20: Jump Start New Tenure Track Faculty Onboarding begins with asynchronous online programming
27: , 10 am
28: , 1 pm
1: AY 2022-23 Revision goes live
1: , 3 pm
2: , 10 am
3: Department Chairs & Directors Training/Welcome Back
3: , 9:30 am
3: , 2 pm
4: , 11 am
8: Jump Start New Faculty Orientation on campus programming begins (through 8/12)
9: , 12 pm
10: Course Prep Marathon, 9 am - 2 pm, in WSQ 207 and Zoom ()
10: , 3 pm
11: , 10 am
12: , 2:30 pm
17-18: Faculty Pre-Instruction Activities
17: New(er) Lecturer Welcome, 1-4 pm, on campus location TBD and in Zoom ()
19: First day of Instruction for Fall 2022
1: , 12:00 pm
2: , 11:00 am
6: Labor Day (campus closed)
12: Sabbatical applications due
22: Range Elevation applications due
29: RTP dossiers due
30: concludes