper-division or graduate-level writing specialists from each of the seven 91 colleges. Ourwriting specialistshave met a rigorous GPA requirement, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all disciplines to become better writers. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/" Writing Center staff can be found at http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/. RECL 170C: RT Internship , Semester, Term Tentative Course Calendar DateTopicReadingsMon 1.30First Day of Internship NONEMon 2.6Mon 2.13Mon 2.20Mon 2.27Mon 3.5Mon 3.12Mon 3.19Mon 3.26Spring BreakMon 4.2Mon 4.9Mon 4.16Mon 4.23Mon 4.30Begin prepping final reportMon 5.7Begin prepping applications (NCTRC & CBRPC) to be able to site for the national and state certification examsMon 5.14Mon 5.21RECL 170C Internship Report is due Addendum Department of Health Science and Recreation Recreation Degree Recreation Therapy Concentration RECL 170C Internship Student Internship - Application and Contract Contains the following information and forms: Criteria for Student Internship Report Student Profile Sheet Internship Agency Approval Form Site Supervisor Evaluation Form. All of these forms must be completed (PRIOR) to beginning affiliations. See Internship supervisor for the specified due date for submission of the Student Internship Contract RECL 170C INTERNSHIP COURSE Course Description: Internship in Therapeutic Recreation: Supervised 40-hour per week internship program (minimum of 15 consecutive weeks; 560 hours) in one of a variety of approved health agencies (e.g. hospital, rehabilitation clinic). Prerequisite: RECL 160; RECL 170A, Upper division standing and instructor consent. Course Objectives: These internship courses allow the student to develop exposure, understanding, and working knowledge of actual operations within the recreation industry. The student will be able to apply some of the theoretical and academic subject matter in recreation to this work experience. Grading: Credit (CR)) or No Credit (NC) will be determined based on your site Supervisors Evaluation and Internship Report of your work experience. It is imperative that both elements of the grade be satisfactory to receive a CR. An Incomplete grade (INC) will not be given without prior approval from the Internship Coordinator. RECL 170C INTERNSHIP REQUIREMENTS Students are responsible for finding their own internship placement. However, recommendations and/or contacts may be available through your designated Academic Advisor or Departmental Internship Coordinator. The Student Profile Sheet, and Internship Agency Proposal Form must be submitted to the internship coordinator for approval by the due date specified at the start of each semester. At the end of your internship, the site Supervisor Evaluation Form and Student Internship Report must be submitted to the Internship Coordinator by the given due date. Criteria for Student Internship Report (delivered at end of term) The student must submit a typed written report of their work experience to the Internship Coordinator by the given due date. Late reports will not be accepted. Introduction: provide an accurate description of the company/agency where you interned. Also, provide a summary of the services/programs provided by your company/agency. Organizational structure: include the companys/agencys organizational chart and highlight your position within the organization. Provide a job description of your position and explain the skills you feel you have mastered during your internship and the areas of improvement needed to become successful. Describe the project(s) you directed and/or work experience in detail and provide examples of the valuable skills acquired learned during your internship and the connection between theoretical information and academic coursework to the work experience. For RECL 170C, in addition to describing project(s) and work experience, complete RT/TR competency journal. Describe the leadership style of your organization and your direct supervisor. Provide recommendations and/or new ideas that you would implement to improve overall programs, service, operations, and resources. Based on your internship experience, what are your career goals in one and five years? Develop a plan to achieve them. How could the Internship be improved for future students? Report format: Cover page, headings for each section. (Proof read prior to submission) Student Profile Sheet Student Name: ____________________________________ Status (circle): Senior Junior Sophomore Freshman Semester: ____________ Phone: ____________ Email address:_________________________________ RECL 170C List 4 most recent Recreation work experiences accumulated since you graduated from high school. Provide paid and/or volunteer work. Attach a resume. AGENCY CITY JOB TITLEIMMEDIATE SUPERVISORPHONE NUMBERHOW LONG  Additional Information (Attach to Profile Sheet) 1. Assess your strengths both professional and personal. Professional: Personal: 2. In what areas do you believe you need further development? Include personal attributes and professional needs. 3. Your professional aspirations: Upon graduation: Five years after graduation: 4. Problems that may influence Internship placement (i.e. travel restriction, international student, etc.) Preferred internship/practicum setting (resorts, hospitals, theme parks, event companies). Internship Agency Proposal Form (Complete with your Internship Site Supervisor) Student Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Phone (cell) _______________________ Phone (evening) __________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________ Internship Agency: _______________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Start Date: ____________________ End Date: __________________________ Direct Supervisor: ______________________________ Title: _________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________Fax _________________________ Email address: ____________________________________________________ Student Internship Position/Title: ___________________________________ Is this internship a paid position (if yes, please answer below)? Hourly Wage, if so, amount $______________ Stipend, if so, amount $__________________ Scholarship, if so, amount $_______________ Transportation Reimbursement: _____________ Other, explain: __________________________ Have you had 91 interns at your site in the past? If yes, in what positions and how was the experience for your organization? Students: Complete this section in consultation with your site supervisor Identify four (4) specify student learning outcomes expected: 1. 2. 3. 4. Summary of planned activities: (List up to 10) 1. RECL 170C: Major Project: ____________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _____________________________________ _______________________________ Internship Site Supervisors Signature Print Name ____________________________________ __________________ Internship Site Supervisors Title Date RECL Internship Coordinator Approval: ___________________ Date: ________ Thank you for your interest and participation in our Recreation Degree Intern program. Your support and feedback will complement their academic experiences and help prepare them transition from school to their careers. Your time is greatly appreciated by all. Required Agreement Between 91/HS&R and Internship Site Complete Prior to Start of Internship INSURANCE: University Insurance. University shall procure and maintain in force during the term of this Agreement, at its sole cost and expense, insurance in amounts reasonably necessary to protect it against liability arising from any and all negligent acts or incidents caused by Universitys employees. Coverage under such professional and commercial general liability insurance shall be not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each occurrence and two million dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate. Such coverage shall be obtained from a carrier rated A or better by AM Best or a qualified program of self-insurance. The University shall maintain and provide evidence of workers compensation coverage as required by law. University shall provide (Name your site) upon request with evidence of the insurance or equivalent self-insurance required under this paragraph. Agency Insurance. (Name your site) shall procure and maintain in force during the term of this Agreement, at its sole cost and expense, insurance in amounts reasonably necessary to protect it against liability arising from any and all negligent acts or incidents caused by its employees. Coverage under such professional and commercial general liability insurance shall be not less than one million dollars ($1, 000,000) for each occurrence and three million dollars (3,000,000) in aggregate. Such coverage shall be obtained from a carrier rated A or better by AM Best or a qualified program of self-insurance. (Name your site) shall maintain and provide evidence of workers compensation coverage as required by law. (Name your site) shall provide University upon request with evidence of the insurance required under this paragraph, which will provide for not less than thirty (30) days notice of cancellations to University. (Name your site) shall promptly notify University of any cancellation, reduction, or other material change in the amount or scope of any coverage required hereunder. INDEMNIFICATION: University agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless (Name your site) and its affiliates, directors, trustees, officers, agents, and employees, against all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses of whatever nature, including court costs and reasonable attorneys fees, arising out of resulting from Universitys sole negligence, or in proportion to the Universitys comparative fault. (Name your site) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless University and its affiliates, directors, trustees, officers, agents, and employees, against all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses of whatever nature, including court costs and reasonable attorneys fees arising out of or resulting from (Name your site)s sole negligence, or in proportion to the (Name your site)s comparative fault. ________________________________ ______________________________ Internship Site Supervisors Signature: Internship Site Supervisors Title: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Site Supervisors Name (printed) _____________________________ Date: ___________ RECL Internship Coordinator SITE SUPERVISOR EVALUATION FORM SENIOR INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE FORM SENT BY 91 TO INTERN Recreation Program Recreation Therapy Degree Department of Health Science and Recreation San Jose State University An evaluation of the student will be performed during the students last week of the internship. Please complete and submit final evaluations on or before last day of internship placement. This evaluation should be faxed, emailed or delivered to: Susan Ross, Ph.D., CTRS, RTC Recreation Therapy Program Director Department of Health Science and Recreation One Washington Square, MH 407 San Jose State University San Jose, CA 95192-0211 TEL: 408 924 2971 FAX: 408 924 2979 susan.ross@sjsu.edu Office: 408-924-3007 Agency Name: ___________________________________________________________ Student's Name: ___________________________________ Supervisor's Name: _________________________________ Title: __________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________ E-mail Address: __________________________________________ If I were assigning a final grade to represent the student's overall performance during this Senior Internship assignment it would be: A B C D F Intern supervisor:__________________________email: _________________________ Date: ______ Signature of Agency Supervisor: ______________________________________ Thank you for making the time and effort to support our student interns! The following verifies that: _________________________________________ (Students Name) has completed ________ hours of internship under my supervision between the dates of ____/____/____ and ____/____/____/ in the _______________________________________ (department) area of this agency. ( I am interested in other Recreation Therapy interns in the future. Please contact me. My suggestion(s) to the University for improving the internship experience and program are:     PAGE  PAGE 14 RECL 170C, Recreation Therapy, Semester, Year (EFIJKO^jtuv    " $ 5 8 : E V Y Z s v ƽ󝕊tldht!CJaJh9ZCJaJhC$hC$^JaJhC$hC$CJaJhC$hmVCJaJhUCJaJhC$hmV^JaJhC$h`)5CJaJh9Z5CJaJh s5CJaJht!h s5CJaJh*5CJaJht!ht!5CJaJhC$hC$5CJaJhC$hmV5CJaJ%FuvXUkd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laytH4 $IfgdC$ #$IfgdC$$ & p@ P !1$a$gd`)$ & p@ P !1$a$gdmV  ?6 $IfgdC$Ukd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laytH4 $IfgdU #$IfgdC$UkdR$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laytH4   # $ 5 9 ?UkdH$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laytH4 $IfgdC$ #$IfgdC$Ukd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laytH49 : E U V Z $Ifgd9Z $IfgdC$ #$IfgdC$Ukd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laytH4v w }  Y 8 ´vvg\\hC$h`)CJaJh}Bh9ZB*CJaJph"""h}BB*CJaJph"""hD*yB*CJaJph"""h}Bh}BB*CJaJph"""h9Zh`)CJaJhC$h`)5CJaJhC$hC$5>*CJaJhC$hmVCJaJhC$hC$CJaJh9ZCJaJh sCJaJht!CJaJh3CJaJh*CJaJ ? @ t`d<<-DM gd}Bd-DM gd}Bgd`)$ & p@ P !1$@&a$gd`)Ukd$$Ifl0 D%` P t%44 laytH4    [ccmksP[` Wb̻zznh sB*CJaJphhr"B*CJaJph h}Bh}B>*B*CJaJphh}Bh}BB*CJaJphh}BB*CJaJphh}Bh}BtH!h}B5CJOJQJaJmH sH hC$h}B5CJOJQJaJ&h}Bh}B5;B*CJ\aJphh}B5B*CJ\aJph*   [k  1$7$8$gdl=(gd5$ & p@ P !1$@&a$gd}B$ & p@ P !1$@&a$gd`)d-DM gd sd-DM gd}Bgd}B<gd}B ; -st@ʺzk_kWO> h*hr"5B*CJaJphhr"CJaJh5CJaJhl=OJQJmH sH hl=h5OJQJmH sH hl=h5OJQJmH sH #hl=hl=B*CJH*aJhph hl=hl=B*CJaJhphhl=B*CJaJhphh5CJOJQJaJmH sH h}Bh`);CJaJh}BhC$5;CJaJhC$hC$5CJaJh sh`)B*CJaJphst@|8Z;Y% & Fgdr"$ & Fgdr" % & Fgdr"gdr"$ & p@ P !1$a$gdr"(gd5@Adez{| +,9:;  $&Ƿuh]L=h0h`)5;CJ\aJ h0hC$5;CJ\]aJhC$hr"CJaJh}nhr"OJQJaJh/hr"0JCJaJjh/hr"CJUaJh*hr"5CJaJh/hr"CJaJh}nhr"CJOJQJ^Jh}nhr"CJOJQJ\^Jh}nhr"OJQJ\aJh/hr"0JCJ\aJh/hr"CJ\aJ jh/hr"CJU\aJY  &dd-DM [$\$gdXzqdd-DM [$\$gd`)$ & p@ P !1$@&a$gd`)gd`)gd`)$ & p@ P !1$a$gdr"% & Fgdr"&g8S   KTU^~º{ssg^ULUhpCJ\aJh,ACJ\aJh}nCJ\aJh,Ah,ACJ\aJh,ACJaJhC$h=:CJaJhpCJaJh=:CJaJhXzqCJaJhXzqh`)5;CJaJh}Bh`)5;CJaJh sCJaJh}BCJaJh0h`)CJaJh0h`)5CJaJhC$h`)5CJaJh*CJaJhC$h`)CJaJo ,!^!!!!!R"#$yg hh^h`gd`) & Fdd-DM [$\$gd`) & F-DM gdO{ -DM gdO{ & F&dd-DM [$\$gd=:0dd-DM [$\$^`0gd=:0dd-DM [$\$^`0gd`) ~  m n o } !!#!(!*!+!-!]!^!_!!!!!!!!!!!!"ܶrf^h\CJaJhO{h`);CJaJh\h5;CJaJh}BCJaJh=:h=:CJaJhphpCJaJhpCJaJhXzqCJaJh=:CJaJh=:h=:CJ\aJh,Ah,A0JCJ\aJh,Ah,ACJ\aJ jh,Ah,ACJU\aJh,ACJ\aJhXzqCJ\aJ$"="C"|"""""## # ##2#`#$$$$%$1$2$3$5$=$>$D$E$F$S$U$]$^$`$a$b$m$n$º|t|tihXzqhXzqCJaJh5CJaJhVh\CJaJhVhO{CJaJhVhO{5>*CJaJhVhO{5CJaJhC$h`)5>*CJaJh\CJaJhC$h`)>*CJaJhO{h`)CJaJhO{h`)5CJaJh}BCJaJhXzqCJaJhC$h`)CJaJ$$$ $$$%$3$=$L= h$IfgdVkd>$$IflFVl ! 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